1982-1983 SENATE DOCUMENT #29 APC DOCUMENT #24 COURSE REVISION IN FRENCH AND GERMAN DELETE: "335 German Civilization (3)" as described in the current Catalog (p. 108) ADD: The following two courses: 350 German Civilization I (3) Introduction to the cultural and historical development of Germany from its Germanic beginnings to 1648. Discussion of artistic and intellectual achievements, religious, social, and political institutions. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. 351 German Civilization II (3) Introduction to the cultural and historical development of Germany from 1648 to the present. Discussion of artistic and intellectual achievements, religious, social, and political institutions. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. RATIONALE: A one-semester presentation of German Civilization has proved unsatisfactory for the amount of material to be covered. The staff in German believes that the mass of material requires two semesters for adequate presentation. DELETE: "335 French Civilization (3)" as described in the current Catalog (p. 108) ADD: The following two courses: 350 French Civilization I (3) Cultural and historical developments from pre-Roman times to the 18th century, as seen in artistic and intellectual achievements, religious, social and political institutions, customs and traditions. Prerequisite: French 310. Page 2 351 French Civilization II (3) Cultural and historical developments from the 18th century to the present, as seen in artistic and intellectual achievements, religious, social and political institutions, customs and traditions. Prerequisite: French 310. Add to description of major: "At least one Civilization course is recommended for all majors and minors and candidates for teacher certification." RATIONALE: Until now, French Civilization has been offered as a one-semester course. This has proved unsatisfactory. The great variety and sheer bulk of cultural materials that need to be considered in such a course (covering, as it does, a period of more than 2 millennia) justify the proposed division. This division corresponds to the one made for Survey of French Literature I and II (French 330, 331) and is used by other schools in the presentation of this very important area of study.