SENATE DOCUMENT NO. 34 1985 - 1986 APC DOCUMENT #19 MATHEMATICS CATALOG The following is a revision of our proposal for actual catalog copy which displays four distinctly different programs in mathematics. The rationale is that a better way to attract majors is simply to offer more variety in career choices and to make obvious the adaptability of the mathematics major to several rewarding careers or professions, not now possible with the present Tracks A and B. Also, the different options are more easily displayed and understood in this manner. Statistics should count as mathematics courses in view of the fact that there is no separate degree in statistics. Grades in statistics should be credited towards the mathematics major for purposes of computing grade averages, departmental distinction, and the like. Proposal for Catalog Listing MATHEMATICS (MATH) List of Instructors --- The mathematics major is designed to provide the student with a substantial foundation in mathematics and/or statistics. The student will have four programs of study from which to select a major, which are: Pure (theoretical) Mathematics, the Teaching of Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Statistics and Actuarial Sciences. Program A - Pure (theoretical) Mathematics This area consists of a traditional mathematics major. It serves well as a strong liberal arts major. With appropriate selection of the major options, it will give the student an adequate prepar- ation for graduate study in mathematics. It is recommended that every mathematics major start out in Program A unless a definite area has been decided, as this will enable the student to change to another program later with maximum economy. I. Required courses in the major - 36 hours, including Mathemat- ics 191, 192, 280, 291 (15 hours), 3 hours in Mathematics 380, and 18 hours in courses numbered beyond 300, including Mathematics 361, 365, and 491, and completion of at least one of the following two course sequences: 361-362, 365-366, 431-432, 491-492 or Statistics 425-426. II. Other required courses - 12-14 hours, including one of the following two course sequences: Chemistry 141-142, Economics 200-201, Physics 221-222, or Statistics 325-327 (6-8 hours); and Computer Science 141 or 142, and 243 (6 hours). III. General Education Requirements not exempted by courses taken to satisfy major requirements, and at least 6 hours of one foreign language, preferrably French or German. IV. Other departmental requirements - Satisfactory completion of the Graduate Record Examination in the senior year. Program B - The Teaching of Mathematics This area is designed to provide a good background in mathematics for those students planning to teach mathematics at the secondary level. Completing this program also satisfies the requirements in secondary certification in Mathematics. (See the Education listing for additional required professional education courses.) I. Required courses in the major - 36 hours, including Mathemat- ics 191, 192, 280, 291 (15 hours), 3 hours in Mathematics 380, and 18 hours in courses numbered beyond 300, including Mathematics 361. II. Other required courses - 12-14 hours, including one of the following two course sequences: Chemistry 141-142, Economics 200-20l, Physics 221-222, or Statistics 325-327 (6-8 hours); and Computer Science 141 or 142 and 243 (6 hours). III. General Education Requirements not exempted by courses taken to satisfy major requirements, and at least 6 hours of one foreign language, preferrably French or German. IV. Other departmental requirements - Satisfactory completion of the Graduate Record Examination in the senior year. Program C - Applied Mathematics This area is designed to help prepare students for a career in industry or government where consultation with a mathematician by engineers, biologists, geologists, economists, and other areas is necessary. In order to best meet the needs for students in this area, a broad program of study in the sciences and application of mathematics is required. Elective courses strongly recommended are: Mathematics 361, 366, 395, 398, Statistics 425, 426, Physics 325, and Economics 200, 201. I. Required courses in the major -36 hours, including Mathemat- ics 191, 192, 280, 291 (15 hours), 3 hours in Mathematics 380, in addition to Mathematics 341 (or Computer Science 344), 365, 391, 394, and the sequence 491-492. II. Other required courses - 32 hours, including Chemistry 141-142 (8 hours), Physics 221-222 (8 hours), Engineering 206, 208 (6 hours), Statistics 225 (4 hours), and Computer Science 141 or 142, and 243 (6 hours). III. General Education Requirements not exempted by courses taken to satisfy major requirements, and at least 6 hours of one foreign language, preferrably French or German. IV. Other departmental requirements - Satisfactory completion of the Graduate Record Examination in the senior year. Program D - Statistics and Actuarial Sciences This area is designed for those students planning a career as an actuary, or as a practicing statistician, to prepare a student to enter graduate school in statistics, or to provide a general background necessary for an individual to perform competently in a variety of quantitative analyses. I. Required courses in the major - 43 hours, including Mathematics 191, 192, 266, 280, 291 (18 hours), 3 hours in Mathematics 380, any 300 level course in mathematics, and Mathematics 491 (9 hours); also Statistics 225, 325, 327, 425 and 426 (16 hours). II. Other required courses - 12 hours, Computer Science 141 or 142 or 143, and Computer Science 243 (6 hours), and either Management 200, 380, or Economics 200, 300, or Economics 201, 301 (6 hours). III. General Education Requirements not exempted by courses taken to satisfy major requirements, and at least 6 hours of one foreign language, preferrably French or German. IV. Other departmental requirements - Satisfactory completion of the Gradute Record Examination in the senior year.