THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASHEVILLE Faculty Senate Minutes October 11, 1984 The Faculty Senate met at 3:30 pm in the Private Dining Room of the Highsmith University Center on Thursday, October 11, 1984, with Dr. Alan Comer presiding. Members Present: Dr. Bennett, Dr. Betts, Dr. Combs, Dr. Comer, Dr. Coyne, Dr. Dorr, Dr. Downes, Dr. Grams, Dr. Greenawalt, Dr. Hollingsworth, Dr. Rackham, Dr. Ruiz, Dr. Seitz (alternate), Dr. Shoaf, Dr. Stern (alternate), Mr. Wengrow, and Dr. Williams Members Absent: Dr. Farzanegan Visitors: Mrs. Cadle, Dr. Cochran, Mr. Wilsman. Dr. Comer called the meeting to order. The Chairman asked if there were any revisions to the Faculty Senate minutes of the September 13 meeting. Dr. Ruiz asked that the following addition be made: Under II., the report from the IDC, first paragraph, fifth line, after "...that the proposed new general education program would need a dozen new faculty and three people with released time to guide the project, add (including preparation of the courses)...." There being no further revisions, the minutes of September 13 were approved as amended. Announcements: Dr. Comer announced that Chancellor Brown has approved and returned to the Senate the approval of the Honors Program. Dr. Dorr indicated that Mike Gillum and Mel Blowers have been appointed to the Honors Program Planning Committee. I. COMMITTEE REPORTS A. ACADEMIC POLICIES COMMITTEE 1. New Courses in Sociology Dr. Coyne moved and Dr. Williams seconded that APC Document #1 be approved. Discussion took place on which courses, if any, would be dropped. Dr. Coyne indicated that no courses would be dropped, but that these courses would be options. The document was approved unanimously. Page 2 2. Program in Industrial and Engineering Managment Dr. Coyne moved and Ruiz seconded that APC Document #2 be approved. Chairman Comer reviewed Senate Document #42 from 1981-82 concerning credit hour requirements. The motion passed 16 to 1. B. INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1. Faculty Development Study Group Dr. Ruiz reported to the Senate that the UPC has established a Faculty Development Study Group to continue on the work that was done last year and to similate the discussion from the planning retreat this summer. Dr. Comer asked what this study group would be doing differently from last year's study group. Dr. Ruiz indicated that the Senate is now moving toward implementation of specific things while the first study group was gathering information as to what was desired by the faculty. Dr. Downes informed the Senate that one member from last year's study group is a member of the current study group so there would be some continuity. Dr. Ruiz named the study group members: Dr. Dorr, Tom Myers, Guy Cooper, Gary Miller, Pam Nickless, Ann Weber (Chair), Alan Combs, Elma Johnson, and Bruce Greenawalt. 2. Beginning update of the "Long Range Plan" Dr. Ruiz reported that the University Planning Council is now looking at five proposals for degree programs of tracks at the undergraduate level and two at the graduate level. Undergrduate Level: Management/Arts, Psychology/Health, Computer Science, Sports Medicine, and Education. Graduate Level: International Management and Liberal Studies. C. FACULTY WELFARE AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1. Announcement Dr. Greenawalt announced that the Committee is looking forward to shifting the focus of the committee this year to more development rather than simply welfare. 2. Senate/United Way Dr. Greenawalt announced that the United Way campaign is under way and that Al Canon is coordinator of the campaign. He will invite the faculty to assemble for a presentation, a brief film, and two or three brief testimonies by members of the faculty on how groups they serve with are benefited by the United Way. Dr. Greenawalt asked Senate members to talk to their colleagues about attending the presentations. Dr. Grams added that it is possible to designate a donation to go to Planned Parenthood. Page 3 3. Summer School Study Dr. Greenwalt announced that the Senate earlier passed a resolution that the summer school scale would be reviewed on a regular basis by the appropriate administrative officers and by the FWC with the intent of insuring that salaries are maximized whenever possible. The Committee has discussed how this might best be done this year and has arranged to meet initially with Ken Rice to review last year's budget. 4. Faculty Development Investigations Dr. Greenawalt indicated that one goal the Committee wishes to focus on this year is to change the leave policy from an ad hoc arrangement to an established policy. 5. Computer Discount Dr. Greenawalt informed the Senate that Mr. Wengrow had forwarded information regarding a discount offer from IBM on the PC Junior. Mr. Wengrow added that the cost of a black-and-white monitor would be $750, the cost of a color monitor would be $950. Discussion of various discount offers followed until Greenawalt asked Tim Hollingsworth to arrange a computer workshop where faculty could be informed of various purchase agreements available. OLD BUSINESS 1. RENAMING RL 1 Mr. Wengrow moved that the Senate adopt the following recommendation: The Faculty Senate recommends to the Chancellor and the Board of Trustees that the classroom/meeting room in Ramsey Library now named RL 1 be named the Ainsley Whitman room in honor of the founding librarian at the University of North Carolina at Asheville. Dr. Greenawalt seconded the motion. Mr. Wengrow made three points regarding the Ainsley Whitman room. a. That if this room is destroyed, remodeled, moved, etc., the main meeting room/classroom would be named the Ainsley Whitman room. This designation would be left to the discretion of the head librarian. b. That Mr. Whitman be invited to attend a ceremony renaming the place with an appropriate plaque. c. That the room actually be referred to as "The Whitman Room" and not by numbers or some other abstract designation. The question was called and the motion passed unanimously. Page 4 2. General Education Hearings Dr. Comer raised questions regarding the general education hearings. He asked the Senate if some decision should be made on a limit of the number of credit hours or course limits. The Senate discussed the issue and concluded that it should not make any decisions until the hearings are over. Dr. Comer then asked the Senate if it should restrict student involvement. This issue was discussed and the Senate decided that student involvement would not be restricted unless the need arose. It was suggested that students who wish to speak be informed that there is a five-minute time limit. 3. Faculty Conciliator Dr. Dorr asked if someone has been appointed for the position of Faculty Conciliator. Dr. Comer said that students have not received those names yet. Dr. Dorr indicated that he felt this should be done as soon as possible. 4. Labor Day Holiday Dr. Grams expressed a concern regarding Labor Day. She believes that working Labor Day disrupts the home life because spouses and children are at home. Dr. Rackham pointed out that it makes it difficult to get a class going and then have an interruption with the three-day weekend. Dr. Dorr suggested that a resolution might be to provide services in child care. Dr. Dorr also recommended giving any suggestions on the calendar in general to Dr. Comer. NEW BUSINESS 1. Distinguished Teacher Committee Dr. Greenawalt announced that there are four positions that need to be filled on the Distinguished Teacher Committee. The Senate decided to make nominations today and vote at the November 8 meeting. Dr. Rackham recommended that the Senate nominate two alternates as well. Dr. Greenawalt put forward the names of Jim Perry, Ted Seitz, Guy Cooper, and Peggy Jones. The floor was opened for nominations and the names of Gerald Gullickson, Phil Walker, Chuck Bennett, and Alan Combs were added. Dr. Comer announced that nominations would be acceptd between now and the next Faculty Senate meeting. 2. Honorary Degrees Mr. Wengrow raised the issue of honorary degrees. Dr. Comer said that at a recent meeting with the Chancellor he mentioned the need for a faculty committee to create a mechanism for and to supervise the granting of honorary degrees. Page 5 ADJOURNMENT In the absence of further business, Dr. Comer adjourned the meeting at 4:50 pm. The Senate will next convene on November 8, 1984, at 3:30 pm in the Dining Room of the Highsmigh University Center. Approved, Submitted, Bruce Greenawalt Teresa Lovelace Faculty Senate Secretary Secretary