Senate Document Number 1403F

Date of Senate Approval 12/11/03

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Statement of Faculty Senate Action:

APC Document 5: Add two new courses, ATMS 241 and ATMS 251.
                         Change prerequisites in ATMS 305, 315, 316, and 405.

Effective Date: Fall 2004

1. Add:     On pg 65, new course title and description for ATMS 241, Geography in
Meteorology (1).

241 Geography in Meteorology (1)

An introductory lab course to study maps, the physical earth, physical geography and climate. Corequisite: ATMS 103 or 105. Spring.


2. Add:     On pg 65, new course title and description for ATMS 251, Mathematics in Meteorology (1).

251 Mathematics in Meteorology (1)

An introductory lab course to study fundamental meteorological equations and applications of mathematics in meteorology. Prerequisites: ATMS 103 or 105; MATH 191. Spring.

Impact: This will diversify the course offerings in the department, and will provide hands-on experience for majors.

Rationale: Meteorologists apply knowledge in geography, mathematics, and computer sciences to the science of meteorology. It is essential to teach students practical exercises in geography, mathematics, and computer sciences. These proposed additions to the ATMS curriculum will offer hands-on lab exercises for geography (ATMS 241) and mathematics (ATMS 251). Each lab lasts for 2 hours each week and counts for 1 credit hour.


3. Delete:   On pgs 66 and 67, prerequisite of ATMS 214 in ATMS 305, 315, 316, and 405.

Add: On pgs 66 and 67, prerequisites of ATMS 251 and 261 in ATMS 305, 315, 316, and 405.

Impact: None.

Rationale:  ATMS 214 is deleted as proposed in this document. The prerequisites for ATMS 305, 315, 316, and 405 should be ATMS 251 and 261 accordingly.