THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASHEVILLE Faculty Senate Minutes March 7, 1985 The Faculty Senate met at 3:30 pm in RL 1 with Dr. Alan Comer presiding. Members Present: Dr. Bennett, Dr. Betts, Dr. Combs, Dr. Comer, Dr. Coyne, Dr. Farzanegan, Dr. Grams, Dr. Hollingsworth, Dr. Ruiz, Dr. Seitz, Dr. Stern, Dr. Williams and Mr. Wengrow Members Absent: Drs. Dorr, Downes, and Greenawalt Visitors: Mrs. Cadle, Mr. Cagle, Dr. Cochran, and Mr. Wilsman Dr. Comer called the meeting to order and asked for any corrections or revisions to the minutes of February 14, 1985. There being none, the minutes were approved as distributed. Dr. Comer raised a question regarding the minutes of the February 23, 1985 meeting on general education. On the next to last page, second paragraph from the bottom, "Dr. Bennett proposed one course...should read "in biology, chemistry, or physics." Ruiz seconded. ANNOUNCEMENTS Dr. Comer announced that he received from the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor approval for a number of documents the Senate has passed. All of the course changes were accepted by the Vice Chancellor. Concerning the policy changes that were forwarded to the Chancellor, he approved the statement of privileges of faculty, retired and emeriti, saying that the policy itself should be listed in the handbook and not the catalog. Regarding the Honors Program, this document was approved with some notes. Dr. Brown agreed with the concern of removing erosion of faculty teaching time. He said that if the Senate intends to implement it quickly, release time is the only source of funding for such a proposal. The policy on off-campus assignments was not approved. Dr. Brown said that the guidelines for awarding priority to faculty to be granted leave are at variance with state policy and not within his power to implement. Dr. Comer suggested that the Executive Committee and Chancellor meet to discuss this issue to try to find a common ground. Dr. Comer announced that the meeting of Saturday, March 23, has been scheduled to be held on the second floor of Lipinsky building. Mr. Wengrow pointed out that the acoustics in the building are very poor. Dr. Farzanegan suggested a room in Zageir and he will check on the Page 2 availability of the room. COMMITTEE REPORTS Dr. Coyne presented to the Senate, APC #24, Statement on Final Examinations. He reported that the final exam policy that was passed previously was done so as an experiment and was to be reviewed later. The APC has reviewed the policy and is recommending that UNCA continue the practice of scheduling a period for final examinations at the end of each semester as described on page 34 of the catalog. Dr. Coyne moved and Stern seconded the adoption of APC #24. Dr. Comer called the question and the motion passed unanimously. Dr. Coyne presented to the Senate APC #23, designed to clear up a small wrinkle in existing policy regarding students double majoring when one major is in a subject that receives a B.A. degree and the other major is in a subject that receives a B.S. degree. APC #23 would resolve this problem by allowing the student to receive either degree, which ever one they considered to be in their primary major and have both majors noted on their transcript. Dr. Coyne moved and Bennett seconded APC #23. Mr. Wengrow asked what a student must do in order to receive a second degree. Mrs. Cadle reported that a student would have to take an additional 30 hours and two-thirds of the major requirements. Dr. Grams felt there was an inconsistency in what is done for UNCA majors and what is done for other majors. Dr. Coyne reported that the whole issue of second degrees needs careful examination. Dr. Grams recommended that the committee study this problem. Dr. Comer called the question on APC #23, and the motion passed unanimously. Dr. Coyne presented to the Senate APC #25, a series of changes in the department of political science. The first part is the addition of a joint major in political science and history. Many students have an interest in both areas, and this allows students to have a joint major in two subjects without having a double major. The second part is a whole series of changes because of the staff changes in that department and because of successful special topics courses that have been taught. The next part involves the deletion of a program that was built around Dr. Scism -- the addition of a program in public policy and public administration. This is the transfer of an existing management track to political science. The next page is an overhaul of the existing program in international relations and grew out of some of the discussions incidental to the master's program in international business. It became clear to political science that their international relations program required strengthening in a number of ways, and that is what the proposal is about. The final two pages are the course descriptions for the various courses that are mentioned in the course of the document. Dr. Coyne moved and Stern seconded APC #25. Dr. Comer asked if courses have been gained or list. Dr. Coyne reported a small increase in the number of courses, the main area of increase being in the area of public administration. Discussion followed regarding differences between a track and a program. Dr. Page 3 Comer called the question on APC #25, and the motion was approved unanimously. II. INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Dr. Ruiz reported that there was nothing to report on at this time, other than the IDC is working on budgets. III. FACULTY WELFARE AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Dr. Hollingsworth reported that the FWC is working on committee assignments for next year, and everyone should receive a memo regarding this. The memo is supposed to be returned to John McCoy rather than to departmental secretaries as indicated in the memo. Mr. Wengrow asked if any information had become available on the issue of IBM computer discounts for faculty. Dr. Hollingsworth reported that no information is available at this time. OLD BUSINESS Dr. Comer proceeded with the Distinguished Visiting Scholar Committee election. The Senate must elect four full professors to this committee. The floor was opened for nominations with Comer nominating Wengrow. Bennett nominated Farzanegan. Ruiz nominated Stevens. Grams nominated Browning. Betts nominated Seitz. Coyne nominated Walker. Farzanegan nominated Hollingsworth. Wengrow moved and Grams seconded that elections be closed. After the vote, Seitz, Walker, Wengrow and Stevens were elected to the committee. NEW BUSINESS Dr. Comer read a resolution from the Student Government Association requesting a Student Reading Day on May 6, 1985, and a response from Dr. Dorr. Dr. Dorr proposed an adjustment to the request to move the reading day to May 7. The calendar change consists of moving the exam week one day later and inserting the reading day between the last day and the first exam. Coyne moved that the Senate recommend the insertion of a reading day this semester in accordance with Dr. Dorr's memo. Wengrow seconded and the adjusted resolution passed. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Dr. Comer called to adjourn at 4:30 PM. Approved, Submitted, Alan Comer Teresa Lovelace Chairman Recording Secretary