THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASHEVILLE Faculty Senate Minutes November 16, 1979 The Faculty Senate met on Friday, November 16, 1979, at 3:15 pm in RL1, with Dr. Richard Reed, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Dr. Braggio, Dr. Coyne, Dr. Friedenberg, Dr. Hart, Dr. Howard, Dr. Johnston, Dr. R. Reed, Dr. Reynolds, Dr. Sulock. Visitors: Mrs. Cadle, Dr. Cochran, Dr. Iovacchini, Dr. Weber, one student. Dr. Reed announced that the Chancellor had responded affirmatively to the four actions of the Senate: Procedures for Senate Action as University Policy; Charges of the Academic Policies Committee, Institutional Development Committee, and Faculty Welfare Committee. Faculty Welfare Committee - Dr. Howard Dr. Howard stated that Dr. Otti had asked him to report for the committee in her absence. He distributed a "Report to the Faculty Senate Concerning Released Time for Faculty." The report includes released time for chairmen, guidelines for allocations of released time for non-chairmen, a list of faculty in teaching-administrative positions and faculty receiving released time from full-time teaching obligations, and 5 resolutions to be submitted for adoption. Dr. Howard moved adoption of Faculty Welfare Committee Resolution #3 concerning released time for non-chairmen. Dr. Hart seconded the motion. There was discussion. Questions were raised concerning the following: Had the FWC done a study on how much released time was possible; the implications for financial resources; how released time for a faculty member affects other faculty in a department; how faculty receiving released time were paid (faculty or administrative budget). Dr. Stevens said the FWC had not done studies on these matters. He said the committee was trying to identify what it was the University gave released time for, not to suddenly give a lot of released time, but to understand how a faculty member gets it. The committee felt there should be academic reasons why a faculty member is given released time. As it now stands, it seems released time is mainly for administrative reasons. The FWC is still gathering information and hopes to have more information later on. Dr. Seitz said that he felt all the matters discussed had an effect on the total system and felt more information was needed. He moved to table the motion to adopt FWC Resolution #3. The motion failed for lack of a second. A vote was taken on the motion to adopt FWC Resolution #3 and it carried: in favor-7; opposed-2. Page 2 It was felt that information should be obtained on budget implications with respect to released time for faculty. Dr. Reed asked the Faculty Welfare Committee to obtain this information. Dr. Howard read and moved adoption of FWC Resolution #4 which asked that FWC be kept informed about faculty receiving released time. Dr. Johnston seconded the motion. There was discussion. It was pointed out that the resolution was not meant to be negative to the process but to say that when a faculty member is given released time they are being recognized for their overload. FWC Resolution #4 passed unanimously. Dr. Howard read and moved adoption of FWC Resolution #5 concerning the funding of ongoing administrative responsibilities for those with faculty rank from the administrative budget. Dr. Friedenberg seconded the motion. There was discussion about whether department chairmen were included in administration and whether faculty receiving released time for administrative reasons could be paid partly from the administrative budget. One amendment was made to the resolution. The motion to adopt the amended FWC Resolution #5 passed uanimously. Dr. Howard read and moved adoption of FWC Resolution #6 concerning secretarial duties. There was discussion and the motion failed for lack of a second. Dr. Howard read and moved adoption of FWC Resolution #7 concerning the UNCA Foundation and funds for faculty development and travel. Dr. Stevens seconded the motion. Discussion concerned how the Foundation's money was used (mostly for scholarships), the fact that the administration wanted the Foundation to broaden its situation, and also the fact that the resolution read as though the faculty were interested only in travel. The motion to adopt FWC Resolution #7 passed unanimously. Dr. Seitz moved to expunge Resolution #3 from the minutes. The motion failed for lack of a second. There was discussion as to whether it was legal to release faculty from teaching responsibilities to do administrative duties. The FWC was asked to find out from Dr. Dorr just how much released time all faculty were receiving and then to discuss the budget implications with Mr. Pott. Dr. Reed thanked the Faculty Welfare Committee for its report. Page 3 Institutional Development Committee - Dr. Sulock Dr. Sulock said Dr. Remington had asked him to report for the committee in his absence. The main item of business for IDC since the last Senate meeting had been the resolution concerning the switch to the semester system. IDC met with Dr. Dorr to discuss the matter, and Dr. Dorr said the decision was mainly an administrative decision. Points discussed with Dr. Dorr were FTE, scheduling flexibility, financial considerations, and administrative considerations. IDC had also met with several faculty candidates. Academic Policies Committee - Dr. Hart Dr. Hart reported that at the last APC meeting a list of prospective graduates and their records were reviewed to determine if the change in grading policy had any effect on their eligibility to graduate. It was felt that, to correct any inequities in the system, a policy should be developed to take care of the matter. APC did not feel the policy should be published in the catalog but that it should be a policy to be used by the faculty and registrar during the transition period. Dr. Hart presented and moved adoption of APC Document #2. Dr. Friedenberg seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Dr. Reed reported that the two tracks for the Literature Department which were passed by APC and the Senate had been turned down in Chapel Hill because of the form in which they were submitted. The meeting adjourned at 4:40 pm. APPROVED: Richard Reed Jacquelyn Peterson Faculty Senate Chairman Secretary