FACULTY SENATE


Senate Document Number    4707S


Date of Senate Approval      03/15/07



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Statement of Faculty Senate Action:


APC Document  28:                  Increase the offering of DRAM 111 and 144

                                                Change semester DRAM 124 is offered


Effective Date: Fall 2007


1.  Delete:         On pg 100, at the end of the description for DRAM 111:




Add:           On pg 100, in place of deleted entry:


                  Fall and Spring.


Impact: This change does not impact major, minor, or university requirements, and will not impact resources for the department, as we will offer one section per semester instead of two sections in one semester.


Rationale:  Offering this 100 level course every semester will better serve our majors and minors in allowing them to progress through their major requirements.



2.  Delete:         On pg 101, at the end of the description for DRAM 144:


                                    See department chair.



     Add:            On pg 101, in place of deleted entry:


                                    Fall and Spring.


Impact: This change does not impact major, minor, or university requirements. Two sections of the course are currently being taught in the Fall semesters. This change will not impact resources for the department, as we will offer one section per semester instead of two sections in one semester.


Rationale:  Offering this 100 level course every semester will better serve our majors and minors in allowing them to progress through their major requirements.



3.  Delete:         On pg 101, the last line in the description for DRAM 124:


                  Even years Spring.


Add:           On pg 101, in place of deleted entry:


                  Even years Fall.


Impact: This change does not impact major, minor, or university requirements. This course is in the requirements for Theatre Arts licensure. This change will not impact resources, but will require balance in scheduling faculty load.


Rationale:  Offering the course in the fall would allow licensure students to have two opportunities to take the course prior to a spring schedule of student teaching.  With a spring offering they may only have one chance to take the course during their four years at UNCA.