The University of North Carolina at Asheville Faculty Senate Minutes December 8, 1983 The Faculty Senate met at 3:00 PM in Library 1 on Thursday, December 8, 1983, with Dr. Jeff Rackham presiding. Members Present: Dr. Betts, Dr. Comer, Dr. L. Dorr, Dr. Farzanegan, Dr. Gillum, Dr. Greenawalt, Dr. Rackham, Dr. Ruiz, Dr. Squibb, Dr. Stern, Dr. Walker, Mr. Wengrow and Dr. Williams. Members Absent: Dr. Grams (excused), Dr. Howard (excused), Dr. Shoaf (excused), and Dr. Friedenberg (alternate) and Dr. Walker (excused). Visitors: Dr. Bergemann, Dr. Bruce, Mrs. Cadle, Dr. Coyne, Dr. Cochran, Dr. J. Dorr, Dr. Henderson, Dr. Kay, Dr. Kirby, Dr. G. Miller, Dr. Ready, Dr. Reed and Dr. Seitz. Dr. Rackham called the meeting to order. The Faculty Senate minutes of November 3, 1983, were approved after the following corrections. Page 2, paragraph 1, 3rd line, change "certification" to "the education program." Page 2, paragraph 8, 4th line, change "certification" to "program." I. Institutional Development Committee Dr. Comer moved and Ruiz seconded that IDC Document #1 be approved. This document recommends that a computer science department be an independent department separate from mathematics. After discussion, the document was approved. After being approved by the Faculty Senate, the document will go to the Chancellor and then to Chapel Hill for approval. II. Faculty Welfare Committee Dr. Greenawalt stated that a questionnaire has been sent out in order to get local feeling on the health care program. III. Academic Policies Committee A. Dr. Betts moved and Williams seconded that APC Document #5, Education Department Curriculum Revisions, be approved. Dr. Bergemann stated that the language arts requirement for middle school certification has not yet been resolved so the language arts section for the middle school has been deleted from this document. The document was approved and will become effective in January 1984 upon approval by the Chancellor. Page 2 B. Dr. Betts moved and Greenawalt seconded that APC Document #11, History Curriculum Revisions, be approved. The document was approved after brief discussion. It will become effective immediately upon approval by the Chancellor. C. Dr. Betts moved and Squibb seconded that APC Document #12, Biology Curriculum Revisions (Part II), be approved. The document was approved and will become effective in August 1984 except for the Biology minor which is effective in January 1984. D. Dr. Betts moved and Wengrow seconded that APC Document #13, Chemistry Curriculum Revisions, be approved. The document was approved and will become effective immediately upon approval by the Chancellor. E. Dr. Betts moved and Squibb seconded that APC Document #14, Management Curriculum Revisions Part II), be approved. Dr. J. Dorr questioned what a department with Mgmt 140 as a requirement will do now that the course has been replaced by Mgmt 180. Dr. Williams stated that each department will need to review Mgmt 180 and 200 and make a choice as to which course it will want to require for its major. The document was passed and will become effective upon approval by the Chancellor either by the fall 1984 or immediately, as indicated by the document. F. Dr. Betts moved and Williams seconded that APC Document #15, Music Curriculum Revisions (Part II), be approved. Dr. Greenawalt raised the question as to the technical nature of SCI 210 and if it belonged in a liberal arts program. Farzanegan asked if this course would open the gate to other technical courses in other departments. At present, this issue is still not resolved. Greenawalt asked if this course implies UNCA will now accept technical courses from technical institutions. Dr. L. Dorr stated that, at present, if there is a technical related course taken by a student at a technical institution, it is up to the chairman of each department to decide if the course will transfer. Wengrow suggested that perhaps the music department could incorporate SCI 210 with the theoretical and artistic courses and thus delete this "trouble- shooting course." Dr. Kirby and J. Dorr said SCI 210 would need to be a separate course and suggested the rewording of the description. The first line of the description will be deleted and will now read "Laboratory experience with audio electronic components commonly." The document was approved with the editorial change and will become effective upon approval by the Page 3 Chancellor in either the fall of 1984 or immediately, as indicated by the document. G. Dr. Betts moved and Wengrow seconded that APC Document #16, Psychology Curriculum Revisions, be approved. There were two editorial changes. On page 1, Roman Numeral I, #2, the number of hours should change from 37 to 34. On page 2, Roman Numeral II, #1, delete "Class projects, papers, and supplementary readings, required." The document was approved with the editorial changes and will become effective upon approval by the Chancellor in the fall 1984. H. Dr. Betts moved and Farzanegan seconded that APC Document #6, Atmospheric Sciences Curricular Revisions, be approved. It was agreed that ATMS 481-482-483 be changed to ATMS 381-382-383, to delete "College credit but no salary is involved," and to add "Can be repeated up to 6 hours" to the description. Also the phrases on page 2: "College credit and salary are involved," and "and would receive salary as well as college credit" should be deleted from the description. The document was passed with the editorial changes and will become effective immediately upon approval by the Chancellor. I. Dr. Betts moved and Williams seconded that APC Document #17, Environmental Studies Curriculum Revisions, be approved. Dr. Miller summarized the document and answered questions about it. Dr. Greenawalt inquired about the number of credit hours, 3-15, for the internship, ES 490. Greenawalt asked if this course was part of the major requirement and if so, how many hours were required. Miller stated a minimum of 3 hours were required and a student could take up to 15 hours and then they would receive 1 credit hour for ES 491, Internship Practicum. There was discussion as to whether 15 hours for the internship was an excessive amount of hours. It was noted that other departments with internships limit the hours to six. It was agreed to reduce the number of hours for ES 490 to 3-6. Further discussion questioned whether ES 491, Internship Practicum, should be a separate course. Wengrow moved and Gillum seconded that ES 491 be deleted. The motion was passed with one exception. The document was approved as amended. J. Dr. Betts moved and Comer seconded that APC Document #18, the Physics B.S. Degree Restoration, be approved. The document was passed without much discussion. The document will go to the Chancellor and Chapel Hill for their approval. Page 4 K. Dr. Betts moved and Williams seconded that APC Document #19, Mathematics Curriculum Revisions, be approved. There was an objection to the prerequisite description under Math 162. It was agreed that the department and catalog editor would improve the wording of this description. The document was approved. L. Dr. Betts moved and Farzanegan seconded that APC Document #20, Sociology Curriculum Revisions, be approved. The document passed and will become effective in August 1984. IV. New Business Dr. R. W. Hoyer spoke to the Faculty Senate about necessary changes in the student evaluation form. Dr. Farzanegan moved and Shoaf seconded that Hoyer's memo, Procedure for Student Evaluation of Faculty, be referred to IDC and then returned to the Faculty Senate at their January 1984 meeting with recommendations and suggestions. The meeting adjourned at 5:20 PM. Submitted, Paula Wells, Secretary Approved: Dr. Bruce Greenawalt Secretary, Faculty Senate