THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASHEVILLE Faculty Senate Minutes February 9, 1979 The Faculty Senate met on Friday, February 9, 1979, at 3:15 pm in RL1, with Dr. Browning, chairman, presiding. Senate Members present: Dr. Boland, Dr. Browning, Dr. Cole, Dr. Dorr, Dr. Gillum, Dr. Hart, Dr. Otti, Dr. Reed, Dr. Remington, Dr. Seitz, Dr. Shoaf, Dr. Squibb, Dr. Stern, Dr. Stevens, Dr. Trullinger, Mr. Wengrow, Dr. Wilson. Visitors: Mr. Clyde McPeters, Mr. Gary Stone, Dr. Bergemann, Dr. Bruce, Mrs. Cadle, Dr. Cochran, Dr. Friedenberg, Dr. Greenawalt, Dr. Iovacchini, Dr. Rosenblatt. Speaking privileges were extended to visitors. 1. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the January 25, 1979 Senate meeting were approved as published. 2. Report of the Academic Policies Committee - Dr. Trullinger APC Documents #13, changes concerning the probation policy, and #14, changes in the Drama curriculum, were passed unanimously. Dr. Trullinger presented the moved adoption of APC Document #15, changes in the Psychology curriculum. He said that on page 2, Psychology 203 and 204 should be changed to 303 and 304 respectively. Then, editorially all references to 203 and 204 should be changed to correspond. This change is in response to a request from the Academic Policies Committee. The motion passed unanimously. Dr. Trullinger presented APC Document #16, a proposed new degree track in Psychology leading to certification in Reading (K-12). Dr. Trullinger said there was no catalog statement, that the document was asking for approval of the concept. He moved adoption of APC Document #16. Dr. Wilson seconded the motion. There was brief discussion concerning who would teach the courses and whether or not it would call for an increase in faculty. The motion passed unanimously. Dr. Trullinger moved adoption of APC Document #17, changes in the Education curriculum. The motion was seconded. Dr. Wilson moved to amend the motion by deleting the last sentence in the last complete paragraph on the first page: "Exceptional cases must be approved by the Chairman of the Department." Dr. Remington seconded the motion. Dr. Wilson said he had two reasons for making the motion: 1) 6 s.h. is not really a full load and 2) more and more courses are being taught on a semester basis. With student teachers not being allowed to take other courses during their student teaching it would mean that these students would be prohibited for a full semester from taking semester courses. There was general discussion concerning whether this was a state requirement, the possibility of student teaching being changed to a semester basis, and the fact that students are allowed, upon consultation with the Education Department, to take other courses when they student teach. The amendment failed: opposed - 10; in favor - 6. The motion to adopt APD Document #17 carried: in favor - 13; abstaining - 3. APC Document #18, changes in non-departmental offerings and math departmental offerings, passed unanimously. Dr. Trullinger presented and moved adoption of APC Document #19, the addition of a Developmental Studies Program. The motion was seconded. Dr. Gillum pointed out that there was an item that needed to be added to the Document: p. 63, Delete third paragraph "Students who fail to place at the college level in Mathematics are required to take Mathematics 100, Basic Mathematics." Dr. Gillum then moved to amend the document as follows: Page 2, first paragraph under Developmental Studies, delete last sentence which reads as follows: "Other exceptions may be authorized by the Chairman of Developmental Studies." Dr. Hart seconded the motion. The amendment carried: in favor - 15; abstaining - 1. There was discussion concerning the need for increased resources and staff and whether or not the two math courses would count toward the foreign language option (currently Math 100 does not). Dr. Gillum moved that a sentence be added to the course descriptions for Developmental Studies 104 and 105 as follows: "This course does not count toward the foreign language option." The motion passed unanimously. The motion to adopt APC Document #19, as amended, passed unanimously. APC Document #20, a catalog change in the Department of Foreign Languages, passed unanimously. Dr. Trullinger announced that the APC was scheduled to meet again on February 16 at 3:30. At that time the ad hoc committee on statistics will report. He asked the new chairman of APC of see him early next week. Dr. Trullinger said that one of the things he had really enjoyed over the years was being a part of and participating in the Faculty Senate. He said he would miss the Senate and the institution very much. Dr. Browning announced that at this point Dr. Greenawalt would replace Dr. Trullinger on the Faculty Senate. 3. Election of First Vice Chairman and Chairman of the Academic Policies Committee Dr. John Stevens was elected chairman of the Academic Policies Committee for the remainder of the 1978-79 year. 6. New Business and Communications Dr. Browning said he was moving to item 6 on the agenda due to the fact that some interested persons had to leave the meeting early. Dr. Browning referred to page 3 of the January 25, 1979, Senate Minutes where the Senate agreed to the following: "It was decided that Senate minutes and published agendas would be sent to the President of the Student Government and the Editor of the Ridgerunner. Also, students will be welcome to observe the affairs of the Faculty Senate, excluding executive sessions, and assuming the Senate so grants, to participate in discussions." Dr. Browning read from a letter dated February 6 from Clyde McPeters, President of Student Government, expressing concern over the Senate's action. The letter included a copy of Bill #39: Representative to Faculty Senate, which read as follows: "In order to facilitate campus communication between the faculty, the students, and the administration, the Student Government respectfully requests that the Faculty Senate consider the installation of two student representatives." Dr. Browning asked the Student Government representatives present for comments. Mr. Stone, Vice President of Student Government, said the bill was passed in order to facilitate better communication between students and faculty. Important decisions are made in the Faculty Senate, such as the decision concerning grades, whether to go on a semester system, etc., and it was felt that these decisions really affect students. SG feels that student representatives would be able to give some input to the decisions. Also, as for just student observers, they would not be able to make motions and participate in the decisions. SG feels the appointed representatives would be a communication link between the faculty and students. SG is asking for two appointed student representatives with voting privileges. There was discussion. It was pointed out that for students to be allowed voting representation on the Faculty Senate the Senate Constitution would have to be changed and that any changes to the Constitution had to have the approval of the Board of Trustees. It was also felt that SG's objective could be met if it designated a representative to attend the meetings, not just as an observer but with speaking privileges; that SG should appoint committees that parallel faculty committees and then maintain liaison between the two in order to see what was going on and then they could have something not only as a means of introducing questions, etc., but they could respond before action was taken. It was felt that the Senate would be willing to place on the agenda any request made by students. Mr. Stone said the question SG was trying to determine was whether the representatives would have opportunity to make motions, etc., that what they were requesting was an attempt to be able to vote and to be heard. Dr. Browning said that all observers, both faculty and students, would be excluded from executive sessions. Mr. McPeters said he felt a compromise had been reached. He said he appreciated the Senate's concern and time, that the main thing SG wanted was some recognized person appointed to attend the Senate meetings so they could coordinate their activities. Mr. Stone announced that the Homecoming dance was set for February 16. All faculty, staff, and administration was invited. Dr. Browning asked SG if it designated a student to attend the Senate meetings that this person's name be forwarded to the Senate secretary so that agendas, meeting notices, and minutes could be sent to the proper person. 4. Report from the Institutional Development Committee - Dr. Cole Dr. Cole announced that the Institutional Developmental Committee was back in the business of making recommendations to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs on initial appointments of faculty. This is specified in the Tenure Document and would require a change in the document, approved by General Administration, to do otherwise. 5. Old Business None. 6. New Business and Communications Dr. Remington said he felt that many of the commuting students had been very disturbed about the confusion in announcing what was happening on snow days and that he did not feel it was good business to irritate the students. He said he felt it was good business to announce that UNC-A would be in session as well as to announce that it would not be in session. There was discussion. Dr. Dorr said that the decision for morning classes was made before 6 a.m. and for evening classes it was normally made between 3:30 and 4:00. He said if it was clear before 4:00 that evening classes could not be held the announcement was made earlier. If the decision is not clear by 4:00 then as soon as it is possible the decision is made. There is no way at times to make the decision ahead of time. Dr. Reed asked if any consideration had been given to the plan of 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. classes being held at the 10:20 and 11:30 hours. Dr. Dorr said this was being considered but it would take a lot of preparation and he doubted if it could be implemented before next year. Dr. Browning announced that the next Senate meeting was set for March 22. He asked Senators to refer to the memo dated December 12, 1978, concerning Senate elections. The meeting adjourned at 4:50 pm. APPROVED: Jack Wilson Jacquelyn Peterson Faculty Senate Secretary Secretary