Senate Document #15 APC Document #13 Chemistry Curriculum Revisions Effective: Immediately I. ADDITION OF NEW COURSE (Catalog Page 82) Chemistry 325, 326 Intermediate Chemical Research I and II (2, 2) Directed laboratory research and independent study designed to introduce the student to specialized chemical research techniques and methodology at an early stage of professional development. Prerequisites: Chem 221, 231. RATIONALE: This course, in essence, has already been taught several semesters in succession (under various names such as "Advanced Synthetic Research," etc.) as either a Special Topics course or, as an individual student course. Because it has now been taught for at least five successive semesters, it should be included in the Catalog as a regular course offering. The course is offered to introduce the student to chemical research at an early stage of his/her development (in accordance with the philosophy on undergraduate training embraced by the American Chemical Society and endorsed by the UNCA Chemistry Department) without the demanding prerequisites of Chem 426, 445, Advanced Chemical Research. II. MODIFICATION (Catalog page 83) Present title: Chemistry 426, 445 Chemical Research I and II (2, 4) Desired change in title: Chemistry 426, 445 Advanced Chemical Research I and II (2, 4) Proposed change in pre- or co-requisite: addition of the words, "Senior Class Rank." Page 2 Present title and course description: 426, 445 Chemical Research I and II (2, 4). Directed research and independent study laboratory which may culminate in a research paper for publication. Department Chairman's permission required for admission. Pre- or co-requisite: Chem 425. Proposed title and course description: 426, 445 Advanced Chemical Research I and II (2, 4) Directed laboratory research and independent study which may culminate in a research paper for publication. Department Chairman's permission required for admission. Pre- or co-requisite: Chem 425 and Senior Class Rank. RATIONALE: The addition of the world "Advanced" to the title more adequately describes the nature of the course, the first of which requires numerous prerequisites including Chem 222, 224, either 331 or 341 and Chem 425, so that the course is, de facto, an advanced course. III. MODIFICATION (Catalog page 80) TRACK C, ITEM 2. REQUIRED COURSES OUTSIDE MAJOR DELETE: Biology 339, Microbiology. ADD: Biology 338, Vertebrate Physiology. RATIONALE: The original track required Biology 338. Subsequently that course was split into Biology 338 and Biology 339. Mr. Bernhardt, who carries the biology interest for this track, feels Biology 338 is better suited to Clinical Chemistry track needs than Biology 339. The Chemistry Department concurs. IV. ADDITION OF NEW COURSE (Catalog page 82) Chem 339 Techniques of Instrumental Pollution Analysis (3) (cross-listed with ES 335) Both trace analysis, and concentrated solution analysis, of metals and organic pollutants will be addressed. Prerequisites: Chem 223, 224. Page 3 RATIONALE: This is one of the courses anticipated for the pollution control track of the Environmental Studies program. It is cross-listed with ES 335 so that individuals in other E.S. tracks can utilize it if they have the prerequisites.