SENATE DOCUMENT NO. 33 Faculty Welfare and Development Committee 1985 - 1986 Report #2 Release Time Faculty Welfare and Development Committee of the Faculty Senate proposes a formal sense of the Senate on the following resolutions: RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate endorse in concept and encourage the UNCA administration to move toward the adoption of a 9-hour teaching load before 1990 in order to improve scholarship and teaching. RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate endorse and encourage the UNCA administration to adopt the following policies regard- ing release time: 1. Policies and resources governing release time be reported to the faculty annually. 2. Faculty members be permitted to apply for release time through policies and procedures developed by the UNCA administration. 3. An appropriate committee of the Senate should be involved in recommending policies and procedures for allocation and distribution of release time. Rationale: These two resolutions were derived from extensive studies conducted by the Faculty Development Study groups created by the University Planning Council in 1984. The report of the committee was submitted to UPC in 1985. The UPC in turn submitted the recommendation of the Faculty Study group to the Senate Faculty Welfare and Development Committee. After extensive discussion and examination of this important issue by review of committees and individuals, the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee strongly endorses the concept of a uniform, fair and equitable policy on release time as a starting point for a possible adoption of a 9-hour teaching load for the entire UNCA faculty by 1990.