FACULTY SENATE


Senate Document Number     0504F


Date of Senate Approval      12/02/04  



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Statement of Faculty Senate Action:



APC Document  3:                                Addition of LANG 311: Tutoring Writing I (1)  and

                                                            LANG 312: Tutoring Writing II (1)



Effective Date:  Fall 2005


Add:     On pg 152 of 2004-05 Catalog, LANG 311 and 312


Language 311  Tutoring  Writing I (1)

Offered for student tutors in their first semester of tutoring in the University Writing Center.  Approaches to both writing process and tutoring process.  Emphasis on discovering one’s own processes and appreciating diverse approaches to writing, including working with students from across the curriculum and those whose first language is not English.  (Grading S/U).  Prerequisite: permission of the University Writing Center director. Fall.



Language 312  Tutoring Writing II (1)

Offered for student tutors in their second semester of tutoring in the University Writing Center.  Students will investigate writing center scholarship.  Participation in a research project that both develops tutoring skills and makes a contribution to the campus writing center community.  (Grading S/U). Prerequisite: LANG 311 and permission of the University Writing Center director. Spring.



Impact Statement

The addition of these two one-credit courses will have no impact on requirements of any kind—Integrative Liberal Studies, majors, or minors; neither will it impact resources. 



This education for tutors is already provided by the Director of the University Writing Center and has been so provided during the life of the UWC.  The difference is that adding the course(s) to the curriculum allows this work to become a credit-bearing activity, thus contributing to FTE.  During the 2004-05 academic year, the course was offered with a Special Topics prefix and has been well accepted by the new tutors.  (For experienced tutors, further professional education is expected as part of the job responsibilities.)