THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASHEVILLE Faculty Senate Minutes December 13, 1984 Members Present: Dr. Bennett, Dr. Betts, Dr. Combs, Dr. Comer, Dr. Coyne, Dr. Downes, Dr. Farzanegan, Dr. Greenawalt, Dr. Hollingsworth, Dr. Rackham, Dr. Seitz (alternate), Dr. Stern (alternate), Dr. Williams, and Mr. Wengrow Members Absent: Drs. Dorr, Grams, Ruiz, and Shoaf Visitors: Drs. Brotak, Browning, Bruce, and Ready The Faculty Senate met at 3:30 PM in the Owen Conference Center with Dr. Alan Comer presiding. I. Dr. Comer called the meeting to order and asked if there were any revisions or corrections to the minutes of November 8 and 13. Dr. Downes indicated that she was listed as an alternate for the Distinguished Teacher Committee and this was not so and should be deleted from the minutes. There being no further revisions or corrections, the minutes of November 8 and 13 were approved as corrected. II. ANNOUNCEMENTS Dr. Comer announced that a tentative time table for the general education requirements was discussed and planned at a recent meeting of the Executive Committee. He reported that between now and the first Senate meeting of next semester (tentatively planned for January 24) he plans to construct a document on the decisions the Senate has to make. Comer indicated that he would hope to have a subgroup of the Senate come back to the Senate in April with a final document that it could vote on as the general education requirement proposal for UNCA. This does not mean the Senate would have to have by that time the specific descriptions of all courses. There is a chance that extra Senate meetings will be needed to accomplish this as well as other business. The Chancellor approved the health psychology and the master's degree in liberal studies. There are a couple of documents that have been sent but are not approved at this time. Dr. Comer announced that he received a report on release time. A copy of that report is attached to these minutes. Comer reported that procedures for making release time available are not now established but will be by the end of the year. Dr. Betts indicated that a document had been Page 2 prepared a few years ago and was sent to the Chancellor and approved. Dr. Comer reported that he will try to locate this document. Dr. Comer announced that the Executive Committee received a request from the Student Government to have December 12 as a reading day. Dr. Comer reported to the Student Government that the issue of an examination period is due for a review and it would seem appropriate to discuss at that time whether or not to have a reading day. III. ACADEMIC POLICIES COMMITTEE REPORT A. Dr. Coyne moved to approve APC Document #3, Changes in Computer Science, with Dr. Rackham seconding the motion. The document included the addition of a new course at the junior level. The motion carried unanimously. B. Dr. Coyne moved to approve APC Document #4, Changes in Management, with Farzanegan seconding the motion. This document includes a new course description for the Management Internship course. The main change is to require a minimum GPA for admission to the course. The motion to adopt APC #4 carried unanimously. Dr. Coyne moved and Bennett seconded to adopt APC Document #9, Changes in Management. This document includes the addition of three new courses in the marketing area in management. Dr. Coyne indicated that there is a great demand for these courses and that the main issue associated with these courses is a procedural one in that the addition of these courses will give management defacto a track in the marketing area, although they are not now asking for formal acknowledgement of that track. These would merely be elective options primarily for students in the general management program. The motion was passed unanimously after brief discussion. C. Dr. Coyne moved and Williams seconded to adopt APC Document #5, Changes in Accounting. The document involves some change in the accounting curriculum. Specifically, the reorganization of material in two senior level tax courses and the readjustment of curicular requirements to reflect these changes. After brief discussion, the motion was passed unanimously. D. Dr. Coyne moved and Bennett seconded to approve APC Document #6, Changes in Atmospheric Sciences. The document involves some realignment in the math cognate requirements, a change in credit for a course, and the addition of a course in weather forecasting to the weather forecasting program. There is no change in the overall hours for graduation. After brief discussion, the motion was passed with one abstention. Page 3 E. Dr. Coyne moved and Wengrow seconded to approve APC Document #7, Changes in Environmental Studies. Discussion followed regarding overnight field trips, an off-campus teacher, elective versus required course, etc. The document involves a change in credit from 2 to 3 hours in a course in environmental studies. Dr. Williams called the question and the motion passed unanimously. F. Dr. Coyne moved and Williams seconded to approve APC Document #8, Changes in Physics. The document involves a number of changes in the physics department: the addition of two new 1-hour courses at the junior level answering to certain technical needs of physicists, some adjustments in credit in various courses to make it possible to require the new courses that are being added, and a program in physics that is currently designated computer science. After much discussion regarding the breakdown between the major and the cognates, laboratory orientation, general education requirements, etc., Dr. Williams called the question and the motion passed unanimously. G. Dr. Coyne moved and Rackham seconded to approve APC Document #1, Changes in Economics. After some discussion, Greenawalt moved and Wengrow seconded to divide the question in three parts. The motion to divide the question carried. After brief discussion on Part I, this section was approved. After some discussion on Part II, Greenawalt moved and Wengrow seconded to table Part II. Dr. Rackham called for a division of the assembly and the motion was defeated 2 to 3 with 9 abstentions. More discussion followed on Part II and Dr. Hollingsworth called the question. The motion was passed 12 to 2. Part III of the document was approved unanimously. H. Dr. Coyne moved and Wengrow seconded to approve APC Document #10. Changes in Literature and Language. One course is being relocated from Communications to Language, some course titles are being changed, a course that is never taught is being dropped, and one course is being added. After brief discussion, the document was approved unanimously. I. Dr. Coyne moved and Williams seconded to approve APC Document #14, Changes in Economics and Political Science. This document is a joint proposal from the departments of Economics and Political Science to introduce to UNCA a very traditional program in political economy. Students in this program will either major in Economics or Political Science, and this would appear as a program under both departments. This makes a new program available to UNCA with no new resources. The document was approved after brief discussion. J. Dr. Coyne moved and Rackham seconded to approve APC Document #12, Policy on CEUs. UNCA at present has no Page 4 policy on awarding CEUs. This document puts UNCA on record as supporting the principles of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Discussion followed regarding academic chairmen being consulted, outside groups, etc. After some discussion with Dr. Leckie, Farzanegan called the question and the document was approved unanimously. K. Dr. Coyne moved and Rackham seconded to adopt APC Document #13, Policy on the word "certificate." This document outlines what is meant by the word, "certificate" and under what circumstances it would be used. The document was approved unanimously. IV. INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT Dr. Comer reported that there was nothing to report on from the IDC. V. FACULTY WELFARE AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE A. Dr. Greenawalt reported that the FWC will have three formal presentations for the January meeting: one on emeritus status, one on a committee for distinguished speakers, and one on a leave policy. B. Dr. Greenawalt reported that Dr. Dorr sent him a brochure on the Oliver Max Gardner award, an award given to one member of the 16 campuses who has done most in a current academic year to advance the cause of the human race. Greenawalt suggested to Dorr that in the future the process be handled by a yet to be created umbrella committee called the Distinguished Scholar Committee. He indicated that nominations have to be prepared by January 15 and asked anyone who has nominations for the award to contact him as soon as possible. C. Dr. Greenawalt reported that the FWC spoke with Ken Rice on the summer school issue and found that after increases in salary of 32 percent over the last two summers, it appears there is no money for an increase in salary this year. VI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:35 PM. Approved, Submitted, Bruce Greenawalt Teresa Lovelace Secretary, Faculty Senate Recording Secretary (The Attachment is located in the Faculty Senate office)