Senate Document #6 (APC Document #8) Physics Curricular Revisions Effective Immediately PHYSICS PROPOSAL 1. Change the title of Phys 101 LIGHT, PHOTOGRAPHY, PERCEPTION, AND VISUAL PHENOMENA to: Phys 101 LIGHT AND VISUAL PHENOMENA. Rationale: The word photography in the title is misleading as students interpret the course title as indicating that they will learn how to take photos and develop pictures. In fact, the art department teaches this type of course in photogaphy, i.e., Art 225 PHOTOGRAPHY I. Similarly, perception is misleading as Psych 325 PERCEPTION is the course to take for an understanding of visual perception. Phys 101 is a physics course in which the physical principles of light are stressed with application in a variety of areas, which touch on photography and perception. Therefore, the recommended new title, will more accurately reflect the content of the course. PHYSICS PROPOSAL 2. Add to the course description for Phys 105 CONTEMPORARY PHYSICS Prerequisite: Math 163 or equivalent. Rationale: Phys 105 is to some extent algebra-based. Students at times enroll assuming the course will have no mathematics because there are no prerequisites listed in the catalogue. The recommended pre- requisite will warn the student intending to take Phys 105 that a working knowledge of elementary algebra is necessary (Math 163 is COLLEGE ALGEBRA). PHYSICS PROPOSAL 3. Change the prerequisites for Phys 221 PHYSICS I from Math 191 at least concurrently to: Prerequisite: Math 191, Corequisite: Math 192. Page 2 Rationale: Since Phys 221 is calculus-based, it is essential that the student have completed one calculus course before taking Phys 221, and concurrently be enrolled in his second (Math 192). PHYSICS PROPOSAL 4. (See Catalog, pge 165) Change the prerequisites for Phys 222 PHYSICS II from Phys 221 and Math 291 at least concurrently to: Prerequisite: Phys 221, Corequisite Math 291. Rationale: The corequisite Math 291 CALCULUS III is essential for Phys 222 since Phys 222 is calculus-based using vector analysis, line and surface integrals, which are covered rigorously in Math 291. PHYSICS PROPOSAL 5. (See Catalog, page 165) Change the title and course description for Phys 240 from: Phys 240 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS AND INTEGRATED CIRCUITS (C Sci 240) (2). Operation, applications, and interfacing of linear and digital integrated circuits to scientific experiments. Microprocessor and interface applications to computer design. to: Phys 240 DIGITAL COMPUTER ELECTRONICS (Csci 240) (2). An introduction to gates, flip-flops, counters, and elementary computer architecture. Rationale: In the past few years the course content has shifted from an emphasis on scientific experiments and linear integrated circuits have been dropped. Currently, the emphasis is on the building blocks of the modern digital computer. This shift has occurred as a direct outcome of the new computer science program. The course serves the computer science majors and is listed also as Csci 240. The new title and course description reflects what is currently being taught in Phys 240. Note: Same course appears on page 92 (Csci). Page 2 PHYSICS PROPOSAL 6. (See Catalog, page 165) Drop the course Phys 300 PHYSICS TEACHING (3) from the catalog. Rationale: This methods course duplicates what is properly accomplished in the education department in Educ 381 METHODS/MANAGEMENT IN THE TEACHING OF SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS, K-12 (4). PHYSICS PROPOSAL 7. (See Catalog, pages 165-166) Change the prerequisites for Phys 323 MODERN OPTICS and Phys 325 THERMAL PHYSICS 325 from Phys 222 and Math 291 at least concurrently to: Prerequisite: Phys 222. Rationale: If Physics Proposal 4 is passed, Math 291 will become a corequisite for Phys 222. PHYSICS PROPOSAL 8. (See Catalog, page 324) Change the prerequisites for Phys 324 MODERN PHYSICS from: Prerequisite: Phys 323 or 325; Chemistry 141. to: Prerequisite: Chem 141; Corequisite: Phys 323 or 325. Rationale: If Physics Proposal 4 is passed, the student will then have to complete Math 291 before enrolling in Phys 324. The intent of the previous prerequisites was to insure strong preparation in calculus. The new prerequisites are adjusted in light of passage of proposal 4. Page 3 PHYSICS PROPOSAL 9. Add: Phys 450 SOLID STATE PHYSICS (2) An intermediate study of the physics of condensed matter including a study of crystal structures, bonding forces, metals, and semiconductors. Prerequisites: Phys 324 or Chem 341. Phys 485 ELEMENTARY PARTICLES (2) An introduction to fundamental particles, the quark model, and confinement. Prerequisite: Phys 324. Rationale: These courses are being proposed to strenghten the physics major's understanding of modern physics, see following proposal. PHYSICS PROPOSAL 10. (See Catalog, page 163) Change under Program A - Preparation for Graduate School I. Required courses in the major - 35 hours, including 221, 222, 323, 324, 325, 331, 332, 401, 402, 411, 490, and 495. to: I. Required courses in the major - 35 hours: 221, 222, 323, 324, 325, 331, 332, 401, 402, 411, 490, and 4 hours chosen from 420, 421, 450, and 485. Rationale: This change will strengthen the student's knowledge of modern physics. This is important in the preparation for graduate school track since the physics GRE is rich in modern physics. The research requirement Phys 495 is being dropped in order to make room for the 400 level courses in modern physics areas. Note that students can still take research as an elective. Note: If passed, IV should then read: IV. Special departmental requirements - a two-part Demonstration of Competency examination. Page 4 PHYSICS PROPOSAL 11. (See Catalog, page 163) Change under Teaching of Physics: I. Required courses in the major - 34 hours, including 221, 222, 300, 323, 324, 325, 331, 332, 401, 490, and 6 hours chosen from Physics 100, 101, 102, 105, 200, 240. to: I. Required courses in the major - 30 hours: 100, 221, 222, 323, 324, 325, 331, 332, 401, 402, 490. Rationale: The course Phys 300 PHYSICS TEACHING (proposed to be dropped from the catalog, Physics Proposal 6) is replaced by Phys 402. The 6 hour require- ment of lower level courses is being reduced to one course, Phys 100 ASTRONOMY. This will enable the student to take more courses in other science areas, which is necessary for meeting new state requirements in education. PHYSICS PROPOSAL 12. (See Catalog, page 164) Change under B.S. Degree: I. Required courses in the major above the introductory level - 30 hours: 221, 222, 240, 323, 324, 325, 331, 332, 401, 402, 490. to: I. Required courses in the major - 30 hours: 221, 222, 240, 323, 324, 325, 331, 332, 401, 402, 490. Rationale: Editoral change. PHYSICS PROPOSAL 13. (See Catalog, page 166) Replace Phys 331 and Phys 332 with: 331, 332 EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS I, II (2,2) Selected experiments with emphasis in modern physics introducing the student to experimental design and analysis of data. Corequisite: Phys 323 or 325. Rationale: Basically editorial. The new wording is slightly more general allowing the instructor more flexibility in choosing specific modern physics experiments.