University of North Carolina at Asheville FACULTY SENATE MINUTES April 2, 1981 A Faculty Senate met on Thursday, April 2, 1981 at 4:00 pm in RL1 with Dr. Gene Rainey, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Dr. Braggio, Dr. Browning, Dr. Coyne, Dr. Dorr, Dr. Friedenberg, Dr. Greenawalt, Dr. Howard, Dr. Johnston, Dr. Lang, Dr. McCoy, Dr. Perry, Dr. Rainey, Dr. Reynolds, Dr. Squibb, Dr. Walker. Excused absences: Dr. Sulock, Dr. Wilson. Visitors: Dr. Baumann, Mrs. Cadle, Dr. Cochran, Mr. Cooke, Dr. J. Dorr, Dr. Hart, Dr. D. Hoyer, Mrs. Nelms, Mr. Sabo, Dr. Schultz, Dr. Stoughton, Mr. Wengrow. The minutes of the February 19 meeting were approved as published. Sally Baumann distributed the report on the task force for the Outstanding Teacher Award. After some discussion, Dr. Browning moved that the Senate endorse the concept of an award for excellency in teaching and asked that the Senate look at this concept again next year. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously. Academic Policies Committee - Dr. Perry The following documents were adopted by the Senate: APC Document #28 - Course deletions and additions in the Department of Physical Education. APC Document #29 - Request from the Department of Literature and Language to use S/U grading in 1981 Great Smokies Writers' Conference. APC Document #30 - Approval of three courses as part of the joint UNCA - NC State University Engineering Program. APC Document #31 - Request for authorization to plan a degree program in music. APC Document #32 - Course additions for the Department of Art. APC Document #33 - Course requirements for a B.S. degree with an accounting major, as proposed by the Management Department faculty. Dr. Rainey requested that the Executive Committee chairmen (Howard, Perry, Wilson) submit to him in writing any unfinished business of their committees that needs to be passed along to the next Senate. Page 2 The final meeting of the 1980-81 Senate will be on April 30. APPROVED: Deryl Howard Jan Scroggs Faculty Senate Secretary Secretary