University of North Carolina at Asheville
Minutes, March 7, 2002

Members: K. Bramlett, M. Burchard, F. Davenport, C. Ho, C. James, J. Kuhlman, 
B. Larson, H. Lee, M. L. Manns, C. Mitchell, S. Patch, J. Rackham, G. Wilson; 
T. Cochran.

Excused: P. Nickless, A. Weldon.
Visitors: S. Browning, R. Sensabaugh, A. Shope, P. Weast, D. Woods.

I. Call to Order
Dr. Mitchell called the meeting to order at 3:17 pm and welcomed senators and guests to the meeting.

II. Announcements
A memorial service for Morris Karpen, a major Friend of the university, is being held today. A moment of silence was held in his memory.

III. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of February 14, 2002 were approved following an editorial correction.

IV. Administrative Report
Dr. Cochran distributed the UNCA Fall Admission Status Comparison report.
Tuition Increase
Dr. Cochran commented on a recent newspaper article on tuition increases. The $150 increase per semester initiated this year was preapproved a year ago. This will increase to $300 a semester next year. The 9% statewide tuition increase imposed on all campuses is allocated for enrollment increases. It may cover UNCA's modest enrollment increase, but will probably go to another campus for an even larger enrollment increase.

Dr. Weast noted that next year for the first time, full-time commuter students will be paying over $3000 for both semesters. Also, there is a "hold harmless" clause in the $600 tuition increases over two years that awards need-based grants to students. The "hold harmless" agreement cost about $250,000 this year, and will increase to approximately $450,000 next year. Students in need will receive the money as a grant.

Pegagus Press
UNCA is in the process of reaching a final agreement to sever all relations with Pegagus Press. Founder Mario DiCesare will likely reassume responsibility for the press and will rent space from the university for a short time during the transition. UNCA will be free of existing debt of the press in one and a half to two years. The administration will report verbally to SACS.

Dr. Weast reported on enrollment as of March 1. Applications and acceptances overall are up over this time last year. We are currently 80 students below our historic high of 500 freshmen in 2000. Admissions is processing the applications quickly.

Most of the admission receptions were canceled for this past semester due to budget constraints. Counselors have been working on private visits with families and with schools, in addition to working the Eastern and Piedmont areas of the state.

The Transfer Admission Report will be available in June. The number of non-degree students is down but the university cannot control this. UNCA is unique in terms of liberal arts colleges in that half of its new enrollees are transfer students.

Dr. Weast reported on applications and acceptances by region and race. The administration is dissatisfied with the low number of African American applicants and is continuing to work on this. American Indian students are becoming aware of UNCA as a result of our connection with Cherokee High School. Asian American student interest continues to be strong. UNCA's Spanish version of the View Book has been popular with Hispanic parents.

Dr. Weast noted that an increasing number of students consider themselves to be bi-racial or multi-racial and General Administration does not recognize those categories. There is also an increase in the number of applicants who do not want to list race. March and April are the main time frames for minority enrollment. Transfer enrollments usually occur between March and June.

The university recently awarded $7500 a year scholarships to six top undergraduate research scholars. The university also awarded Laurel scholarships of $5000 to twenty-five outstanding students. Diversity scholarships are suffering from budget constraints. For example, the university has about $12,000 for diversity scholarships -- last year we spent $65,000.

Dr. Burchard asked Dr. Weast why the Office of the President (OP) did not recognize the use of a bi-racial or multi-racial category. Dr. Weast stated that he and Dr. Gravely have asked OP the same question; they have promised to look into the issue.

V. Executive Committee Report
Dr. Cathy Mitchell gave the Executive Committee Report.
First Reading:
EC 2: Revision of UNCA Tenure Policies and Regulations
EC 3: Tenure Task Force Revisions to Faculty Handbook

Dr. Patch reported that the Tenure Task Force (TTF) was commissioned about 18 months ago by Dr. Cochran and the Executive Committee following concerns from the Tenure Committee. The Tenure Committee felt there was a duplication of efforts to evaluate assistant professors one year then again the next year for promotion; it was spending a lot of time evaluating lecturers; and, there were issues about the criteria to evaluate performance. The TTF is composed of Lisa Friedenberg, Kevin Moorhead, Henry Stern and Steve Patch. Last year the Senate approved documents to clarify the procedures for tenure. This year, TTF has worked on revising the tenure policies and regulations.

If approved by the Senate, EC 2 will then be considered for approval by the Chancellor, the UNCA Board of Trustees, and the UNC Board of Governors. EC 3 incorporates revisions of EC 2 into the UNCA Faculty Handbook but is contingent upon approval of EC 2. Even if EC 2 and EC 3 are approved, persons hired before these changes become effective would follow previous procedures. However, there is nothing to prevent someone from applying for early promotion if these documents are approved. While it is possible that the Tenure Committee would be more accepting of early promotions, they would not be automatically accepted. New hires would adhere to these changes.

The changes in contract terms are more consistent with other universities within the system. One change that differentiates UNCA somewhat is our category of rank entitled "lecturer" -- the models used by most of the other schools place lecturers under a category of "special fixed-term appointments."

Dr. Patch outlined the following changes in EC 2:

The probationary term would be changed to four years for each rank;

Assistant Professors would be evaluated for promotion at the same time as for tenure.

Tenure of an Assistant Professor would mean promotion to Associate Professor. There would be no new tenured assistant professors when this policy is in full effect.

The Associate VCAA/ Dean of Faculty would supervise the preliminary evaluation of a candidate who is a chair.

The ranked faculty can receive reappointment without going through the formal reappointment process.

The rank of Lecturer would be separated from that of other Special Faculty Appointments. Appropriate use of the rank would be outlined and possible term lengths would be specified.

The description of leave while on a probationary term has been changed from "ordinarily are not granted" to "under unusual circumstances." A one-semester leave timetable extension would become an option requested by the faculty member instead of automatically applied.

VI. Student Government Association Report
There was no Student Government Association Report.

VII. Academic Policies Committee Report
Dr. Jeff Rackham gave the Academic Policies Committee Report.
Academic Calendar Change
Dr. Rackham presented an email that faculty will receive following spring break. Faculty will vote their preference on whether or not to change the academic calendar. The email follows:

In February the UNC Board of Governors approved a proposal from Molly Broad to allow each of the 16 colleges in the state system to adopt a new academic calendar. This e-mail is being sent to all UNCA faculty to inform you of the possible calendar changes now available, and to seek your response to the possible actions which we might take at UNCA. Please read the following brief descriptions of each choice and indicate your preference. The results will be used by the Academic Policies Committee for discussion purposes only. We wish to gather a "sense of the faculty" before we vote on this issue, and before we take a proposal to the Faculty Senate.

Here are the three possible actions:

Option A: We now require 15 weeks of classes, followed by a "Finals Week" in which a final exam is voluntary--a total of 16 weeks each semester. Faculty who do not give a final exam are still required to meet with their students during Finals Week for an "educational activity." UNCA is not required to change from this calendar if we believe it is serving us well.

Option B: UNCA can--if it chooses--move to 14 weeks of classes, plus a "Mandatory Finals Week" -- a total of 15 weeks. This option does not dictate the type of final exam which is required. The exam need not be comprehensive; it need not take three hours; it need not be a written exam. But all faculty would be required to meet their classes and to administer a final exam appropriate to the course.

Option C: The third option would require a total of 15 weeks of classes with no designated "Finals Week" and no specially designated times for final exams. Instructors who wished to give final exams would do so during regular class hours, as appropriate to the subject, but none would be required. Instructors or programs that needed space for a three-hour-block final would have to administer it during regular class hours over the course of the last week of the semester.

Because the existing academic calendar is already determined for the next academic year, neither options (B) nor (C) could be implemented until the fall of 2003.

To indicate your preference, please reply with a brief, one sentence e-mail indicating one of the following:

* I prefer option A.

* I prefer option B.

* I prefer option C.

* I would prefer that APC call a Faculty Forum so that I could hear and participate in a faculty discussion on the issue.

APC will consider the results and hopes to bring a proposal to the Senate this academic year.

VIII. Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council Report
Dr. Bruce Larson gave the Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council Report.
First Reading
The document listed on the agenda for first reading will be distributed at the April meeting.

Report on Recent Activities
Dr. Larson has written a letter to the Chancellor about the Institutional Effectiveness Committee's reporting cycle, moving to a single biennial departmental effectiveness report.

The Goals and Indicators group of UPC (Archer Gravely, Jim Kuhlman, Steve Patch, and Bruce Larson) met with University Relations, Student Affairs, the Minority Affairs Commission, the Administration, and Financial Affairs to share the institutional goals and indicators developed earlier this year. The meetings have been very productive and positive. It is nice to hear the appreciation and understanding of UPC's work.

UPC reviewed the environmental scans in preparation of the Strategic Planning event scheduled on April 26.

In April, organizational development consultants Ann G. Cobb and Cathy Parker, employed with the Human Resource Development Division of the NC Office of State Personnel, will be on campus. They will look at the non-academic areas on campus and their organization to streamline and ultimately make the university more effective as a whole.

IX. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report
Dr. Gordon Wilson gave the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report.
Salary Report
FWDC is preparing a salary report similar to the one presented last year. FWDC is working with Institutional Research to graph the trajectory of faculty salaries over time.

Election Revisions
Dr. William Bruce, Dr. Debra Van Engelen, and Dr. Marcia Ghidina have studied our election system and have recommended that the Senate consider having a primary election in the fall for all of the positions for which there would be vacancies. The top seven in each category would then be in a spring run-off election on the same schedule that elections are currently held. FWDC is in the process of developing a proposal for the Senate.

Intellectual Property Committee
Last month the Senate approved a proposal to establish an Intellectual Property Committee. Dr. Whatley has requested that this committee be formed as quickly as possible as there are pressing issues to be considered. Dr. Whatley is seeking out people who either have an interest or some expertise in this area. FWDC will present a slate of nominees to the Senate.

Seventy percent of the faculty voted in the recent Tenure Committee election.

X. Old Business
There was no Old Business.

XI. New Business
In response to Dr. Wilson's request, Dr. Browning and Dr. Cochran will report on the status of the buildings associated with the bond referendum at the next meeting.

XII. Adjournment
Dr. Mitchell adjourned the meeting at 4:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely
                                     Gordon Wilson