1981-1982 Senate Document #30 APC Document #27 Scholarship Eligibility Through an inadvertent oversight, the following entry, now in the present catalogue, failed to clear the Academic Policies Committee last year. It has the endorsement of both last year's and this year's committees. p. 25 Only full-time students are eligible for scholarships. Students who are awarded scholarships, and subsequently drop enough courses to change to part-time status, must either show good cause for the change or forfeit the scholarships. A review of students' status will be made by the Financial Aid Office two weeks after the last drop-add day. Those students whose status has changed will be notified by letter and will have two weeks to show the Financial Aid Office in writing why they should continue to receive the aid. If they cannot do this satisfactorily, they will forfeit their scholarships the following semester. Forfeiting students will be sent letters informing them of this fact and of what they need to do to become eligible for aid again.