1981-1982 Senate Document #31 APC Document #28 Humanities 414 Credit Having consulted with the staff, I propose that the Academic Policies Committee advise the Registrar that Humanities 414 should count toward the graduation requirement of 30 hours credit at the 300 and 400 level. No catalog change is required. The Registrar at present is not counting the course toward the requirement; this policy is based on discussion with Dr. Trullinger, the previous chairman, and was never written. Rationale: The course is definitely conducted at an advanced level. There is extensive reading, much of it difficult, and extensive writing. Students are expected to bring a base of knowledge from their general education, and sometimes from their major disciplines, to bear on contemporary problems, and they are asked to make connections between materials from several fields of knowledge. The course is relatively demanding. If it is felt that the requirement of advanced work should be stiffer, we should increase the number of hours rather than excluding Humanities 414. The present policy is confusing to students and causes problems for the Registrar.