THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASHEVILLE Faculty Senate Minutes January 24, 1985 The Faculty Senate met at 3:30 pm in RL 1 with Dr. Alan Comer presiding. Members Present: Dr. Bennett, Dr. Betts, Dr. Combs, Dr. Comer, Dr. Coyne, Dr. Downes, Dr. Farzanegan, Dr. Grams, Dr. Greenawalt, Dr. Hollingsworth, Dr. Ruiz, Dr. Seitz (alternate), Dr. Stern (alternate), Dr. Williams and Mr. Wengrow Members Absent: Drs. Dorr and Shoaf Visitors: Drs. Cochran, Howard, Kay and Kormanik Dr. Comer called the meeting to order and asked if there were any revisions or corections to the minutes of the Senate meeting of December 14, 1984. Dr. Comer reported that Ed Brotak had informed him that his name should be removed from the list of release time faculty. There being no further revisions or corrections, the minutes of December 14 were approved as amended. I. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Dr. Comer announced that a meeting was being held concurrently with the Senate meeting on the master plan for UNCA to decide what company is actually going to do it. Approximately $60,000 is needed to begin the master plan. B. Dr. Comer reported that he had followed up on the issue of release time that came up at the last meeting. Dr. Betts had raised the possibility that the Senate had at a previous time addressed this issue. Dr. Comer found evidence of this in the Senate actions of November 16, 1979. It was Dr. Comer's impression that in the past faculty administrative functions were the only cases in which release time would be awarded. It was his opinion that because the structure of the university had changed sufficiently, the criteria for awarding release time ought to be reviewed. C. Dr. Comer announced that he had received from the Chancellor approvals for all documents the Senate has passed up to this time. Page 2 II. INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Dr. Ruiz reported that the University Planning Council has met several times since the last Senate meeting and made it clear that IDC is present at UPC meetings, but these are not IDC meetings. He reported that 15 proposed distinctives were submitted to the Planning Council for review. III. ACADEMIC POLICIES COMMITTEE Dr. Coyne reported that there was no business from the APC this month but to be prepared for a lengthy report next month. IV. FACULTY WELFARE AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE A. Dr. Greenawalt moved the adoption of FWC Document #2, the Distinguished Scholar Committee. He explained to the Senate that this would be an umbrella committee that would coordinate issuing invitations to distinguished visitors to campus, including commencement speakers, the visiting Breman professor, and the Highsmith Distinguished Visiting Scholar. The Senate would elect four full professors from the faculty at large, including the Senate. The Chancellor would then appoint three members, one from each division. Some discussion followed regarding service on the Committee and terms for members, the Committee's power of decision, when the document would go into effect, etc. Dr. Grams suggested the Committee be responsible for seeing that visitors are entertained as there had been a lack of attention to this in the past. Editorial changes were made to the document and Dr. Coyne moved to amend 1. of the document by deleting everything after the first sentence. Wengrow seconded. Dr. Greenawalt called the question and the amendment was passed. Dr. Coyne called the question on FWC #2 and it passed as amended. B. Dr. Greenawalt presented to the Senate FWC #3, Policy on Emeritus Status. He reported that there did not seem to be a general practice as to how emeritus status is granted and in talking with various department chairmen and faculty, it was thought the faculty should play a role in deciding who should be granted the emeritus status. Dr. Greenawalt moved the adoption of FWC #3 with Farzanegan seconding the motion. Lengthy discussion followed regarding issues such as retired versus emeritus status, privileges of retired versus emeritus status, and the method of faculty action. Dr. Coyne moved to amend Item 2. to read determined Page 3 by the judgement of the Committee of Tenured Faculty, rather than by two-thirds of full-time faculty. Dr. Ruiz seconded the amendment and it was passed. Dr. Betts moved and Combs seconded to delete the last paragraph of the document and then suggested passing a resolution extending privileges to all retired faculty. Dr. Coyne called the question and the amendment was passed. Dr. Combs called the question and the document passed as amended. C. Dr. Greenawalt distributed to the Senate FWC #1, Off-Campus Assignment Policy. He reported that in the past a big hardship has been that people who went on leave sometimes lost retirement and health coverage. This document attempts to address this issue and also the issue of how to generate leave time. Dr. Greenawalt asked the Senate for any input or reactions to these issues. This document will come back to the Senate at a later date. V. NEW BUSINESS A. Dr. Comer presented a draft of a proposal on grant honorary degrees at UNCA from the Chancellor's office and reviewed the three categories for granting honorary degrees. Mr. Wengrow moved and Coyne seconded the proposal. It was the consensus of the Senate that another category should be added to include service outside of the Asheville community. All members of the Senate were in favor of the proposal as amended. B. Dr. Comer presented to the Senate a proposal for the naming of campus facilities and programs at UNCA from the Chancellor's office. After brief discussion, the proposal was passed unanimously. C. Dr. Greenawalt raised the issue of filling the seat on the Senate left vacant by Dr. Rackham and moved to elect Henry Stern to fill the seat. Dr. Coyne seconded the motion. Dr. Seitz pointed out that there are issues coming up in the Senate where one vote could tilt the whole general education system. Greenawalt suggested postponing the election until the next meeting so more senators would be present. VI. OLD BUSINESS Dr. Comer presented to the Senate his report on general education and asked the Senate's advice regarding additional hearings. It was the consensus of the Senate that at least two extra meetings would be needed to complete all regular Senate business as well as the issue of general education. These meetings will be held on Thursday afternoons. Page 4 VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm. Dr. Comer announced there will be a meeting of the Faculty Senate Thursday, January 31, at 3:30 pm in RL 1 to discuss general education and the vacant Senate seat. Approved, Submitted, Bruce Greenawalt Teresa Lovelace Faculty Senate Secretary Recording Secretary