APC #35 Senate #35 Approved Senate Document #35 APC Document #35 April 9 1987 ___ _______ _______ Add to pg. 137, 1986-87 Catalog: Students declaring a major in Management or Accounting must have completed a minimum of 12 hours of required Management, Accounting and/or cognate courses and must have earned a minimum grade point average of 2.5 in those hours. Transfer students who have transfer credits in Management or Accounting may declare a major after taking a minimum of 12 credit hours of required Management, Accounting and/or cognate courses at UNCA, provided they have earned a minimum grade point average of 2.5 in those hours. Transfer students from area Community Colleges which have specific transfer agreements with UNCA may declare a major in Management or Accounting provided they have attained a minimum 2.5 grade point average (on a 4.0 scale) at that institution. Students not meeting this requirement may declare a major after satisfying the requirement above for ordinary transfer students. --------------------------------------------------------------- Policy Statement (not for catalog inclusion): This measure is an experimental response to extraordinary circumstances. The Management Department will report to the APC on the effects of the measure annually for the next three years in September. Rationale: The Management Department has grown beyond its resources and needs to control growth if it is to continue to meet the needs of its majors. This policy is consistent with the policies at several comparable institutions throughout the nation including UNC-Chapel Hill. Approved 4/27/87 Senate Document #35 APC Document #35 April 9, 1987 Students declaring a major in Management or Accounting must have completed a minimum of 12 hours at UNCA in Management and Accounting courses and/or Economics 201, Computer Science 141, Statistics 185, and must have earned a minimum grade point average of 2.5 in those courses. Students transferring in 60 or more hours may declare a major in Management or Accounting provided they have attained a minimum overall 2.5 grade point average (on a 4.0 scale). Students not meeting this requirement may declare a major after satisfying the above requirement. Policy Statement (not for catalog inclusion): This measure is an experimental response to extraordinary circumstances. The Management Department will report to the APC on the effects of the measure annually for the next three years in September.