University of North Carolina at Asheville FACULTY SENATE MINUTES October 16, 1980 A Faculty Senate met on Thursday, October 16, 1980 at 4:00 pm in the ZSS Simulation Laboratory with Dr. Gene Rainey, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Dr. Braggio, Dr. Browning, Dr. Coyne, Dr. Friedenberg, Dr. Greenawalt, Dr. Howard, Dr. Johnston, Dr. Lang, Dr. McCoy, Dr. Perry, Dr. Rainey, Dr. Reynolds, Dr. Squibb, Dr. Wilson. Excused absences: Dr. Sulock, Dr. Walker Visitors: Mrs. Cadle, Dr. Cochran, Dr. Cole, Dr. Hart, Dr. Seitz, Dr. Stoughton. Dr. Rainey welcomed Dr. Shirley Browning, who was elected to the Senate in the place of Dr. Walt Boland. The minutes of the September 11 meeting were approved as published. In the way of concerning old business, Dr. Rainey said that progress reports of the task force chairmen would be given at the next Senate meeting in order to give more time to the APC business at this meeting. Dr. Rainey asked Dr. Cochran to speak to two questions which the Senate had previously raised: (1) progress of the removal of asbestos in buildings on campus, and (2) whether unspent monies are returned to the state. Dr. Cochran reported that the State has appropriated money for the removal of the asbestos in the Science Building. The Student Center and the Administration Building are lower in priority. We are in the process of hiring an architect to design the job. It will be a few months before we know who the architect is and what will be entailed in the removal. In response to the question on the budget, he said that there are two categories: salary monies and appropriated monies for supplies and equipment. It is not uncommon for salary monies to revert back due to a position being vacated. The supply and equipment monies may revert to the state if, at the end of the year, the monies have not been encumbered by the various departments. We try to see that the money is spent so we don't see this happening very much. Faculty Welfare Committee - Dr. Howard, Chairman The Welfare Committee has been presented an insurance plan by The Travelers Insurance Company which would give car and home insurance coverage at a 10% reduction of the normal rates. The FWC will talk to Mr. Pott about the possibility of adopting this new plan. Page 2 UNCA is considering having seniors buy caps and gowns from the school and then selling them back rather than renting from an external company. The FWC has been asked to look into this possibility for the faculty also, since it might be considerably cheaper. FWC is collecting United Way pledges for the faculty. Dr. Howard reported that there are some minor problems in rules governing various ballot processes which he would bring to the attention to the Senate at a later date. Before calling on Dr. Perry as Chairman of the Academic Policies Committee, Dr. Rainey suggested that it might be well to try to complete the Senate business in two meetings rather than one lengthy one. He recommended that they recess at 6:00 and reconvene next Thursday at 4:00 in RL1. Academic Policies Committee - Dr. Perry, Chairman The following documents were adopted by the Senate: APC Doc #1 - Change in major requirements for Literature and Language major. APC Doc #2 - Catalog changes for the Department of Art and Music. APC Doc #3 - Catalog changes for the Department of Economics. APC Doc #4 - Catalog changes for the Department of Biology. APC Doc #5 - Course and degree requirement changes for the Department of Chemistry. APC Doc #6 - Curriculum and course changes for the Department of Physics. APC Doc #8 - Change in probation policy. APC Doc #9 - Alteration in a course in the Gerontology track, Department of Sociology. APC Doc #10 - Catalog changes for the Department of Mathematics. APC Doc #11 - Changes in course titles and curriculum in the Developmental Studies program. (Revised by Senate) APC Doc #12 - The addition of a course under Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology to the Physics curriculum. APC Doc #13 - Additional music courses and a change in Music 241 credit availability for the Department of Art and Music. Page 3 APC Doc #14 - Course revisions and additions for the Department of Psychology. APC Doc #15 - Course changes and additions in two content areas of the Department of Management (personnel management and accounting). APC Doc #16 - Course additions for the Department of Philosphy. The Senate recessed at 6:00 pm until the following Thursday, October 23, 1980. APPROVED: Deryl Howard Jan Scroggs Faculty Senate Secretary Secretary