Senate Doc #3589S Approved 3/9/89 APC Document #27 Catalog and Policy Changes in Academic Warning Policy A. The Advising Committee recommends 2 changes in catalog wording concerning ACADEMIC WARNING (p.27 of current catalog) l. DELETE (line 7): "a special academic advisor" REPLACE WITH: "their academic advisor" RATIONALE: There is no group of "special" academic advisors. 2. DELETE (line 7-8): "These students are normally limited to 14 credit hours per semester and to light summer loads." REPLACE WITH: "These students are limited to 14 credit hours per semester and to 1 course per summer term." RATIONALE: a. "Normally" is misleading. The present policy is that 14 hrs is a firm limit for all students on warning. Any policy has exceptions but they should be rare in this case. Omit. b. "Light" summer load is vague. The present interpretation is "not more than 4 hrs at any time during the summer session". B. We also recommend one non-catalog procedural clarification: POLICY: Exceptions to these details are to be made only by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs or his delegate. RATIONALE: There was confusion this time who was to hear pleas, with authority to grant waivers. Most reasonable seem to be the VCAA or his Assistant VC for Enrollment Services. Page 2