THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASHEVILLE Faculty Senate Minutes April 20, 1979 The Faculty Senate met on Friday, April 20, 1979, at 3:15 pm in RL1 with Dr. Browning presiding. Members present: Dr. Braggio, Dr. Coyne, Dr. Friedenberg, Dr. Greenawalt, Dr. Hart, Dr. Howard, Dr. Johnston, Dr. Otti, Dr. Reed, Dr. Remington, Dr. Reynolds, Dr. Seitz, Dr. Stevens, Dr. Sulock, Mr. Wengrow, Vice Chancellor Dorr. Student Representatives: Deboral Crowell, Martin Hare. Visitors: Mrs. Cadle, Dr. Cochran, Dr. Iovacchini. Dr. Browning convened the meeting and granted speaking privileges to visitors. He announced that Dr. Perry was in Chapel Hill. The first order of business was the election of officers for the coming year. The results of the balloting were: Chairman - Richard Reed First Vice Chairman - Donald Hart Second Vice Chairman - Lloyd Remington Secretary - Phyllis Otti Dr. Browning turned the meeting over to the new chairman. Dr. Reed read a memorandum from Dr. Browning outlining unfinished business of the Senate. It was then agreed that the next meeting of the Senate would be on Thursday, May 3, at 3:15 pm in RL1. Dr. Reed asked the Senate members to list their preferences for committee assignments. After the meeting was adjourned, the Executive Committee met and made the following committee assignments for the new Senate: Academic Policies Committee Donald Hart, Chairman John Braggio Anthony Coyne Lisa Friedenberg Bruce Greenawalt James Perry Arnold Wengrow Laurence Dorr, ex officio Page 2 Committee on Institutional Development Lloyd Remington, Chairman Harry Johnston Russell Reynolds Ted Seitz Joseph Sulock Faculty Welfare Committee Phyllis Otti, Chairman Deryl Howard John Stevens APPROVED: Phyllis Otti Peggy S. Reed Faculty Senate Secretary Acting Secretary