Senate Doc #2289S Approved 3/2/89 APC Document #14 Catalog changes in Accounting Effective date: Fall 1989 1. On page 56 substitute following paragraph for the current Managerial Accounting Track paragraph: Managerial Accounting Track - This track prepares students whose interests are in private accounting for business, industry or other organizations. Required courses: ACCT 318, 415, 440, 447, MGMT 313, ECON 306, and two courses selected from the following: ACCT 416, ECON 335, MGMT 350 and 460. 2. Change the prerequisites for ACCT 415 on page 57 and 440 on page 58 from CSCI 141 or 126 to CSCI 126 or ACCT 330. 3. Delete title and description of Management 461 on p. 148. Rationale for above changes: 1. Accounting Program: (a). substitution of ECON 306 Managerial Finance for MGMT 461 Cost Control Concepts. Rationale for change: Greater understanding by the internal accountant of capital budgeting and the associated procedures will be of benefit in the rapidly changing area of interest. (b). offering options among several courses in order to give the Managerial Accounting track students an opportunity to develop greater depth of understanding in more specific areas of interest. Rationale for change: At present, students are required to take Marketing and Production. While that may be best for those students who are going to work for a manufacturing firm, the other options would make the track more pertinent for those who are interested in managerial accounting for service, not-for-profits, or governmental organizations. (c). change prerequisites for ACCT 415 and 440. Rationale for change: Change prerequisites to reflect the APC Document #7: Admission to major requirements in Accounting. 2. Management Program: Rationale for change: Course is no longer required for Managerial Accounting track (1(a) above) and is no longer taught. Page 2