1981-1982 Senate Document #21 APC Document #19 Department of Education - Change of Program Requirements and New Courses/Deletions Background The overall justification for the ten following proposed catalog changes results from current changes and trends in both teacher training and in elementary and secondary education. Among these are: The NC Annual and Competency tests programs; changes in the N.T.E. content as well as increased scores on the N.T.E.; and the proposed Quality Assurance Program - Co-sponsored by State Department of Public Instruction and the University of North Carolina. Several investigations, meetings, and discussions were held with certification students; elementary and secondary teachers and administrators; faculty and administrators in other universities in NC and with the Faculty Advisory Committee in Teacher Education here at UNCA, before decisions about the following proposed changes were made. Item 1. References p. 86 present catalog. 200 Introduction to Education, K-12 (3) Delete (3) Change (3) to (4) Justification for changing (3) to (4). Students are required to complete twenty-two hours of field experience beyond scheduled class meetings. 150 minutes of class meetings are needed to cover content of the course. The field experience is crucial to one of the objectives of the course, which is, "to discover what teaching is all about." Item 2. Reference p. 86 present catalog. 313 Adolescent Literature, 7-12 (3) Add: After: "Open to any Student" Required for Secondary English, Social Studies and Theatre Arts Certification. Justification: Education 313, Adolescent Literature, begins where Education 368, Reading in the Content Areas, leaves off. Reading in the Content Areas is a secondary reading foundations course. Adolescent Literature is a reading enrichment and motivational course. Any teacher who requires students to read to learn the course material should be aware of reading material written specifically for adolescents in the various teaching fields. Item 3. Reference p. 86 present catalog. 320 Teaching of Physical Education in the Elementary Schools (K-9) (2) 321 Teaching of Health Education in the Elementary School (K-9) (2) Delete: 320 and 321 with description as stated p. 86. Add: 319 Teaching Health and Physical Education in the Elementary School (K-9) (3) Add: New Description: Development of understandings, Page 2 skills, and methods for teaching health education and physical education for elementary school pupils. Open only to certification students. Prerequisite Ed. 200. Justification: The competencies for teaching health and physical education (as required by State Department of Public Instruction) can be easily blended into one three-hour course for one semester rather than two separate two-hour courses taken two different semesters. Item 4. Reference p. 87 present catalog. Delete: 342 Teaching Math and Science in the Elementary School (K-3) (4) 343 Teaching Math and Science in the Elementary School (4-9) (4) and description from the catalog. Change to: Ed. 381, Methods/Management in the Teaching of Science and Mathematics (K-12) (4). Designed for K-12 students who will be teaching mathematics and/or science, this methods course provides a general review of basic mathematical and scientific concepts, a delineation of present trends; exposure to various laboratory techniques; and instruction in the use of audio-visuals in the classroom. Stressing the corollaries that "to live is to do science" and "to do science is to use mathematics" the instructional strategy emphasizes extensive use of common every day materials. Some field experience is required. Prerequisites: Ed. 200 (Open only to certification students). Justification: Scientific and mathematical concepts have no correlation with grade level. Further, the scientific method, the basis for all true learning, is a constant whether employed at the Kindergarten or post-graduate level. This comprehensive course arrangement allows for an exchange of cognitive information, a synthesizing of ideas, intragrade level planning, and an interplay which promotes assurance of continuity and improved learning for the students these individuals will teach. Item 5. Reference pp. 86, 87 present catalog. Courses in Secondary Methods 360-367. Delete from the catalog pp. 86, 87. Change to: Ed. 380 Methods and Management in Teaching (7-12) (4). The methods course emphasizes planning, teaching, evaluation, organization, and management essential for classroom teaching. A unit on use and design of audio-visual materials will be included. Each student will also be introduced to methodologies of particular importance to their own subject area. Required for Art (K-12) Theatre Arts (K-12) all Secondary Certification areas except Math and Science. Prerequisites: Educ. 200 and Educ. 300. Justification: The methods for all curricular areas can be synthesized into one course that is educationally Page 3 sound. An audio-visual unit now required by the State Department of Public Instruction will be incorporated in the course. Item 6. Reference p. 88 present catalog. 368 Reading in the Content Areas Delete from the catalog. Change to: 300 Reading and Writing In the Content Areas (7-12) (4). Change: Description to: Development of competencies in teaching reading and writing skills to students in all content areas. Emphasizes the wide range of ability levels and skills in a typical classroom and methodologies to improve content area teaching by acknowledging skill and ability differentials and individualizing instruction to successfully teach all students. Required: Secondary Certification and Reading (K-12). Prerequisites: Educ. 200 or teaching experience. Justification: change in course number indicates its relationship to Adolescent Literature (313) in the sequence. The addition of writing acknowledges the critical need for all teachers to become teachers of writing, as well as reading. Item 7. Reference p. 88 present catalog. 420 The Open Classroom (3) Delete from the catalog. Justification: the course has not been offered in three years. The last time it was offered only five enrolled. There is no longer a need for this course. Item 8. Reference p. 89 present catalog. 480 Philosophical Considerations of Education (3) Delete from the catalog p. 89. Change to Ed. 400 Theoretical Foundations of Education (3) Involves a comprehensive delineation of major theories which have impacted American educational principles and practices. Similarities and dissimilarities between modern and past educational "philosophies" are subjected to thorough analyses. The historical base for topical treatment revolves around concepts spanning some 2000-odd years, beginning with those expressed by the early mythopeics and concluding with those of the neo-philosophere and psychologists. The title and former content have been too limiting for the present required competencies by the Department of Education at UNCA and by the State Department of Public Instruction. Prerequisites: all Education and Psychology requirements except Ed. 337, student teaching and senior seminar. Item 9. Reference pp. 84-85 present catalog. Certification Program B - Intermediate p. 84 Certification Program C - Secondary p. 85 Page 4 II. Required Courses Outside Education: Add: After Psychology 218, p. 84, and after 218, p. 85 - 316 (Tests and Measurements) All Certification students need a course in test construction and evaluation. Presently, this course is only required for K-12 reading certification. We have tried to include this content in the courses but it has been unsuccessful. The test construction, interpretation of tests and evaluation of pupils is a competency presently required by the Department of Education at UNCA and the State Department of Public Instruction. The psychology department has altered the course content to include an option for certification students. Item 10. Reference p. 89 present catalog. Add: 492 Senior Seminar in Education (K-12) (3) This seminar will provide the capstone, or pro seminar experience, of the Department's certification program, the aim of which is to provide an opportunity for the student to synthesize his course work and the field experiences. Independent study and a research project appropriate to the certification program will be required. This course must be taken during the professional semester. Prerequisites: All education courses except Ed. 337, 400 and Student Teaching. Justification: There has long been a need for a final education course that will synthesize theory, practice, and subject matter for the prospective teacher. In the introductory course, general problems and trends in education are identified and briefly discussed. Throughout the professional sequence students relate these general problems to specific subject areas/levels. Finally, the Standards and Guidelines for Teacher Education from S.D.P.I. call for: "an awareness and need for continued learning ... independent study and graduate study. Item 11. pp. 84-86 Change (1) in Programs: A. From current statement to: Required courses in Education: 38 hours, including 200, 312, 319, 330, 332, 337, 344, 381, 400, 450, 492. Recommended electives: 420, 491, and Soc. 301. B. From current statement to: Required Education courses: 38 hours, including 200, 312 or 313, 319, 330, 332, 337, 344, 381, 400, 451, 492. Recommended electives: 420, 491, and Soc. 301. C. From current statement to: Page 5 Required Education courses: 24-27 hours, including 200, 300, 313 (for English, Social Studies, and Theatre Arts), 380 or 381, 400, 460, and 492. Recommended electives: 313 (for other areas), 420, 491, and Soc. 301. D. From current statement to: Required Education courses: 34 hours, including 200, 300, 312 or 313, 330, 332, 337, 340, 361, 400, 452, 490. Recommended electives: 420, 491, and Soc. 301. E. From current statement to: Required Education courses: 27 hours, including 200, 300, 380, 453, and 492. Recommended electives: 313, 420, 491, and Soc. 301. F. From current statement to: Required Education courses: 27 hours, including 200, 300, 313, 380, 400, 454, 492. Recommended electives: 422, 491, and Soc. 301. Justification: to reflect changes in items 1 - 10 above.