FWDC #2 SENATE #0587F Approved 5/18/87 DRUG ABUSE AND CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE POLICY _________ __ _______ I. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Since North Carolina and federal law regulates the use, possession, sale, delivery, manufacture, and creation of certain controlled substances, the development of campus policies which protect the health and welfare of members of the university community is therefore an important responsibility of the institution. Since the primary purpose of the University of North Carolina at Asheville is educational, institutional policies, practices, and regulations, including those related to controlled substances as described by current law, should form the basis for a responsible approach to the prevention of drug abuse by preserving an environment compatible with academic endeavors. The illegal use of drugs by members of the academic community adversely affects the educational environment. __________ __________ ___ ______________ II. Education, Prevention and Rehabilitation Just as the primary purpose of UNCA is education, so also the University's major effort to address illegal drug use and abuse problems is educational in nature. UNCA has available a comprehensive drug education program available to all members of the academic community (students, faculty, administration and staff). This program is the responsibility of the Division of Student Affairs and the activities of the program center around a Drug and Alcohol Education Task Force composed of participants from all components of the academic community. The Task Force is responsible for developing and coordinating an annual program available to all members of the academic community with activities that include the following: a. An ongoing educational campaign informing members of the academic community about the health hazards associated with drug abuse. b. A commitment to the concept of the incompatibility of drug abuse and maximum achievement of personal and educational goals. c. An active effort to encourage members of the campus community to make use of the available campus and community counseling, medical and rehabilitation resources in dealing with drug abuse problems. d. A commitment to informing members of the academic community that they also may be subject to criminal prosecution for violating state laws relating to controlled substance, use, possession, delivery, sale, manufacture or creation. __________ _______ III. Prohibited Conduct Any member of the academic community who, in violation of pertinent state or federal laws, possesses, sells, delivers, manufactures, or creates a controlled substance within the academic community, thereby violates University policy. Students and employees who violate this University policy are subject to disciplinary action by the University, in addition to any pertinent criminal penalties in which they may be liable. Status as a student or employee of the University in no way insulates a law breaker from criminal prosecution and punishment. The constitutional concept of "double jeopardy" does not prevent both state prosecution and University punishment for conduct that violates both federal or state law and University policy. ____________ ______ IV. Disciplinary Action All disciplinary action taken by the institution shall be in accordance with the following: 1. With regard to students, all disciplinary actions taken shall be in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Student Government Association Judicial Code of the University of North Carolina at Asheville. 2. With regard to SPA staff employees, all disciplinary actions taken shall be in accordance with specifically prescribed disciplinary procedures for employees subject to the State Personnel Act. 3. With regard to EPA non-faculty employees, all disciplinary actions taken shall be in accordance with procedures set forth in the University Personnel Policies for Designated Employees Exempt From the State Personnel Act, The University of North Carolina at Asheville. 4. With regard to faculty members, all disciplinary actions taken shall be in accordance with the procedures set forth ___ _____ _____ __ _________ ___ __________ __ specifically in THE CODE, BOARD OF GOVERNORS THE UNIVERSITY OF _____ ________ NORTH CAROLINA, Chapter VI, Academic Freedom and Tenure, Section 603, Due Process Before Discharge or the Imposition of Serious ____ _______ Sanctions and appropriate sections of the current UNCA Faculty ________ Handbook. In all instances disciplinary proceedings and sanctions imposed shall be conducted in accordance with applicable requirements, of due process of law and consistent with any existing procedural requirements of state law or University policy.