THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASHEVILLE Faculty Senate Minutes February 26, 1979 The Faculty Senate met on Monday, February 26, 1979, at 3:15 pm in RL1, with Dr. Browning, chairman, presiding. Senate Members present: Dr. Boland, Dr. Browning, Dr. Cole, Dr. Gillum, Dr. Greenawalt, Dr. Hart, Dr. Otti, Dr. Remington, Dr. Seitz, Dr. Shoaf, Dr. Squibb, Dr. Stern, Dr. Stevens, Mr. Wengrow. Members Absent: Dr. Dorr, Dr. Reed, Dr. Wilson. Visitors: Mrs. Cadle, Dr. Cochran, Mr. Coyle, Mr. Deason, Dr. Howard, Dr. Kronus, Mr. Parsons, Dr. Stoughton. Speaking privileges were granted to visitors. The minutes of the February 9, 1979, Senate meeting were approved as published. Dr. Browning explained that this was a special Senate meeting for the purpose of meeting the catalog deadline with proposals from Psychology and Sociology relating to statistics courses. He called on Dr. Stevens, chairman of the Academic Policies Committee. Dr. Stevens stated that about four weeks ago an ad hoc committee was set up to study the matter of statistics and research methods courses. Dr. Coyne was the chairan of the committee and submitted a report to APC. The matter was discussed at length in APC resulting in APC Documents #21 and 22. If #22 is approved by the Senate then it would constitute the changes recommened in #23. Dr. Stevens moved adoption of APC Document #21, the deletion of the current Psychology statistics and experimental courses and the addition of Psychology 303 and 304, Research Methods I and II. In discussion following the motion opinions were expressed concerning the need for the courses, whether or not there had been an attempt to change Math 125, Elementary Statistical Inference, to more effectively meet the needs of the social sciences, the overlap in content of the courses, the fact that students could receive credit for Psychology 303 and 304 and Mathematics 125, and also the fact that if a student declared a major in Psychology and had previously received credit for Math 125 he would still be required to take Psychology 303 and 304 but not receive credit for the courses. Dr. Seitz moved to amend the motion on the floor by adding the following sentence to the course description for Psychology 304: A student may not earn credit for both Psychology 304 and Mathematics 125. In addition, the same sentence should be added to the description for Mathematics 125. The motion was seconded and passed. There was further discussion concerning other departments in social sciences with respect to statistics, the waste of faculty resources if a number of departments began diverting their resources to the teaching of statistics, and the best way to efficiently and effectively serve the needs of students in an educational manner. Dr. Stoughton, speaking for the Mathematics Department, stated that Math 125 was a service course, not intended for math students but for other departments, and that the department was willing to change the course to suit the needs of not only the social sciences but also other departments (Biology in particular). Dr. Remington called the question on the motion as amended and it was passed: in favor - 8; opposed - 3; abstaining - 2. Dr. Stevens moved adoption of APC Document #22, the addition of Sociology 356, Sociological Statistics. Dr. Boland seconded the motion. Dr. Kronus said that at present sociology majors could graduate without any statistics and that the proposed course was grounded in elementary sociological statistics. He said that by next year he hoped to propose a sequence of research and statistics courses similar to the psychology offering. There was lengthy discussion concerning the numbering of the course, prerequisites for the course (Sociology 100 and 210), why the math course did not meet the needs of the Sociology Department, the fact that Sociology majors had not been required to take statistics in the past, and the fact that as it now stands students could receive credit for both Mathematics 125 and the proposed Sociology statistics course. Dr. Boland moved the following addition to the course description: Students may not earn credit for both Mathematics 125 and Sociology 356. The same notation was to be made to the Mathematics 125 description. The motion was seconded and passed. After further discussion Dr. Stevens called the question on APC Document #22 as amended. The motion failed: opposed - 6; in favor - 5; abstaining 2. Dr. Stevens withdrew APC Document #23 since it was based on the assumption that APC Document #22 would be adopted. Dr. Browning stated that it was obvious that everyone was not satisfied with the results and that this was an issue of concern educationally. He said he hoped the university would continue to focus on this in an educational manner. He asked APC to keep the question of statistics on its agenda and to approach the Sociology Department and other departments concerned to see that students are efficiently and effectively served without unnecessary duplication and uneconomic use of institutional resources. Furthermore, he said, it would seem appropriate for the APC to attempt to solve this problem by developing policy applicable to all departments rather than have policy emerge as a consequence of random response to random proposals. Dr. Browning announced that the next Senate meeting was scheduled for March 22. The meeting adjourned at 4:45 pm. APPROVED: Shirley C. Browning Jacquelyn Peterson Chairman, Faculty Senate Secretary