Senate Document #11 November 14, 1985 APC Doc. # 9 Changes in the Education Department Offerings: A. Catalog page 107 Delete "337 Methods and Materials for Reading in Early Childhood and Middle School, K-6 (3) Student practicum in diagnosing and tutorial teaching in reading. Students will produce games, materials in audio visual. Prerequisites Educ 200, 330, 332, Psyc 100, 217." Delete "340 Diagnosis and Correction of Reading Difficulties, K-12 (3) Formal and informal evaluation; diagnosis of specific reading difficulties; and techniques for teaching corrective reading. Prerequisites: Educ 200, 300, 330, 332, or 380, Psyc 100, 217, 303, 304, 312, 316; or permission of the instructor." Add "342 Methods and Materials for Diagnosing and Correcting Reading Difficulties, K-12 (4) Student practicum in diagnostic and corrective teaching in reading. Students will learn formal and informal evaluation methods in reading, specific diagnostic and corrective practices for working with differentiated reading difficulties, and techniques for developing teacher-made tests and materials for the tutorial field experience. Prerequisites: Educ 200, 300, 330, 332, or 380, Psyc 100, 217, 303, 304, 312, 316; or permission of the instructor." Rationale: This change is proposed in consideration for students seeking teacher certification: As a means of consolidating two of our courses into one course (EDUC 337 Methods and Materials for Reading in Early Childhood and Middle School, K-6 (3) and EDUC 340 Diagnosis and Correction of Reading Difficulties, K-12 (3)) we are proposing to offer EDUC 342, Methods and Materials for Diagnosing and Correcting Reading Difficulties, K-12 (4). This change is an effort to refine the program and offer more prolonged and intense field experiences to students. Catalog Page 106 Add "130 General Geography K-12 (3) A general survey of physical and cultural geography, the objectives, basic skills, and study methods of the geographer as applied to the teaching of geography. Required for certification in K-4 and Social Studies 6-9 and 9-12. Others admitted by permission of instructor. Same as GEOG 130." Delete General Geography 130 (Catalog page 118) Rationale: This course is described as one incorporating " . . . the study methods of the geographer as applied to the teaching of geography." It is taken almost exclusively by Education students, who MUST have it, and is fielded by that department. Since it is their (Education's) responsibility, they wish also to be given credit for enrollment and the staffing of it.