1980-81 SENATE DOCUMENT #9 APC DOCUMENT #8 Changes in Department of Sociology - Gerontology Track The Academic Policies Committee recommends to the Faculty Senate adoption of an alteration in a course in the Gerontology Track, Department of Sociology. Delete: Listing under Gerontology: SOCIOLOGY 343, Retirement and Leisure, p. 168. Substitute title below. Course description: 343, Retirement and Leisure, p.171. Substitute paragraph below: Add: Listing under Gerontology: SOCIOLOGY 343, Role Changes in Later Life Course description: SOCIOLOGY 343 ROLE CHANGES IN LATER LIFE Theoretical perspectives from social gerontology are used to explore the major later life course changes of retirement and widowhood, along with alterations in family relations, voluntary social ties, and leisure activities. Rationale: The course SOC 343 Retirement and Leisure needs to be reshaped and broadened. This course focuses on only one of the significant role changes in later life. The gerontology track needs a coherent discussion of all of the role changes confronting the older individual. This proposal requests the course to be expanded. The expanded version would cover both of the major role changes in later life, retirement and widowhood. In addition, changes in voluntary social ties and family roles would be considered. The course would use the basic theoretical formulations in the field in order to give a more structured view of these role changes. The course title and description should be altered to read as stated above. (Passed by Faculty Senate 10/16/80)