FACULTY SENATE MEETING MINUTES - May 7, 1987 Senate Members: S. Browning, M. Gillum, G. Henderson, G. Kormanik, B. Larson, C. Mitchell, P. Nickless, S. Patch, C. Prokop, J. Rackham, R. Reinoso, P. Sweeney, T. Uldricks, K. Whatley Visitors: P. Betts, J. Cadle, T. Cochran, D. Howard, E. Iovacchini, D. Lisnerski, J. McGlinn, S. Raynis Excused: M. Marshall, L. Nelms The May 7 meeting of the Faculty Senate was called to order at 4:00 pm in RL1 by Chair Pamela Nickless. The minutes of the April meeting were approved. Dr. Rackham gave the Administrative report. He announced that program directors for Atmospheric Sciences and Health Promotions have been selected. Cheryl McClary has been chosen for the latter position. Candidates for Assistant Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Services are currently visiting. Applications for registrar are now being considered. Concerning Undergraduate Research Fellowships - since some of the candidates and their alternates have not accepted the awards, not all of the Fellowship money may be used as delegated. There was a question concerning the change in dates of the academic year. It has been adjusted to match the schedule of WCU, and also to give classes a Monday start day, enabling students to have a weekend before the first day of class and finals. Chair Pamela Nickless announced that the matter of a secretary for the Senate hopefully will be resolved by July 1. Dr. Nickless presented a resolution asking the Senate to award Jo Cadle a certificate of appreciation from the faculty for her years of service. This was voted upon and passed unanimously. She next presented Executive Document #6, a resolution asking Chancellor Brown to meet with the Senate at the September meeting to discuss his specific objections to Senate Document #10 regarding Academic Eligibility. This was voted upon and passed unanimously. Mr. Sweeney next gave the report from the Academic Policies Committee. APC Document #1: Request for authorization to establish a new degree program - Master's Degree in Liberal/ General Studies. Mr. Sweeney, Dr. Uldricks and Dr. Rackham received questions concerning the content of the document. They established that this is not a guiding concept, nor a catalogue copy, and that much rewriting remains. Funding has not been defined specifically, but some advance money has been made available to the budget in the form of FTE. Some money is assured from a special appropriation for library funding. It is not assured that we will receive funding for secretarial-office support for the first year of implementation. The existing faculty will initially absorb the responsibilities of the program. We do expect some initial organizational difficulty as existing programs are called upon to offer support. Those faculty involved with teaching, advising and other graduate activities will be evaluated similarly to the present procedure. Faculty and classes will be chosen by a program committee who will accept applications for new courses. The Document was voted upon, - passed unanimously - became Senate Document #1 APC Document #2: Revised Protocol for MLA program During discussion an amendment was made to remove the third sentence of the second paragraph - "Throughout the initial years .." This was voted upon and passed. The document was voted upon as amended. - passed unanimously - became Senate Document #2 APC Document #3: Changes in Political Science Department catalog description Mr. Sweeney stated that this document was an attempt to correct errors of past APC actions, which encouraged proliferation of pre-law tracks. Since no pre-law program exists at UNCA, the best preparation for interested students is a strong academic development in any department which has a relevant content area. Discussion revealed that the Senate's approval of the document does not imply agreement with its rationale. The document was voted upon, - passed unanimously - became Senate Document #3 Dr. Browning gave the report for the Institutional Development Committee. The IDC met with the UPC, completing work on the Communications Self Study. The IDC approved part of the requests of the Study, and sent its recommendations to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. These include approval of the idea to create a new department called Mass Communications, and various recommendations concerning curriculum, pre-requisites, statements of objectives and mission, enrollment, and financial and academic support for the program. Dr. Kormanik gave the report for the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee. He presented the document of Off-Campus Scholarly Assignments and detailed the changes which improved it. Following discussion, a friendly amendment was made to remove the last sentence of #3 under "Eligibility," beginning "In no case will UNCA ..." The document was voted upon with this amendment, - passed unanimously - became Senate Document #4 Dr. Rackham commended Dr. Kormanik, the Committee and all who contributed for their hard work on this most important document. Dr. Kormanik presented the Drug Abuse and Controlled Substance Policy which Dr. Iovacchini had developed and moved that it be accepted as the Drug Abuse policy for UNCA, according to state and federal regulations. There was some discussion concerning the legal interpretation of II.C. Following a recommendation from Dr. Reinoso to consult legal counsel, the document was voted upon, - passed, with one nay (Dr. Reinoso) - became Senate Document #5 Dr. Kormanik presented FWD #1 - a Five-Year Plan for Faculty Development, written from the survey performed by Dr. Raynis. He described the various sections of the plan, whose purpose is to commit the Administration, Faculty Senate and faculty to the enhancement of faculty development. Discussion followed concerning various points of the document. It was agreed that at least an initial document should be presented to the Administration before Fall, when funds will be allocated. The Senate agreed to pass the document as Sense of the Senate, presenting to the Administration the first two paragraphs and the six unnumbered points without the descriptions. The FWD committee was asked to continue to develop the descriptions, completing the document for consideration by the Senate in the Fall. The document - became Senate Document #6 There was no old business. Under new business, Dr. Kormanik announced that the SGA has requested a list of recommendations for a faculty conciliator. He submitted the following names for the Senate's approval: Ivan Cohen, Tracy Brown, Charlotte Goedsche, Bruce Greenawalt. The list was approved, voted upon and passed. There was no further new business. The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 pm. Submitted by B. McClure G. Kormanik