FACULTY SENATE MEETING January 23, 1986 The meeting was called to order by Dr. Coyne at 3:31 in RL1. This session is to complete the unfinished December agenda. II. The Academic Policies Committee picked up it's report from the December meeting. A. APC Doc. #12 deals with changes to be made in catalog due to deletion of Psyc. 205 and 210. Dr. Combs moved to adopt this document. A unanimous vote passed APC Doc. #12 making it Senate Doc. #18. B. Doc. #13 concerns changes in the catalog for the Dept. of Education curriculum. Dr. Combs moved the docu- ment. A unanimous vote followed the motion. APC Doc. #13 became Senate Doc. #19. C. APC Doc. #14 is a writing proposal from the Dept. of Literaure and Language Development of program in writing competency across the curriculum is the issue. The Docu- ment passed unanimously. APC Doc. #14 became Senate Doc. #20. III. The Institution Development Committee report was presented on request by Dr. Coyne. It dealt with the presentation of Enwright. Much discussion about the Final Master Plan follow- ed the report. Dr. Coyne moved to thank the Chancellor for giving the Faculty Senate the opportunity to comment on the Plan. A unanimous vote passed the motion. IV. Dr. Farzanegan presented the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee. A proposal was discussed to have a special Faculty Senate Meeting strictly to consider the issues of this docu- ment. V. Old Business - The issue of applications for tenure was dis- cussed. VI. No new business had developed. VII. A resolution to thank Kimberly Sitton for her secretarial services was presented by Dr. Farzanegan. Dr. Coyne made a second. The motion passed unanimously. VIII. Dr. Coyne adjourned the meeting.