SENATE DOCUMENT #8 POLICY FOR STUDENT EVALUATION OF FACULTY AND COURSES It is recommended that the faculty adopt the following policies for student evaluation of courses and instructors. This evaluation will be in two parts: PART A Part A of the evaluation will be for the use of the individual professor as an aid in evaluating his personal effectiveness and the department in analyzing its program. I. Objectives of Part A: A. To give the instructor information useful in the improvement of course design and teaching methods. B. To provide for students an avenue of communication to the instructor and department. C. To aid the department in evaluating its programs. II. Designing and establishing the evaluation: A. Each department will design its own evaluation. Mr. Felder of Institutional Research is knowledgeable in the area and is willing to help. B. The evaluation should be designed to give information useful in the improvement of course design and teaching methods as well as student opinion about the effectiveness of the instructor. C. Evaluation procedures should be designed to cover non-typical offerings within the department, such as internships, laboratories, composition courses. D. Students will be involved with the design of the evaluation. E. The evaluation must be approved by the members of the department. F. Copies of the evaluation plan, the department's procedures for administering it, and any instruments to be used will be placed on file in the library, the office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and the department. G. This new evaluation process is to begin at the end of Term I, Spring semester, 1978-79. III. Administering the evaluation: A. The department chairman is responsible for ensuring that the evaluation is done in each course and section for each instructor according to the established procedures. B. Results will be compiled and stored by the department. C. Results will be made available in some form to the instructor's department chairman, and if appropriate, to the supervisor of any program (such as Humanities) within which the course is offered. D. The results are to be used by the instructor and the department chairman. E. Each department's evaluation program will be reviewed periodically by the office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs to determine if evaluations are being conducted regularly and in conformity with the spirit of these guidelines. PART B Part B of the evaluation will consist of a questionnaire, administered according to Paragraphs 111.A. and 111.B. above. The student-completed questionnaires will be sent through the proper channels in personnel decisions. A task force formed by the Executive Committee of the Senate in consultation with the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs will devise the questionnaire, it will be returned to the Senate for discussion and approval.