THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASHEVILLE FACULTY SENATE November 18, 1981 The Faculty Senate met on Wednesday, November 18, 1981 at 3:00 pm in Library I with Dr. John G. Stevens, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Dr. Browning, Dr. Comer, Dr. Dorr, Dr. Lang, Dr. McCoy, Dr. Otti, Dr. Rackham, Dr. Rainey, Dr. Schultz, Dr. Squibb, Dr. Stevens, Dr. Stoughton, and Dr. Walker Absent: Dr. Grams, Dr. Greenawalt, Dr. Remington, and Dr. Wilson Visitors: Dr. Seitz, Dr. Williams, Tony Hyde, Dr. Sabo, Dr. Coyne, Ms. Nelms, Dr. Baumann, and Teresa Metcalf. I. The minutes of the November 4 meeting were approved as published. II. Executive Committee - John Stevens A. EC Document #4 - Policy for Developing Transfer Agreements Between Accredited Two-Year Institutions and UNCA. Dr. Schultz moved the adoption of this document and Dr. Lang seconded. After a brief discussion and an editorial change, EC Document #4 was approved as edited. B. Dr. Rackham presented an update on the Communications Program. Tentatively, Thoms Cable TV has agreed to give cable access capacity, the necessary equipment for a broadcast signal, loan of camera and lights, and technical advise. Some of UNCA's responsibilities include such things as space for production, programming, "planning and supervision council" and management responsibility. There are also limitations recognized in the agreement: limited programming, limited personnel and experience, and limited financial resources. Aside from the academic laboratory for Communications Program, other functions and goals will be to promote (1) Service to other programs, (2) Community relations and (3) Education. Several pieces of equipment and a full-time position will be required to execute this program. Money to cover these expenses will be obtained through grants and other outside funding sources. C. The next Senate Meeting will be December 9. In Dr. Stevens' absence, Dr. Browning will chair the meeting. D. In the future, Senate Documents will be distributed to senate members and departmnt chairmen only unless, for some reason, a wider distributions seems necessary. The minutes will continue to be distributed to the entire academic community. Page 2 E. An Ad Hoc Committee to study Changes in the Constitution has been appointed. The Chairman named was Dr. Rackham, and the members are Drs. Otti and Squibb. F. An Ad Hoc Committee has been appointed to review the Environmental Studies Program. Dr. Comer will chair the Committee and members are Drs. Remington, Stoughton, Williams and Weber. G. It was announced that Senate Documents on the Student Grievance Procedure, The Research Council, and The University of North Carolina at Asheville's Mission Statement have been approved and signed by Dr. Highsmith. There are still some details to be worked out on Senate Document #2 - Proposed Procedure for Development of New Degree Programs, and Tracks Within Programs. These will be presented at the next Senate meeting. H. There have been a number of discussions concerning the UNCA Planning Review Council and a proposal will be presented at the December Senate meeting. Four of the six faculty members on the Planning Committee will be Senate's IDC members. This Council will not basically interfere with the Senate's and IDC's current roles, but will fill a current void on our campus. III. Academic Policies Committee - Dr. Browning APC Document #25 - APC Recommendation Approval of Request for Student Academic Grievances Procedure. Dr. Browning moved adoption of this document. Dr. McCoy seconded. Dr. Rackham moved an amendment to reverse Step 2 and Step 3 and that Step 2 be amended as follows: The student must next confer with the instructor's department chairman unless the department chairman is the one in question. The amendment was approved after the Chair broke a tie vote. Dr. Rainey moved a second amendment to add to Step 2: in which case the student should proceed to Step 3. The motion was seconded by Dr. Stoughton and carried. Some other concerns expressed were that: (1) The new procedure might not serve the student because he could conceivably feel that the chairman would have a faculty bias. (2) The new procedure might promote a legalistic approach on the part of the student. Dr. Schultz moved to table the document in Page 3 order to solicit an opinion on the order of Steps 2 and 3 from the Student Government. Dr. Comer seconded and the motion carried. The Senate will produce a draft to be submitted at the next meeting. APC Document #27 - APC Recommendation Approval of Request for the Scholarship Committee. Dr. Browning moved adoption of this document. Seconded by Dr. Schultz and approved by a unanimous vote. APC Document #28 - APC Recommendation Approval of Request for Humanities Program. Dr. Browning moved adoption of this document. Dr. McCoy seconded and the motion carried by a unanimous vote. APC Document #29 - APC Recommendation Approval of Request for Admissions Committee. Dr. Browning moved adoption of this document. Seconded by Dr. Lang and the motion carried by a unanimous vote. IV. Report from the Institutional Development Committee - Dr. Otti. Dr. Otti reported that the IDC is working on its agenda listed in the Executive Committee's September 29 minutes. V. Report of the Faculty Welfare Committee - Dr. Lang A. Dr. Lang advised that an additional letter was being distributed concerning the Supplemental Health Insurance and urged that this letter be read carefully. Only 15 faculty and staff members responded to the first letter concerning the supplemental hospitalization insurance plan for employees. The Administration would like to have a response from at least 25 before processing. B. FWD Document #2 - Resolution on Faculty Salaries to be Delivered to the Faculty Assembly. Dr. Lang moved adoption of this document. Seconded by Dr. Otti. A motion was made by Dr. Rackham to add the following sentence to the last paragraph: Be it also resolved that an adequate pay raise for 1982-1983 fiscal year be adopted. A few editorial changes were made. Question called and the motion passed by a unanimous vote. C. FWD Document #1 - Outstanding Teacher Award Page 4 Dr. Lang moved adoption of FWC Document #1. Seconded by Dr. Schultz. It was agreed that the Award would be better described as the Distinguished Teacher Award rather than Outstanding. Also No. A under Nominations was changed to read as follows: Any full-time faculty member (Lecturer, Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor) shall be eligible, except for those faculty who have previously won the award. The meeting adjourned at 5:30