Senate Document #14 TO: Dr. Philip Walker, Chairman, Academic Policies Committee FROM: Verna E. Bergemann, Chairman, Education Department SUBJECT: Proposed Discontinuation of teacher education tracks in Sociology and Political Science at UNC-Asheville Rationale: Dr. Highsmith and I met in Chapel Hill with Dr. Don Stedman, Director of the Teacher Education Review Project (TERP) on February 28, 1978. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss UNC- Asheville's plans for the pending March 20, 21, 1978 TERP site- visit. The site-visit had been planned in September, 1977 as TERP's Follow-Through Review of the Secondary Education Tracks at UNC-Asheville. Dr. Stedman recommended that UNC-Asheville consider dropping some of the present social studies, teacher education tracks. His rationale for the choice of social studies tracks was the present low demand for social studies teachers. Dr. Stedman felt if UNC-A did drop some of the social studies tracks, the consultants team and central administration would be more amendable to our keeping some of our other secondary teacher education tracks. The Education Department met with the chairmen and/or representatives from the departments of Economics, History, Political Science and Sociology. After considerable discussion, it was recommended that UNC-A drop teacher certification tracks in Political Science and Sociology. Proposal: It is recommended that UNC-Asheville drop the teacher certification tracks in Political Science and Sociology beginning August, 1978. (Passed Faculty Senate April 4, 1978.)