SENATE DOCUMENT #20 APC Document #12 The Academic Policies Committee recommends to the Faculty Senate the adoption of the following catalog changes for the Department of Management: 1. p. 98 - Delete: Econ 115 and 116, and on p. 125 - ADD the following: Management 215 Principles of Accounting I (3) An introduction to financial accounting. The balance sheet, income statement, and statement of changes in financial position are examined. Focus is on understanding the items that make up these statements and grasping their use in decision making. (Students who have completed Economics 115 may not take this course for credit.) Management 216 Principles of Accounting II (3) An introduction to management accounting. Techniques of accounting for internal control, accounting for planning, and accounting for special decisions are presented. The appropriate uses of quantitative skills in managing a variety of organizations are discussed. (Students who have completed Economics 116 may not take this course for credit.) Rationale: (a) The Economics Department has initiated a shift of responsibility for these courses to the Management Department. The content is much more compatible with the offerings of the latter. (b) The shift to the 200 level is recommended because freshmen typically have considerable difficulty with the courses -- apparently because they have not yet developed study regimens and personal discipline. (c) Course descriptions have been modified to coincide with the current distribution between the two semesters of the year sequence. (d) Change in course titles is to bring the titles into line with long-standing custom nationally. 2. p. 123 - delete the third paragraph under "A Major in Management," and ADD the following in this place: To fulfill the second objective, the student is required to complete a core of 36 semester hours of management courses distributed as follows: Management 140, 200, 215, 216, 311, 380, 430, 480, and 490. Rationale: Accounting (Econ 115 and 116) presently are required as prerequisites to Mgmt 480. By a more forthright inclusion in the core, not only is clarity achieved, but free electives are increased. 3. p. 123-4 - Change Business Management and Administration track as follows: Delete: Econ 115 and 116 ADD: Mgmt 460 Production Management Mgmt elective approved by advisor Rationale: The accounting requirement has been shifted to the management core. Production concepts are vital to any kind of business activity. It is anticipated that the management elective inserted here eventually will be replaced by a course in effective communications when the Language Department has developed such a course permanently. 4. p. 124 - Change the Financial Management track as follows: Delete: Econ 115 and 116 ADD: Econ 235 Economic Statistics and Econometrics Mgmt 340 Business Law Rationale: Accounting requirement has been shifted to the management core. Both statistical analysis and business law (particularly contracts and negotiable instruments) are central to financial management needs. 5. p. 125 - Change number and title of Management 240 as follows: From: Mgmt 240 The Job of the Manager in a Changing Society (3) To: Mgmt 140 The Management Environment (3) Description remains the same except to note, "Students who have completed Management 240 or 300 may not take this course for credit." Rationale: TITLE change is to communicate more clearly the content. Somewhat similar courses elsewhere are called The Social Environment of Business, Business and Its Environment, The Ethical Environment of Business, etc. NUMBER change is designed to encourage freshmen to take this course (a) to provide greater flexibility in course choices and schedules for management majors in subsequent years, (b) to provide freshmen an opportunity to sample management as a potential major area of study, (c) to provide an additional alternative selection to replace the semester of humanities which is being advanced to the senior year. 6. p. 127 - Change prerequisite for Management 380 as follows: From: Management 200. To: Management 200 and Computer Resources 100. Rationale: In common with the objectives of similar courses in other institutions, elementary knowledge of computer applications makes it possible to cover in considerable depth a wider variety of quantitative analytical tools. The development of the course over the past four years has made this need more obvious. 7. p. 128 - Change credit for Mgmt 490 FROM 9 hrs. TO 8 hrs. Rationale: The addition of 6 credits of accounting to the core requirement would bring total core requirements to 37 unless an adjustment elsewhere is made. The internship is designed to be full-time for a term, which is a half-semester. Eight credits is half of a reasonable 16-credit semester load, thus preserving a proportionate relationship. 8. p. 128 - ADD the following statement to #5 under Mgmt 490: In such instances, students are required to complete eight hours of additional course work in Management (exclusive of Management courses applying to the students' track requirements), with such substitution subject to the approval of the department chairman. Rationale: Without such a statement, there is a tacit implication that credit is given for prior job experience. Such has never been intended. (Passed Faculty Senate January 25, 1979)