University of North Carolina at Asheville
Minutes, February 14, 2002

Members: K. Bramlett, M. Burchard, F. Davenport, C. Ho, C. James, J. Kuhlman, B. Larson, M. L. Manns, C. Mitchell, P. Nickless, S. Patch, J. Rackham, A. Weldon, G. Wilson; S. Walters; T. Cochran.

Excused: H. Lee

Visitors: D.B. Mullen, A. Shope, K. Skolnik.

I. Call to Order
Dr. Mitchell called the meeting to order at 3:15 pm and welcomed senators and guests to the meeting.

II. Announcements
There were no announcements.

III. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of January 24, 2002 were approved following editorial corrections.

IV. Administrative Report
Vice Chancellor Cochran gave the Administrative Report.
Enrollment Report
The enrollment data have changed little since the last report two weeks ago. The number of applications are now even with last year at this time. The number of acceptances has now exceeded last year's acceptances for this time of year. Unfortunately, minority recruiting -- especially African Americans -- continues to be significantly behind where it was last year. UNCA is bringing in a consultant to work with the admissions staff to improve recruitment of African American students. The Freshman class will probably be 460 students; we would like to have a class of 480. This is not cause for concern in terms of overall enrollment as we have already exceeded next year's enrollment target. Overall enrollment is in good shape, assuming there is not a dramatic drop-off in retention.

Data on Full-Time Faculty Salary by Sex and Rank
For information purposes, Dr. Cochran distributed data on "Full-time Faculty Salary by Sex and Rank -- Fall 2001." The distribution showed the progression of women through the professorial ranks -- though there are only seven women currently at the full professor rank. There are more women than men at the assistant rank. There are a good number of women at the associate rank and these figures will eventually change as people move forward for promotion.

The salary data by sex was not dramatic in terms of differentials. At the associate level, there was a $300 difference on average. At the assistant level, females have a slightly higher average salary than men. The average salary differentials of lecturers is a little under $1000. At the full professor level -- even though there are significantly more men -- the average salary differential is about $1000.

Chief Academic Officers Meeting
The Chief Academic Officers received a fairly bleak report on the budget for the balance of this year and next year. The Legislature will meet in May for a short session to balance the budget which is currently about $1,000,000,000 out of balance.

- Management flexibility
Institutions within the UNC system currently have budget flexibility giving them the capacity to move money with some discretion. General Administration plans to extend this to management flexibility so hiring will occur at the local campus level rather than requiring approval from General Administration. Faculty hires will be approved by the Chancellor and the Board of Trustees rather than by the Board of Governors. Dr. Cochran will address this issue more fully later.

- Nontenure track Faculty
The balance of the Chief Academic Officers meeting constituted a number of reports and studies requested either by the Legislature or initiated by the Office of the President. A significant report on Non-tenured Track Faculty raises serious issues for this campus in particular. In terms of headcount -- over 50% of UNCA's faculty are either non-tenure track or part-time. This is the highest percentage in the entire system.

-Medical/Serious Disability
There were discussions on general guidelines for medical leave and serious disability issues for campuses in the UNC system. UNCA already has such a policy in place -- some sister campuses do not.

-Enrollment Planning
The Chief Academic Officers discussed enrollment planning for the next few years. There are clear indications that there will continue to be growth within the system. This is not a significant issue for UNCA because it is not one of the growth institutions within the system.

-Overhead Receipts
There was a report on Overhead Receipts within the system. There will probably be a serious effort by the Legislature to commandeer all overhead receipts which are funds generated by grants and contracts. This is not a huge amount of money for UNCA but nonetheless still significant. A couple of positions at UNCA are fully funded out of overhead receipts. This is an enormous amount of money at UNC-Chapel Hill and NC State.

-Teacher Shortage
There were reports on teacher shortages and how that is going to be addressed.

- International Emphasis
One new initiative under consideration is an international focus by the system. UNCA is well positioned in this regard as it has worked hard in the last few years to expand our international presence by bringing in more students from overseas, having more exchange programs and more opportunities for students to travel abroad.

-Conference on Computational Modeling
A conference will be held on Computational Modeling, which has a disciplinary focus involving mathematics, engineering, and earth science. UNCA may be involved in this endeavor.

-Retention and Graduation Rates
Retention and graduation rates were discussed at the Chief Academic Officers meeting. UNCA's graduation rates have dropped somewhat recently.

Special Assistant to the Chancellor for Diversity and Multicultural Affairs
Dr. Mitchell recognized Dr. Dwight Mullen, who has accepted the position of Special Assistant to the Chancellor for Diversity and Multicultural Affairs. Dr. Mullen has resigned from the Faculty Senate since taking the administrative position. Dr. Mullen reported that he is teaching this semester and Dr. Afaf Omer will be helping him in this administrative capacity this semester.

The Senate discussed the number of non-tenured and part-time faculty on campus. There are currently over one-hundred part-time faculty on campus -- a headcount of nearly 50%. A senator asked what percentage of the curriculum was offered by part-time faculty. Dr. Cochran estimated 25% of our curriculum is generated by part-time faculty and about 30% of the general education courses are taught by part-time faculty.

Dr. Ho questioned whether the campuses that use graduate students counted them as non-tenured track graduate assistants and how UNCA would compare to other schools if this was reported. Dr. Cochran handed out the report for those interested and indicated there is a category for graduate assistants.

V. Executive Committee Report
Dr. Cathy Mitchell gave the Executive Committee Report.
Election of Senate Alternate to replace Dwight Mullen
The Senate elected alternate Mary Lynn Manns to fulfill Dr. Mullen's 2001-2004 term on the Faculty Senate.

VI. Student Government Association Report
Mr. Kevin Skolnik gave the Student Government Association report.
Students are being surveyed on several issues, such as campus safety, campus radio stations, and where they would like to spend their meal plan money.

On-line student elections will be held on March 27 and 28.

A Blood-Drive will be held next Wednesday in the Lipinsky lobby.

Students are working to reduce the amount of electricity used on campus.

The SGA website has been revamped and pertinent information can be found at:

Homecoming is free for students this year which makes it much more accessible. The homecoming dance will be held Saturday evening.

VII. Academic Policies Committee Report
Dr. Jeff Rackham gave the Academic Policies Committee Report.
Second Reading:
Approved by APC Unanimously
The following documents were considered for Second Reading:

APC 3: Honor Code.
Dr. Rackham briefly outlined the history of APC 3. The SGA recommended that the Faculty Senate look into clarifying the plagiarism policy two years ago. The Senate formed a task force of students, faculty and staff, and instructed them to look at the policy in a broader sense -- not just plagiarism and cheating. The current document has undergone numerous revisions. The original task force was chaired by Dr. Bill Haas. Dr. Bill Spellman wrote most of the policy which developed a code designed as a document to command how to act and perform in terms of honor, integrity, and respect for others. The Senate recommended that both UPC/IDC and APC look at the policy.

APC felt that the original version from the original task force had possibilities but was too punitive in its philosophy. APC 3 is oriented more toward education than punitive rules. UPC/IDC agreed with APC and made a few important changes to the document. UPC/IDC and APC both support page one of APC 3. It is Dr. Rackham's understanding that if the Senate approves this document, it would then be sent to the Chancellor for implementation since it is a campus-wide proposal for students, faculty, staff and administration. The document under consideration does not include the addendum on page two. An editorial correction was made to the document. APC 3 passed as amended by a vote of 12 to 0 with one abstention and became Senate Document 2302S.

Dr. Rackham moved approval of the addendum which would be added to SD2302S as an explanation of how the Honor Code might be utilized educationally at every level -- for new faculty coming on campus, for students in the classroom, for staff and administration. Dr. Larson explained that IDC/UPC have no difficulty with the first two paragraphs appearing in the addendum. Their concerns lay in paragraph three -- which is a commentary -- and would require the creation of another joint student/faculty/staff committee to develop a set of principles. IDC/UPC preferred to monitor the Honor Code just passed by the Senate for a period of time. The portion to which he objected has the feel of a moral code and he would be very reluctant to embrace it.

Dr. Larson moved to delete everything following the second paragraph. Mr. Kuhlman seconded the motion to amend. Following more discussion, the motion to amend the document passed by a vote of 12 to 0 with one abstention. Friendly amendments were accepted for clarity. The addendum to SD2302S passed as amended by a vote of 12 to 0 with one abstention and became Senate Document 2402S.

APC 23: Political Science: Deletion of POLS 120 & 180; Addition of POLS 150.
APC 23 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 2502S.

APC 24: Political Science: Changes to 363, 365, 387; Addition of 331, 366, 369, 380, 384 and 389.
APC 24 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 2602S.

APC 25: Computer Science: New course titles and descriptions for CSCI 244, 344, 444.
APC 25 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 2702S.

APC 26: Multimedia Arts and Sciences Catalog Changes.
APC 26 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 2802S.

APC 27: Requirements for the Majors in French and French with Teacher Licensure.
APC 27 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 2902S.

APC 28: Catalog changes in Economics.
APC 28 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 3002S.

APC 29: Changes in Literature Seminars in Majors Authors; Deletion of LIT 481.
APC 29 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 3102S.

APC 30: Change of LR 102 to a Term I Offering.
APC 30 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 3202S.

APC 31: Deletion of Courses Mandated by Sunset Policy (SD0489F).
APC 31 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 3302S.

VIII. Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council Report
Dr. Bruce Larson gave the Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council Report.
Update on IDC/UPC Activities
As part of the overall planning process for UNCA, IDC/UPC heard three environmental scans: Competitive Trends for Faculty from Dr. Whatley; Human Resources from Ms. Bagwell; and Competitive Trends in regards to Students from Dr. Weast. The Strategic Planning Retreat will take place on April 26.

IDC/UPC discussed the enrollment report for spring, and the Institutional Goals and Indicators.

Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) Report
Mr. Kuhlman reported IEC is considering a change in the current institutional effectiveness reporting cycle to include a single biennial report. There will be no institutional effectiveness reports this year and IEC plans to revise the current format. IEC is also working on a proposal to change or alter the means for selecting the chair of IEC.

IX. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report
Dr. Gordon Wilson gave the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report.
Second Reading:
The following document was considered for Second Reading:
FWDC 3: Proposal to Establish Intellectual Property Committee.
FWDC 3 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 3402S.

Faculty Elections
The election process begins Monday -- senators were asked to encourage faculty to vote. Dr. William Bruce, Dr. Marcia Ghidina, and Dr. Deb Van Engelen have been working on a proposal to bring to FWDC, and ultimately to the Senate, on revising the election process. The task force plans to submit a final proposal to FWDC next week.

X. Old Business
There was no Old Business.

XI. New Business
There was no New Business.

XII. Adjournment
Dr. Mitchell adjourned the meeting at 4:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely
                                        Gordon Wilson