1980-81 SENATE DOCUMENT #13 APC DOCUMENT #13 Course Changes in the Department of Art and Music The Academic Policies Committee recommends to the Faculty Senate approval of the following additional music courses and a change in Music 241 credit availability for the Department of Art and Music: ADD: 161, 162, 163, 164 CLASS PIANO I, II, III, IV (2, 2, 2, 2) Group and individualized instruction in techniques of piano performance; designed to accommodate beginners, as well as students with intermediate and advanced performance abilities. Lecture and demonstration. 253 Twentieth Century Classical Music (3) Survey and analysis of 20th century revolutionary developments with emphasis on Bartok. Stravinsky, the Schoenberg School, atonality, electronic and experimental music. 254 Twentieth Century Popular Music (3) An analysis of all varieties of popular music in the U.S. within the framework of their respective cultural milieu. 255 Jazz: History & Analysis (3) A study of the evolution of Jazz, its characteristics, styles, significant composers and performers. 261-262, 361-362, 461-462 Applied Music (2) Individual weekly lessons (1 hour or equivalent). Details available from Music Department. 331 Music Theory III (3) Study of structural elements of musical forms and style analysis of literature from the sixteenth through nineteenth centuries, with continued aural training. Prerequisite: Music 232. 332 Music Theory IV (3) Continuation of Theory III with emphasis on extended 19th century forms. Prerequisite: Music 331. Rationale: The courses listed above are desirable catalog additions for the following reasons: 1. These courses would provide the basic nucleus for a possible music major while also serving as electives for non-majors. 2. Because this is to be a two-year catalog it is necessary to protect these courses in the event the proposed music program is Page 2 approved. 3. Likewise, it is desirable that these courses be available now, for the benefit of those students who wish to take a concentration of electives in music. Such programs as Psychology, Sociology, Drama, Management, Engineering, Communications etc., allied with music, would be of real interest and value to many students. 4. Five of the courses here proposed have already been successfully offered as special topics courses. CHANGE: p. 83 Music 241 - Remove statement "Not available for credit to the general student within the 120 hours required for graduation." Rationale: Dr. Frank Edwinn, Dr. Verna Bergemann, and Dr. Joyce Dorr have concurred that there is no justification or value to a restriction on this course, and that it should be an optional elective for the general student. (Passed by Faculty Senate 10/16/80)