APC #2 SENATE #0287F Approved 5/18/87 UNCA Master of Liberal Arts Program M E M O R A N D U M TO: APC, Faculty Senate, Vice Chancellor Rackham, Chancellor Brown FROM: Ted Uldricks DATE: April 29, 1987 SUBJ: Revised Protocol to MLA Program Proposal The following should be considered part of the Master of Liberal Arts degree program proposal which the Senate and administration are asked to approve: Faculty teaching a three credit hour course in the Master of Liberal Arts program (excluding tutorials and double listed graduate/undergraduate courses) will receive six hours of credit in calculating their teaching loads (i.e., they will carry a nine hour load during the semester the graduate level course is taught). This is necessary for class preparation and research related activities. The result will create a form of faculty development that should result in more rigorous graduate level courses, a higher level of research and publication, and general faculty renewal that carries over to undergraduate instruction. NOTE: 1) Approved as Senate Document #2, 5/7/87; 2) This protocol is NOT to accompany the MLA proposal to General Administration.