Senate Doc 1A87S Executive Doc #1 Senate Resolution Executive Document #1 May 1987 WHEREAS the present Policy on Academic Eligibility is unfair to students, is difficult for students and faculty advisors to understand, and cannot be uniformly implemented; and WHEREAS it is the responsibility of the Faculty Senate to "develop institutional policy and procedure in academic matters" that is fair and enhances the academic climate at UNCA; and WHEREAS the Admissions Committee, the Academic Policies Committee and full Senate have studied, debated and carried on dialogue with the administration for five years, resulting in documents approved by the Senate in 1983, 1984 and 1986; and WHEREAS the Chancellor has not approved any improvement to the Academic Eligibility Policy, BE IT RESOLVED that the Senate requests the Chancellor respond to the whole Senate at its September, 1987 meeting, explaining his specific objections to Senate Document #10 passed this year. The object of this dialogue shall be to arrive at a mutually acceptable policy to be written by the 1987-88 Academic Policies Committee.