FACULTY SENATE MEETING Minutes, February 25, 1988 Senate Members: S. Browning, M. Gillum, G. Henderson, G. Kormanik, B. Larson, M. Marshall, C. Mitchell, L. Nelms, P. Nickless, S. Patch, C. Prokop, R. C. Reinoso, P. Sweeney, T. Uldricks, K. Whatley, Visitors: A. Altimus, R. Booker, W. Bruce, M. Cleek, T. Cochran, T. Dohse, J. Garrett, A. Gravely, D. Harmon, K. Howard, C. McClary, H. Stern, student Excused: L. Wilson The February 25th meeting of the Faculty Senate was called to order at 3:35 pm in the Whitman Room of Ramsey Library by Chair Pamela Nickless. The minutes of the January meeting were approved. Dr. Wilson was ill and unable to give the Administrative Report. Dr. Nickless did not have a report from the Executive Committee at this time. Mr. Sweeney reported for the Academic Policy Committee. Catalog changes to be proposed by the departments need to be sent to the APC by March 12 in order to be acted on March 24. As this does not leave a great deal of time to review the documents before the March 31 meeting, Mr. Sweeney will try to distribute these documents by hand. It will be very difficult to incorporate into the catalog anything of substance that was passed after March 31. Mr. Sweeney presented the following documents: APC #12 - Proposal to Revise the Curriculum in Literature and Language In a friendly amendment, Dr. Gillum agreed to change Literature course numbers from 311, 312, 313, 314 to 321, 322, 323, 324 respectively. This document was seconded by Dr. Larson, unanimously approved as amended, and became Senate Document #20. APC #13 - Health Promotion Minor ___ ADD to page 122 of the E-11987-88 Catalog a minor in Health Promotion to the Academic Programs. Page 2 In answer to Dr. Kormanik's question, Dr. McClary stated that the course listed as HP 200 was in error, and should read HP 221. In a friendly amendment, Dr. McClary agreed to add BIO 105 as a prerequisite for HP 140, Biological Bases of Human Health. This document was seconded by Dr. Larson, unanimously approved as amended, and became Senate Document #21. ________ _______ APC #14 - Academic Warning (effective Fall 1988) ___ _______ _______ ADD to pg. 26 1987-88 Catalog a new section after "Academic Load" and before "Academic Eligibility:" In a friendly amendment, the sentence: "Students who are ... help with scheduling." was replaced with: "Students who are on Academic Warning will be notified by the Registrar that their schedules have been blocked and they must see a special academic advisor." This document was seconded by Dr. Larson, unanimously approved as amended, and became Senate Document #22. APC #15 - Individual Degree Programs and Exemptions from General Education Requirements In a friendly amendment, Mr. Sweeney agreed to strike: "The proposal will be evaluated by ... of the Faculty Senate." This was replaced with, "The proposal will be evaluated by a committee composed of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the Chair of the Academic Policies Committee of the Faculty Senate, and a third faculty member as chosen by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs." This document was seconded by Dr. Larson, unanimously approved as amended, and became Senate Document #23. APC #16 - Transfer Credit for General Education Mr. Sweeney stated that this document was not a catalog copy, but rather the Senate directing the VCAA to establish a task force to deal with the acceptance of transfer equivalencies for general education courses. In response to Ms. Marshall's question, Mr. Sweeney stated that the task force would meet and draw up guidelines for students and others in Administration or the Registrar's office who routinely work on transcript evaluations. This document was seconded by Dr. Larson, unanimously approved, and became Senate Document #24. APC #17 - A Minor Program in the Department of Management Mr. Sweeney presented the document, stating the document should read 21 semester hours instead of 18. It was also amended editorially to read: "The minor will consist of 21 hours. 18 Page 3 hours will be drawn from the following course offerings: ACCT 215, ECON 200, ECON 306 or ECON 335, MGMT 200, MGMT 340, MGMT 350." This document was seconded by Dr. Larson, unanimously approved, and became Senate Document #25. Dr. Browning reported for the Institutional Development Committee. IDC continues to meet with the Planning Council on a weekly basis. They have completed the ranking of the Capital Budget proposals. Dr. Browning stated those in the high category will far exceed any amount of funds we can reasonably expect to receive. After the Spring break, IDC will put a priority within the high category and forward a recommendation to the Chancellor and his staff. The MLA resource proposal and the issue of prerequisites for majors has not been completed and will be addressed again after the break. The last three weeks have been spent dealing with the Thrust proposals that have been submitted. Dr. Browning hopes to conclude that discussion and analysis next week, in which case he could bring the results to the next Senate meeting. In response to Dr. Mitchell's question, Dr. Browning stated that the Chancellor had asked the Planning Council to forward a recommendation to him. Dr. Mitchell asked that a sense of the Senate be taken on the floor, so they would have an opportunity to endorse or not endorse Planning Council's recommendation to the Chancellor. Dr. Browning thought the UPC would agree to her request. In response to Dr. Kormanik's question regarding some questionable expenditures in the Thrust areas, Dr. Browning stated that the UPC will meet with Dr. Cochran to develop a formal reporting and accountability mechanism so Thrust funds can be tracked. Dr. Kormanik reported for the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee. He withheld FWDC #9 (Proposal for Distribution of Indirect/Overhead Monies) until the FWDC can determine what regulations from General Administration apply to UNCA for disposition of these funds. Dr. Kormanik presented: FWDC #10 - Modifications to Faculty Senate Document #33 Distinguished Teacher Award Dr. Kormanik stated that this document did not change the description of the criteria for the Distinguished Teaching Award. It reflected changes the Senate made at its last meeting when the University Teaching Council was established. In response to Dr. Larson's question, Dr. Nickless directed the FWDC to look at the procedures this year and see that they are followed next year, or submit changes so the document reflects what is actually being done. Dr. Gillum made a motion to strike Section II. F. This was seconded by Dr. Whatley and unanimously approved. Page 4 The document was seconded by Ms. Marshall, unanimously approved as amended, and became Senate Document #26. Dr. Kormanik announced that the FWDC is going to try to start the elections next week. FWDC has appointed the Ruth and Leon Feldman Professorship Fund Prize Committee which will be in charge of this year's awards. It includes: Martha Marshall, Steve Patch, Paul Sweeney, Betsy Coleman, Charlie Reed, and Milton Ready. There was no Old Business. Under New Business, Dr. Reinoso asked about the procedure for bringing an issue before the Senate. Dr. Nickless stated that there was a Senate meeting scheduled immediately after Spring break to primarily address APC business. Dr. Mitchell asked for clarification on bringing the issue of Thrust areas before the Senate. Dr. Nickless stated any Senator could make a proposal under New Business. Dr. Nickless adjourned the meeting at 4:30 PM. Respectfully submitted by: Sandra M. Gravely Gregg Kormanik