THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASHEVILLE Faculty Senate Minutes November 17, 1978 The Faculty Senate met on Friday, November 17, at 3:15 pm in RL1 with Dr. Trullinger, First Vice Chairman, presiding. Senate Members present: Dr. Cole, Dr. Dorr, Dr. Gillum, Dr. Hart, Dr. Otti, Dr. Reed, Dr. Remington, Dr. Seitz, Dr. Stern, Dr. Stevens, Dr. Trullinger, Dr. Wilson. Senate Members absent: Dr. Boland, Dr. Browning, Dr. Shoaf, Dr. Squibb, Mr. Wengrow. Visitors: Mr. Blowers, Dr. Kramer. 1. Approval of minutes of November 9 meeting. Minutes had not been published. 3. Report from Faculty Welfare Committee - Dr. Wilson Dr. Wilson reported that the Faculty Welfare Committee had not met once during fall semester and was scheduled to meet again on Thursday, November 21. Three items were dealt with at the meeting: (1) The number of deferred annuity plans available for faculty and staff. This matter was dealt with a year ago when it was decided and approved by the Senate that three such plans should be sufficient (TIAA, Pilot Life, and the state plan). Periodically the Committee is aproached by insurance salesmen and it simply reaffirms this policy; (2) Complaints concerning parking on campus. This matter was discussed with Dr. Iovacchini; (3) The matter of grant applications and matching funds. This matter was discussed with Dr. Dorr. It seems that sometimes in the past grants have been applied for without discussion with the proper persons as to where the matching money would come from and when the grant was approved it was embarrassing to try to find the money. 4. Old Business a. Report from ad hoc Committee on Faculty Voice - Dr. O'Donnell Chairman Dr. Trullinger reported for Dr. O'Donnell. The Committee met on November 14 and its report is in the drafting stage. It is hoped that the report will be ready for the December Senate meeting. b. Report from ad hoc Committee on Tenure for Administrators - Dr. Reed First, Dr. Reed reported that all materials were ready for the Faculty Handbook and it was just a matter of putting it together. As soon as this is done the Handbooks will be distributed. Dr. Reed distributed copies of the revised policy for tenure for administrators. The policy was reviewed. Dr. Reed pointed out that Dr. Dorr saw an earlier draft of the policy and was in agreement with it. Also, the Chancellor has not seen this draft but it was at his suggestion that the policy was written. Dr. Gillum moved that the Senate endorse the policy and recommend it to the Chancellor for implementation. The motion was seconded. There was discussion concerning existing administrators with faculty rank, how their situations would be handled, and the fact that the policy would not alter any prior agreements. Dr. Otti moved the following as an addition to Dr. Gillum's motion: "It is the sense of the Senate that the provisions of this policy be followed in the case of existing administrators whenever possible." Dr. Cole seconded the motion. There was further discussion. It was pointed out that faculty rank was considered very important to administrators and that current administrators in this position had not seen the proposed policy. Also, the motion seemed to acknowledge that rank could not be taken away from non-tenured faculty-ranked administrators, but that it indicated they should give it up. It was also felt that tenure was originally for academic freedom and not as job protection for administrators. Dr. Gillum moved, with the approval of Dr. Otti and Dr. Cole, to add to the amendment as follows: "Known non-tenured administrators presently holding regular faculty rank should be offered the option to remove themselves from the tenure track and accept the rank of lecturer." A vote ws taken on the motion to amend. The motion passed unanimously. A vote was then taken on the original amended motion, which read as follows: "The Senate endorses the policy and recommends it to the Chancellor for implementation. It is the sense of the Senate that the provisions of this policy be followed in the case of existing administrators wherever possible. Known non-tenured administrators should be offered the option to remove themselves from the tenure track and accept the rank of lecturer." The motion passed unanimously. c. Report from LRC Oversight Committee - Dr. Trullinger Dr. Trullinger reported that the committee was functioning and attempting to gather information. Questionnaires have been sent to faculty and some responses have been received. He said the committee was interested in receiving positive as well as negative information. 2. Report from the Institutional Develpment Committee - Dr. Coel Dr. Cole reported that IDC had met with Dr. Dorr to discuss the need for hiring a Director of Academic Computing. It was the consensus of the committee and Dr. Dorr that there was such a need. The discussion consisted of the administrative structure of academic computing on campus and which department the director would be in. It was also the consensus of the committee that it should advertise to see who was interested and then house the person in the department in which he had his degree. There was discussion concerning the administrative and teaching load, the fact that this position would probably call for a split administrative-faculty salary, to whom the faculty teaching computing courses would report, that this would be an all university service function, etc. 5. New Business There was no new business. The next Senate meeting was scheduled for Thursday, December 14, at 2:30 pm in RL1. The meeting adjourned at 4:35 pm. APPROVED: Jack Wilson Jacquelyn Peterson Faculty Senate Secretary Secretary