THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASHEVILLE FACULTY SENATE March 4, 1982 The Faculty Senate met on Thursday, March 4, 1982 at 3:00 pm in Library I with Dr. John Stevens, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Dr. Browning, Dr. Dorr, Dr. Grams, Dr. Lang, Dr. Otti, Dr. Rackham, Dr. Rainey, Dr. Remington, Dr. Schultz, Dr. Walker, Dr. McCoy, Dr. Squibb, Dr. Stevens, Dr. Wilson. Absent: Dr. Comer, Dr. Greenawalt, Dr. Stoughton. Visitors: Dr. Joyce Dorr, Mrs. Jo Cadle, Dr. Thurman, Mr. Cooke, Dr. Coyne, Dr. Williams, Mrs. Nelms. I. The minutes of the Special Called Meeting of February 18, 1982 were approved as published. II. Executive Committee - John Stevens A. Faculty Senate Document #33 - Distinguished Teacher Award (Second Revision). Dr. Stevens reported that this document has been approved by Dr. Highsmith. There followed selection of a review committee for the Distinguished Teacher Award. Elected were: Dr. Remington, Dr. Rainey, Dr. Howard, Dr. Schultz, Ms. D. Sulock, Dr. Rackham. B. Faculty Senate Document #42 - Credit Hour Requirement. Dr. Stevens reported that, after several discussions with Drs. Dorr and Highsmith, this document has now been approved by Dr. Highsmith. C. Dr. Rackham moved that the Senate bring back to the table the Proposed Amendment to the Consitution (Yellow Copy - available for review in the Senate office) that was tabled at the Special Called Meeting of February 18, 1982. After a unanimous vote for the motion, Dr. Rackham introduced a substitute motion by moving the adoption of a new draft of an Amended Faculty Senate Constitution (Blue Copy - available for review in the Senate office). Dr. Rackham explained that the intent of the new draft was to provide the Senate with a compromise of various points over which there has been some difference of opinions. Dr. Stevens announced that he had this week had a very difficult meeting with Dr. Highsmith, during which Dr. Highsmith expressed that the proposed Faculty Constitution should be approved by the Chancellor before the Faculty should vote on it. Dr. Stevens noted that in this particular case the Senate needed the approval of the Faculty before proceeding Page 2 with it to the Chancellor's office. A second and more difficult concern was voiced by Dr. Highsmith which was the removal of the vote of the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs on both the Senate and the APC. He expressed that since the Faculty Senate is a parliamentary body, the Vice Chancellor, being a member of such a group implies a vote rather than just a voice. Some members voiced the view that this situation put the Senate in an unbargainable situation, while others indicated that the issue was very much being overstated. Dr. Remington moved and Dr. Rackham seconded a motion that amended the Constitution to read that the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs shall be a voting ex officio member of the Senate and the APC. Dr. Wilson requested a secret ballot, to which Dr. Stevens responded by reading from Robert's Rules of the rarity of a representative body having a secret ballot. The motion failed on a 6 to 7 vote. The secret ballot was again called for and the motion to approve the amended Constitution (Blue Copy) passed by a vote of 10 to 3. The procedure to be followed is that the Constitution will be distributed to the faculty for 30 days to examine. At the end of this, a vote will be taken by the full faculty. It was agreed to underline all changes and for Dr. Rackham to include a rationale for the proposed changes. If the Constitution is passed, it will then be submitted to the Chancellor. III. Report of the Academic Policies Committee - Dr. Browning A. APC Document #26 - Joint Forestry Program with North Carolina State University. Dr. Shirley Browning moved that this document be approved. The motion was seconded by Dr. McCoy and pass unanimously. B. APC Document #38 - Proposal to Implement B.S./B.A. in Music Dr. Browning moved to approve this document. Dr. Schultz seconded and the motion passed. Note: Additional copies of this document are available upon request or from any Senate member. C. APC Document #39 - Report on Academic Agreements with Two Year Institutions. This document is not ready to be voted upon at this time. D. APC Document #40 - Proposal for Replacement of F Grade. Dr. Wilson read a memorandum from Ms. Dorothy Sulock on the rationale and possible effects of the proposal, after which a vote was taken and the proposal was unanimously approved. Page 3 E. Dr. Stevens returned to the agenda by reading a memorandum from Mr. Pott on the use of excess receipts. As a result of over-enrollment this year, the University has generated $38,200 in North Carolina tuition beyond the revenue that was budgeted. Such excess receipts are frozen by the state system and require Budget Division approval to be used. After such increases were evident, presentations were made by Mr. Pott and they were approved for both the Fall Semester ($29,000), and Spring, ($9,200). A summary of the distribution is as follows: Fall Spring Total 101 $ 8,000 $ 3,200 $ 11,200 152 - 2,000 2,000 160 7,850 4,000 11,850 170 11,050 - 11,050 180 2,100 - 2,100       TOTAL $ 29,000 $ 9,200 $ 38,200 The distribution of the Spring Semester funds in the instructional area will be distribution on down to particular cost centers as needs arise by Dr. Cochran. Dr. Cochran reported that the monies which were approved by Raleigh should be considered as a windfall. The excess receipts have helped to minimize earlier state mandated cut-backs of 5%. He presented some preliminary information on projected budgets for 1982-1983, which are dependent upon the general administration's final FTE authorization for UNC. He added that the Planning Council was given more detailed information about these projections. IV. Report of the Institutional Development Committee - Dr.Otti A. Report from the University Planning Council Dr. Otti reported on the recent activities of the Planning Council including the program evaluation task force, the general education review, the physical facilities planning committee and other items discussed at recent UPC meetings. A memorandum to the program task force members will be sent out which will detail the above. V. Report of the Faculty Welfare Committee - Dr. Lang A. Dr. Lang reported that banks and insurance companies have asked us to address the faculty on the matter of IRA and SRA and he has deferred to Dr. Joe Sulock who will be giving a talk at the Wednesday noon Faculty Seminar on this topic in early April. He reported also that supplemental health insurance companies are being asked to submit bids. The outcome of this process depends upon the state health coverage available in the coming year. Page 4 VI. Old Business Dr. Rainey reported that he and Dr. Browning had recently attended the Faculty Assembly at Chapel Hill and that Dr. Browning had received a gavel in recognition of his services as Chairman of the Faculty Assembly for two years. Dr. Rainey felt a tremendous amount of good will at the Assembly toward the University because of Dr. Browning's leadership. The Senate gave Dr. Browning a round of applause in appreciation. In the absence of new business, Dr. Stevens adjourned the meeting at 5:00 pm. The Faculty Senate will next convene at 3:00 pm Thursday, April 1, 1982. Approved Dr. Wayne Lang Jeanie M. Myers Secretary, Faculty Senate