The University Of North Carolina At Asheville Faculty Senate Minutes December 8, 1977 The Faculty Senate met Thursday, December 8, 1977, at 4:30 p.m. in RL1 of the Library with Dr. Browning, chairman, presiding. Members present: Dr. Andrade, Mr. Bernhardt, Dr. Boland, Dr. Bruce, Dr. Cole, Dr. Farzanegan, Dr. Gillum, Dr. Howard, Dr. O'Donnell, Dr. Perry, Dr. Shoaf, Dr. Squibb, Dr. Stern, Dr. Walker, and Dr. Wilson. Visitors present: Dr. Otti and Mr. Parsons. The minutes of the November 17 meeting were approved as published. Dr. Browning announced that the steering committees, academic vice-chancellors, and chairmen of the Faculty Senates of the 16 campuses would be meeting the following Monday in Chapel Hill with Vice President Dawson. In response to the Gamble Bill, this group will make a study of faculty work loads and the tenure system, and dialogue will stretch over the period of a year. The Gamble Bill was set forth by the State Legislature and directs the Central Administration to make this study. The group will work with Dr. Dawson's staff in formulating a questionnaire to be circulated in the spring and fall of 1978. The Senate will meet with vice chancellor candidates on December 15, and January 12 and 19. Dr. Walker will chair the December 15 meeting in Dr. Browning's absence. Dr. Browning said that Dr. Riggs has asked for the Senate to consider discontinuing the evaluation of faculty by students, pending the report of Dr. Stevens' committee, which is considering the evaluation process. At the present time the all- University forms are being stored and are activated through the computer only upon specific request of a faculty member. There is dissatisfaction with the transferring of data from the cards onto the print-outs and marked concern over the questionnaire itself. Dr. Stevens reported on the work being done by him, Dr. Cochran, and Dr. Gillum. He noted two problems with the evaluation process: validity of the instrument now being used, and the fact that information forthcoming from the questionnaires is not being used at any level at the present time. Two solutions might be considered: (1) patching up the present system, or (2) taking a new look at the entire process. The new approach would center around the departments rather than a University-wide evaluation. Each department would design and administer its own evaluation, the results of which could be kept on file in the department, in the library, and with a third party (Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, sub-committee of the Senate, etc.) Mr. Parsons asked if the committee had thought of asking for input from students, since the original questionnaire was devised by students, and Mr. Bernhardt reinforced this suggestion. Dr. Farzanegan noted that in the past the student evaluation had been used in the termination of certain faculty members, and that he personally took very seriously the work of Dr. Stevens' committee. Dr. Gillum noted that the committee was proposing an instrument which would be used to improve teaching and for faculty development rather than an instrument of faculty evaluation as described by Dr. Farzanegan. After further discussion, Dr. Wilson moved the following: Compulsory all-University administering of the questionnaire for student evaluation of faculty shall be terminated at this time, but faculty members wishing to administer the questionnaire to their classes may do so and have the evaluations processed. Dr. Shoaf moved to amend the motion by adding the following at the beginning: In view of the fact that there is at present a committee working on the student evaluation of faculty,... Dr. Boland seconded the motion as amended. Dr. Farzanegan and Dr. Howard suggested editorial changes to the amended motion, which were agreed to by Drs. Wilson, Shoaf, and Boland. The amended motion was put before the Senate as follows: Given the fact that there is great dissatisfaction with the present system of student evaluation of faculty, and given the fact that there is at present a committee working on this evaluation process, compulsory all-University administering of the questionnaire for student evaluation of faculty shall be terminated at this time. Faculty members wishing to use the questionnaire as it is currently being used will have that option for this term. The Senate approved the motion as amended. Dr. Walker presented four documents from the Academic Policies Committee. Dr. Browning called a recess for the members to read the documents. Dr. Walker explained that APC Document #1 came from Dr. Riggs, Dr. Ready, and Dr. Trullinger. It provided that a 3-credit interdisciplinary special Topics course 301 - Western Attitudes Toward Death and Dying, be included in the catalog. This new course was given on television and is now being readied to be offered as an extension course. Dr. Walker moved that the course be included in the catalog, and Dr. Bruce seconded. Dr. Wilson asked for a rationale of the 300-level numbering. Dr. Walker explained that it was a compromise. Dr. Riggs had proposed 200 and Dr. Walker 400. Dr. Farzanegan said he thought it had been a 400 level when Dr. Ready taught it on TV and indicated that he thought it was a good course. Dr. Howard asked that philosophy be included in the list of disciplines involved, since the Philosophy Department had participated, and this was added as an editorial change. Dr. Browning called for a vote, and the motion passed. APC Document #2 was presented by Dr. Walker. It provided for a clarification of the catalog statement under the heading "Pre- medical, Dental and Law Programs" on page 62 of the current catalog, in response to a request from the Degree Programs Committee. The document called for the deletion of the second paragraph and the addition of the following: "Any student who accumulates 90 semester hours of academic credit at UNCA, including the all-University requirements, and is then admitted to an accredited medical, dental, or law degree program at another school in the United States will be awarded a B.A. degree by UNC-A when he or she has successfully completed the first year's work in that professional program. Such a degree will be identified on the UNC-A transcript and on the commencement program as an 'Individual Degree Program'." Dr. Walker moved the adoption of the document and Dr. Farzanegan seconded. Dr. Otti, chairman of the Degree Programs Committee, said she understood the intent of the change, but she was concerned that students reading "at another school in the United States" might think this their only option and might not come to UNC-A. Mr. Parsons said he was not sure what "a year's work" was or what "successful completion of a year's work" would be. Dr. Cole said that the Degree Programs Committee could not grant a degree to anyone who had not completed at least 120 semester hours of work. Dr. Stern said he felt that "In the United States" was simply to provide a control, and that a person who wanted to go overseas could apply, and Dr. Stern assumed that this would be looked upon favorably. Dr. Farzanegan said that if the document were discussed in the Senate again there should be some minor changes made. Dr. Howard moved to send Document #2 back to the Academic Policies Committee for reconsideration and Dr. Boland seconded. The motion passed with a vote of 7 to 3 with 3 abstentions. Dr. Browning reminded the Senate that the deadline for catalog changes is January 13. Consideration of APC Document #3 concerning catalog changes for the Department of Management was postponed, due to the lateness of the hour. Dr. Walker moved the adoption of APC Document #4, which called for the deletion of the material beginning with the heading "Correspondence, Extension..." on page 51 of the current catalog and the entire paragraph under the heading. The new paragraph to be added included the Proficiency Examination Program (PEP) among those examination programs for which UNC-A may accept up to thirty semester hours of credit. Dr. Cole seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Dr. Browning entertained a motion to adjourn, which was made by Dr. Cole. Dr. Howard seconded and the meeting was adjourned at 6 pm. Peggy Simpson Acting Secretary Approved: Dr. Jack Wilson Secretary of the Senate