THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASHEVILLE FACULTY SENATE February 4, 1982 The Faculty Senate met on Thursday, February 4, 1982 at 3:00 pm in Library I with Dr. John Stevens, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Dr. Browning, Dr. Comer, Dr. Dorr, Dr. Grams, Dr. Greenawalt, Dr. Lang, Dr. Otti, Dr. Rackham, Dr. Rainey, Dr. Remington, Dr. Schultz, Dr. Stevens, Dr. Walker, and Jo Cadle, ex officio. Members Absent: Dr. McCoy, Dr. Squibb, Dr. Stoughton, and Dr. Wilson Visitors: Dr. Coyne, Dr. Seitz, Dr. Cochran, Dr. Rice, Ms. Nelms, Dr. Stern, and Dr. Howard I. The minutes of the December 9 meeting were approved as published. II. Executive Committee - John Stevens A. Faculty Senate Document #33 (First Revision) - Distinguished Teacher Award. Dr. Schultz moved the adoption of this document and Dr. Otti seconded. After a brief discussion the document was approved by a unanimous vote. B. EC Document #6 - Proposed Constitution of the Faculty Senate Dr. Otti moved adoption of this document and Dr. Comer seconded. Discussion, a number of editorial changes plus an amendment followed. Dr. Walker moved the following amendment: That 6 elected members of the Senate shall be elected at large so that each year there would be 3 chosen from the three broad divisions and 2 at large each year. The amendment was discussed and passed. Dr. Lang moved to table the document until parts of it could be rewritten for clarification. Dr. Schultz seconded and the motion carried. Dr. Rackham will rewrite EC Document #6. A special meeting of the Faculty Senate was called for 3:00 pm February 18 to continue deliberation. Earlier in the discussion an amendment to the proposed constitution, prepared by John R. Stoughton and R.W. Hoyer, was distributed. Dr. Greenawalt moved that this amendment be placed on the floor for discussion. Dr. Grams seconded. After a brief discussion, a vote was taken and the amendment failed by a unanimous vote. Page 2 C. Dr. Cochran gave a report on the most recent cuts in the 1981-1982 budget. He presented several tables of data. In essence, $25,000 must be returned to the State. Three items in the instructional budget (educational supplies, educational equipment and travel) were cut by a total of $4329. This represented a 2.8% cut in the "101" budget. The remaining cut came as follows: Library $6,000, Academic Support $4017, Student Services $2049, Institutional Support $5175, Physical Plant $4600. In addition to the actual dollar budget cut, Dr. Cochran reported that 3 SPA positions have been frozen. These were a receptionist for the Admissions Office, a clerk for the Personnel Office, and a housekeeper. The position of a secretary for the Faculty Senate and faculty-at-large was not frozen. D. Dr. Ken Rice spoke briefly on the role of Director of Enrollment Services. He outlined the problems facing unversity recruitment activities and asked for faculty support. E. Election of Membership of the Planning Task Force on Education. The following were elected: Social Sciences Dr. Phyllis Otti Dr. Gene Rainey Natural Science and Math Dr. Alan Comer Dr. John Stevens Fine Arts and Drama Mr. Arnold Wengrow Humanities Dr. Deryl Howard Dr. Merritt Moseley Management Dr. Robert Williams Education Dr. Gwen Henderson F. Other Business 1. The policy which was approved by the Board of Governors on persons who offer themselves as candidates for political office was brought to the attention of the Faculty Senate. 2. Student Grievance Ad Hoc Committee has been established which consists of Dr. Comer, Dr. Rainey (Chairman of the Committee), Dr. Sabo, Dr. Stoughton, Dr. Walker and Dr. Iovacchini. This committee will be making its report to the Executive Committee by February 15. Page 3 3. The Ad Hoc Committee on Environmental Studies which was established in November will be reporting to the Academic Policies Committee soon. 4. Dr. Highsmith has approved the following Senate Documents: Senate Document #28 - Policy for Transfer Agreement Between Two Year Institutions and UNCA. Senate Document #35 - UNCA Planning Council Senate Document #36 - Track in Weather Forecasting and Broadcasting Senate Document #38 - Academic Minors Senate Document #40 - Second Baccalaureate Degree III. Report of the Academic Policies Committee - Dr. Browning A. APC Document #36 - Approval Request for "Pass/Fall" Provision - ENGR 100 Dr. Browning moved approval of this document. Dr. Rackham seconded and it was approved by a unanimous vote. B. APC Document #35 - Credit Hour Requirements Dr. Browning moved adoption. Dr. Rackham seconded. After an editorial change, the motion passed by a unanimous vote. IV. Report of the Institutional Development Committee - Dr. Otti Dr. Otti reported that work is in progress on the Student Evaluations of Faculty and Courses. The instrument to be used will be more detailed than the present one. The Ad Hoc Committee will be reporting to the Institutional Development Committee the 1st week in March. V. Report of the Faculty Welfare Committee - Dr. Lang A. Health Insurance. Because of poor response and the concern about absence of bidding, a Supplemental Health Insurance will not be instituted at this time. Hopefully, the fringe benefits with Blue Cross/Blue Shield can be restored. A resolution concerning submitting bids for Health Insurance is being prepared. B. Reappointment letters were read by Dr. Dorr. Discussion revolved around the impact of the wording. The meeting adjourned at 5:45. Page 4 Approved Dr. Wayne Lang Mary Jane Winfrey Secretary, Faculty Senate Secretary