1982-1983 SENATE DOCUMENT #38 EC DOCUMENT #2 POLICIES FOR THE PROTECTION OF HUMAN SUBJECTS IN RESEARCH AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASHEVILLE PURPOSE This document implements the University policy which directs that all human research projects conducted under the auspices of the University are subject to review, toward the end of insuring protection of the rights and welfare of the individuals who participate as subjects. This document does not constrain the continuation or adoption of review procedures at the departmental level. POLICY For the purpose of reviewing research for the protection of human subjects, research at UNC-Asheville shall be divided into two categories: (A) research explicitly contracted through federal or state funds, and (B) research not involving such contracts. This category includes research conducted by students for instructional purposes. The review of research in these categories requires two evaluation processes: (1) Research in category A shall be evaluated by the Institutional Review Committee, using the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) guidelines to determine whether or not the proposed research provides the necessary protections to human subjects. (2) Research in category B only requires review at the departmental level, except in certain instances (see below). The following policies shall be established regarding evaluation of research in category B: (a) The various academic departments are charged with developing mechanisms for the evaluation of research involving human subjects by students and/or faculty in those departments. Page 2 (b) Each department shall submit to the Institutional Review Committee a copy of its review process, including any guideline statements on human subjects research adopted by the discipline's national association and a sample of the forms used for departmental review. To be approved by the Institutional Review Committee, the departmental review process must provide the same protections to human subjects afforded by the DHHS policy. (c) Any academic department that does not wish to create such a mechanism for review shall automatically have its research reviewed by the Institutional Review Committee. (d) A copy of each research proposal approved at the departmental level shall be forwarded to the Institutional Review Committee for information purposes and will be kept on permanent file. (e) Any student or faculty researcher(s) who desire review at the institutional level may submit his proposal directly to that committee for review. If approved by that committee, a signed copy of the approved proposal shall be forwarded to the departmental committee and retained in its permanent files. (f) Any departmental review committee may request review at the institutional level for a research proposal if its members judge that such a review is appropriate. If approved by the Institutional Review Committee, a signed copy of the approved proposal shall be forwarded to the departmental committee and retained in its files. APPEALS PROCESS The appeals process for research not approved by either the Institutional or Department Review Committees shall be divided into two categories: (A) research not approved that is explicitly contracted through federal or state funds and, therefore, reviewed by the Institutional Review Committee, and, (B) research not approved that does not involve such contracts and, therefore, is reviewed by the Department Review Committee. Page 3 The appeal of research not approved in these categories requires two appeal processes: (1) Research in category A should be resubmitted with modifications suggested by the Institutional Review Committee. Should repeated resubmissions to the Instititional Review Committee not be approved, the decision may be appealed to the Faculty Grievance Committee. The procedures for submission of a grievance, as outlined in the Faculty Handbook, must be followed. (2) Research in category B should be resubmitted with modifications suggested by the department review. Should repeated resubmissions to the department review not be approved, the decision may be appealed to the Institutional Review Committee. INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP The members of the Institutional Review Committee will be nominated by the University Research Council and approved by the Chancellor. The Review Committee shall be composed of the Director of Institutional Research and five faculty members, three of whom will be experienced in human subjects research. Only one member may come from any subject matter department. The Assistant to the Director of University Relations, Grants and Contracts will be non-voting members of the Institutional Review Committee.