SENATE DOCUMENT #9 ACADEMIC POLICIES COMMITTEE DOCUMENT #9 1984-85 The Academic Policies Committee recommends the addition of 3 new courses in the Department of Management: 453 Marketing and the Consumer (3) The study of the process whereby producers understand the needs and desires of the consumer combined with a careful analysis of the marketing techniques required to reach the consumer. Prerequisites: 200, 350 Rationale: Student interest in Marketing as a specialization track in the Management program is growing steadily. Presently 40 students are pursuing course work in the marketing area. A significant number of our management students are presently working part time and even full time in the marketing area. 454 Marketing Channels (3) The selection, revision, evaluation and management of the distribution channels in the marketing process. Prerequisite: 200, 350. Rationale: The process by which the goods produced by our economic system reach the consumers is complicated and not well understood. The distribution of goods and services is in reality the hidden part of marketing and economic activity. This course is generally offered in every management program which has a marketing emphasis. 458 Marketing Strategy (3) The selection and evaluation of the appropriate marketing mix need to achieve the overall objectives of an organization. Prerequisite: 350, 351, 380. Rationale: At the present time there is no course which ties together the various parts of the marketing process so that it assumes in the mind of the student the degree of totality necessary for the marketing oriented manager. The thrust of this course will not be limited to business profit seeking organizations but will include the entire organizational spectrum.