The University of North Carolina at Asheville Faculty Senate Minutes October 6, 1983 The Faculty Senate met at 3:00 p.m. in Library 1 on Thursday, October 6, 1983, with Dr. Jeff Rackham presiding. Members Present: Dr. Betts, Dr. Comer, Dr. L. Dorr, Dr. Farzanegan, Dr. Gillum, Dr. Grams, Dr. Greenawalt, Dr. Howard, Dr. Rackham, Dr. Ruiz, Dr. Shoaf, Dr. Squibb, Dr. Stern, Dr. Walker, Mr. Wengrow, and Dr. Williams Members Absent: Dr. Friedenberg (alternate). Visitors: Dr. Cochran, Ms. Cadle, Dr. Rice, Dr. Coyne, Dr. Dorr, Dr. Kirby, Dr. Bruce, Mr. Bowers. Dr. Rackham called the meeting to order. The chairman asked if there were any revisions to the Faculty Senate minutes of the September 8 meeting. Dr. Greenawalt asked that the following revisions be made: Page 1, Executive Committee Report, No. 1 should read: "1. Senate 'actions' instead of 'minutes'." Page 1, Executive Committee Report, No. 2 should read: "2. 'Senate' Document #20 (1982-83) concerning academic eligibility has been returned to the Academic Policies Committee to review and bring back to the Senate." Page 2, In the "Report from the Academic Policies Committee," change the spelling of "Betz" to "Betts." Page 2, Report from the Institutional Development Committee, the last sentence should read: "Dr. Alan Comer stated that an Honors 'Program' task force is being formed and should be set up within the week." Page 3, New Business, No. 2 change "Faculty Conciliators" to "Faculty Conciliator." The minutes were approved as corrected. I. The chair made the following announcements: A. The student Senate selected Katherine Whatley as the 1983-84 Faculty Conciliator with John Bernhardt being the alternate. B. Vice Chancellor Door appointed Harry Johnston as UNCA's representative on the UNC Faculty Welfare Committee. Page 2 C. The faculty elected Chuck Bennett, Wilsonia Cherry, Gerald Gullickson and Gene Schultz with Ann Weber as the alternate to the Academic Appeals Board. D. Richard Robinson, Assistant to President William Friday for Legal Affairs will be present on Thursday, October 13, at 1:30 PM to meet with the Faculty Senate, the Hearings Committee, the Committee of the Tenured Faculty and the Grievance Committee to discuss faculty rights and responsibilities. All faculty members are invited to attend. E. A task force is being organized to study secondary schools following the Carnegie Commissions's report that colleges "adopt" a high school. II. Academic Policies Committee A. Dr. Betts moved and Williams seconded that Senate Document #1, APC Document #1, be approved. Discussion took place on S/U grading. The document was approved unanimously. B. Dr. Betts moved and Wengrow seconded that Senate Document #3, APC Document #4, be approved. The document was approved without much discussion. It will become effective immediately upon approval by the Chancellor. C. Dr. Betts moved and Comer seconded that Senate Document #2, APC Document #3, be approved. Dr. Gillum provided background information on the document. He indicated that it has been rewritten as a policy statement rather than a catalog statement. The document was approved without further discussion. D. Dr. Betts concluded by promising to circulate a memo indicating how faculty members should address APC in order to get action. III. The institutional Development Committee had nothing to report at this meeting. IV. Faculty Welfare Committee A. There will be a special election of the Tenure Committee to fill the vacancy left by Shirley Browning in the Social Science Division. B. August pay for new members will be changed. Hereafter, newly hired people will be paid on the fiscal year ending June 30. They will receive their first check at the end of August with pay from July 1. Those hired for 1983 will also be on the fiscal year, receiving their entire year's pay by June 30, Page 3 and the first check of the new year at the end of July. Those hired prior to the current year will remain on the old system as there is not enough money in the budget to convert everyone to the new procedure. Greenawalt thanked Vice Chancellor Dorr for his action. C. Dr. Greenawalt stated that Senate Document #4, FWC Document #1, was a revision made at the suggestion of Dr. Highsmith. Greenawalt moved and Farzanegan seconded that the document be approved. After discus- sion, the question was called by Dr. Comer. The document was approved with editorial changes to Item No. 6., adding the words "proposals for" after FWC. The document will be effective immediately upon approval by the Chancellor. V. Mr. Mel Blowers discussed the newest library developments. The library plans to replace the card catalog with the ComCat (Computer Output Microform) catalog. The card catalog will be closed to new entries this semester. By spring or earlier, ComCat will be in place, and for a while both systems will function, the older catalog being necessary for books acquired prior to 1975. Blowers provided background information to this decision and answers questions about the conversion. Other library procedures are being computerized. The library staff is trying to decide if a fully on-line system is desirable. Discussions followed on how the new system will improve research ability. There will be orientation sessions to familiarize faculty and students with the new system. VI. New Business - Dr. Howard read a Winston-Salem newspaper quote to the effect that faculty members at Wake Forest University are "outsiders" in the search for a Chancellor, and then offered no commit. Dr. Dorr replied that the Chancellor at UNCA reports to the president. Trustees recommend but do not hire. The meeting adjourned at 4:15 PM. Approved Submitted, Dr. Bruce Greenawalt Paula Wells Secretary, Faculty Senate Secretary