THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASHEVILLE Faculty Senate Minutes October 26, 1978 The Faculty Senate met on Thursday, October 26, 1978 at 3:15 pm in RL1, with Dr. Browning, chairman, presiding. Senate Members present: Dr. Browning, Dr. Cole, Dr. Dorr, Dr. Gillum, Dr. Hart, Dr. Otti, Dr. Reed, Dr. Remington, Dr. Seitz, Dr. Squibb, Dr. Stern, Dr. Stevens, Dr. Trullinger, Mr. Wengrow. Senate Members absent: Dr. Boland, Dr. Shoaf, Dr. Wilson. Visitors: Dr. Braggio, Mrs. Cadle, Dr. Cochran, Mr. Coyle. Speaking privileges were granted to visitors. 1. Approval of September 22, 1978, meeting minutes. The minutes were approved as published. 2. Report from Academic Policies Committee - Dr. Trullinger Dr. Trullinger moved adoption of APC Document #3, a proposed curriculum for a B.S. degree in Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology. Dr. Remington seconded the motion. Dr. Trullinger explained that the document was prepared by the science chairman and representatives from the National Climatic Center. It is the basic structure of the curriculum but changes can be made. The proposal, if approved, will be forwarded to Chapel Hill by November 1. If it is approved in Chapel Hill APC will then be asked to work up a catalog statement. The lack of required chemistry was discussed. It was pointed out that the major field requirements were pretty much set by NCC. NCC felt that the mathematical emphasis was more important than the chemical. Dr. Remington moved the following amendment to the document: "That a statement be added to the document to the effect that Chemistry 233, Analytical Chemistry, be a highly recommended elective for a graduate in this program and that this also be in the catalog statement for the program." The motion was seconded by Dr. Gillum. There was discussion. The motion failed: opposed -7; in favor -5; abstaining -1. A vote was taken on the original motion to adopt APC Document #3, and it passed unanimously. 3. Report from Institutional Development Committee - Dr. Cole Dr. Cole said that at the September Senate meeting he reported that it was the concensus of the IDC Committee that it no longer should be involved in the evaluation of non-tenure track faculty. He presented and moved adoption of IDC Document #1, a statement to this effect. Dr. Remington seconded the motion. There as discussion. It was pointed out that the University Code stipulates that some committee had to take care of this matter. The motion to adopt IDC Document #1 passed unanimously. Dr. Cole presented and moved adoption of IDC Document #2, a proposal to appoint a committee to oversee academic computing and recommended membership for the committee. Dr. Squibb seconded the motion. There was discussion. Dr. Trullinger moved that the second section of the document (dealing with committee membership) be deleted. The motion, seconded by Dr. Seitz, passed unanimously. The motion to adopt IDC Document #2 was voted on and passed unanimously. Dr. Hart moved that the Senate instruct the Executive Committee to either develop a committee or to assign to an existing committee the problem of the evaluating of non-tenure track faculty, which has been removed from the Institutional Development Committee, by December 1, 1978. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. 4. Old Business a. Progress report from ad hoc committees- Dr. O'Donnell and Mr. Coyle. 1. Ad hoc committee to study and evaluate the role of the faculty in the evaluation and decision process for faculty promotion, tenure, and reappointment at UNC-A, to make recommendations to the Faculty Senate through the Executive Committee. Dr. O'Donnell, chairman. Dr. Browning reported for Dr. O'Donnell that this committee had not obtained enough information to make a report at this time. It is hoped that the committee will be able to give a report at the regular November Senate meeting. 2. Ad hoc committee to study and evaluate the current grievance policies and procedures at UNC-A as they relate to faculty, administration, and staff, to make recommendations as appropriate, and report their findings and recommendations to the Faculty Senate through the Executive Committee. Mr. Coyle, chairman. Mr. Coyle reported that the committee felt grievance procedures for SPA employees were satisfactory. With respect to faculty and administration (EPA), there is a policy but no procedures. Mr. Coyle said the committee feels it has enough information to start structure of such procedures but felt the Executive Committee should give direction on the matter. Dr. Browning asked Mr. Coyle to give the Executive Committee a written statement to this effect. b. Report from Dr. Reed on the faculty handbook and tenure policy for administrators. Dr. Reed reported that work on the faculty handbook was progressing. He hoped to have it ready for distribution by December. Dr. Reed reviewed the proposal concerning tenure policies for administrators. Changes were suggested. He said he would circulate a copy of the revised proposal to the Senate before its regular business meeting in November. 5. New Business Dr. Trullinger reviewed action taken in the May 4, 1978, Senate meeting when a motion was made and passed "to table the motion on the floor to accept the report (report made by Committee to Study Evaluation of Faculty and Courses) and adopt the recommendations that were stated in the report." Dr. Trullinger said he felt this was a very important issue and he made a motion that the matter be brought back for discussion. Dr. Reed seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Dr. Trullinger then moved that the report be tabled and that it be a stated item of business at the next Senate meeting. The motion was seconded by Dr. Stern and passed unanimously. Dr. Trullinger presented and moved adoption of Executive Committee Document #1, a statement establishing policy with respect to the conduct of elections to committees, with the purpose being that this policy is to be included in the Faculty Handbook. The motion, seconded by Dr. Cole, passed unanimously. Dr. Seitz asked for clarification of a section of the Senate Constitution, page 3, paragraph 3, which reads as follows: "The Executive Committee will consult with the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs in the execution of his responsibility for the formation and dissolution of institutional committees and in the annual appointment of members thereto. The Executive Committee will consult with the Chancellor and the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs in the appointment of members to ad hoc committees." Dr. Browning said that in essence the Executive Committee served as a committee on committees, both in terms of the number of committees, helping to identify faculty who will more or less fit into a certain committee, and to help spread the load of committee assignments. He said that anytime a committee (ad hoc or institutional) was set up it was to be done in consultation with the Executive Committee. The meeting adjourned at 5:20 pm. APPROVED: Shirley Browning Jacquelyn Peterson Chairman Secretary