University of North Carolina at Asheville
Minutes, December 7, 2000

Members: M. Burchard, P. Caulfield, F. Davenport, R. Dunning, C. James, K. Krumpe,
J. Kuhlman, B. Larson, H. Lee, P. McClellan, C. Mitchell, D. Peifer, J. Rackham,
T. Rizzo, G. Wilson; P. Nickless; T. Cochran.

Visitors: S. Browning, W. Bruce, L. Dohse, J. Konz, J. Mullen, J. Pitts, R. Sensabaugh, A. Shope.

I. Call to Order
Dr. Caulfield called the meeting to order at 3:24 pm and welcomed visitors and senators.

II. Announcements
Gay & Lesbian Bisexual & Transgender Task Force (GLBT)
At the last Senate meeting Vice Chancellor Iovacchini referred to a list of recommendations the GLBT presented to the Chancellor's cabinet. The recommendations are attached to the November minutes. Brenda Greene, Shirley Browning, Bruce Larson, Peter Caulfield and others have been meeting to consider what we might do with the recommendations.

III. Approval of minutes
The minutes of November 9, 2000 were approved as written.

IV. Administrative Report
Vice Chancellor Cochran gave the Administrative Report.
Teacher Education Programs
UNCA was one of only four programs in the state to achieve an "Exemplary" rating in teacher training. All public and private teacher education programs in North Carolina were rated in the Performance Report on Teacher Education Programs for 1999-2000 released by the State Board of Education. This is another affirmation of the quality of our programs.

Visit from The Office of the President
Representatives from the President's Office visited our campus November 17 to discuss assessment and performance measures. They commented that our faculty members were the most candid of any campus they had met.

Response to Task Force Reports
Dr. Cochran discussed Academic Affairs' response to the Retention, Diversity, and Community Task Force reports. Academic Affairs has been focusing on the Retention and Diversity recommendations. The Retention Task Force report has been sent to the newly formed start-of-school project team discussed at the last Senate meeting. Keith Bramlett is a member of this team and has also been working on the SACS retention report.

The Diversity Report has three sections -- faculty hiring, retention of faculty, and curriculum. Academic Affairs has discussed the forty hiring and retention recommendations. 12-15 of the recommendations have already been incorporated into our hiring procedures and searches this year. Some of the retention recommendations have also been a part of the training held with chairs. Dr. Cochran will solicit feedback from the Council of Chairs and department chairs before proceeding with other recommendations. Discussion on the curriculum recommendations will begin next week but he anticipates that many of these recommendations will be deferred to the group working on the SACS Enhancement committees.

The Chancellor and University Relations are considering the Community Task Force recommendations.

V. Executive Committee Report
Dr. Caulfield gave the Executive Committee Report.
Honor Code Task Force Update
Dr. Caulfield distributed a memorandum containing the Honor Code Task Force charge and its membership. The charge of the Task Force on the Honor Code includes the following: 1) examine the Honor Code proposed by SGA to assess its feasibility for UNCA, 2) define the concept of "Honor" broadly, 3) survey UNCA faculty attitudes regarding an Honor Code at UNCA, 4) research other colleges and universities which have attempted to implement Honor Codes, 5) explore the legal implications and ramifications of implementing an Honor Code at UNCA, and 6) make recommendations on a proposed course of action regarding the Honor Code proposal to the Senate by the May 3, 2001, Senate meeting.

The membership follows:
Bill Haas, Chair Social Science
Jeff Rackham Humanities
Dorothy Rountree Natural Science
Bill Sabo Social Science
SGA To be appointed by SGA
Kathy Whatley VCAA representative
Eric Iovacchini VCSA
Melanie Rhodarmer CSAC

Chancellor's Cabinet Report
On October 23, Meg Dutnell gave a presentation to the Chancellor's cabinet on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). She attended a conference on how other campuses were dealing with the ADA. She reported that UNCA could be criticized for its failure to be proactive in addressing the ADA. We must anticipate service and consider disability in all university planning -- including all aspects of new buildings. Our websites need to be accessible to individuals with disabilities. We also need to provide training for faculty to deal with disabilities. Some campuses have entire offices with several employees devoted to dealing with the ADA while UNCA has one person working half-time. She noted that one in every ten students is disabled in some way; most of the disabled students at UNCA are learning disabled. Parents are savvy about civil rights concerning their children and UNCA could receive challenges. Dr. Burchard noted that faculty and staff are equally affected by the ADA.

VI. Student Government Association Report
There was no Student Government Association Report.

VII. Academic Policies Committee Report
Mr. Robert Dunning gave the Academic Policies Committee Report.
Reports on Social Science and Natural Science General Education Requirement
The report on the Social Science General Education Requirement and the report on the Natural Science General Education Requirement were distributed. These documents will be placed on the Faculty Senate website.

First Reading:
The following documents were distributed for First Reading:
APC 5: Addition of Teacher Licensure Track in Earth Science.
APC 6: Changes to Philosophy Department Standard Course Offerings.
APC 7: Catalog Changes in Economics.
APC 8: Education: Allowing EDUC 315 to count for the general education Arts Lab requirement.
APC 9: Education: Allowing EDUC 319 to count as both hours of required Health & Fitness credit.
APC 10: Catalog Changes in Mathematics.
APC 11: Revision of the Chemistry and Biochemistry Concentrations within both the BA and BS Chemistry degrees.

Second Reading:
-Unanimous Votes by APC
The following documents were considered for Second Reading:
APC 3: ESI 101 as a General Education Course.
APC 3 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 0800F.

APC 4: Sunsetting Courses.
APC 4 passed unanimously and became Senate Document 0900F.

VIII. Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council Report
Dr. Bruce Larson gave the Institutional Development Committee/University Planning Council Report.
Report from the Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC)
IEC has completed most of the SACS statements and has conducted workshops for the administration. IEC will provide constructive feedback after reading the reports next semester. SACS is not the only group concerned with institutional effectiveness -- the Office of the President and Vice Presidents are interested in this process as well.

Blue Print for a Greenprint
IDC/UPC discussed the Blue Print for a Greenprint document produced by ASHE (Active Students for a Healthy Environment). Future Guiding Concepts will almost certainly include an environmentally responsible campus as one of our concepts.

Peer Group Comparisons
Dr. Larson recommended faculty look at UNCA's updated peer comparisons data provided on the web at the following address: It comes as no surprise that UNCA looks relatively good except where money is concerned and when it comes to expending dollars on student services, student activities, and a wide variety of academic concerns.

1999-2000 systemwide program assessment
Dr. Larson described a UNC systemwide program assessment for the 16 constituent institutions from the Office of the President. UNCA is doing an outstanding job in relation to instruction. Immediate action is being taken to address weaknesses in the area of orientation. Overall, UNCA's profile was much more favorable than some of our sister campuses. Detailed reports can be found on the Office of the President's home page under Planning and Assessment.

Update on UPC Planning Activities
Dr. Larson discussed the second revision to UNCA's Guiding Concepts. The university community will be notified when it is available on the web.

UPC has been involved in the discussions of the equity funding that UNCA has requested. They are hopeful that it will pass.

On November 16, Dr. Iovacchini, Dr. Holmes, and Mr. Brinson reported that the Tuition and Fees Committee had recommended a $500 phased-in tuition increase over a three year period.

Comments from Chancellor Mullen
Chancellor Mullen thanked members of the Senate for their continued hard work and support. He recognized Peter Caulfield and Bruce Larson for their leadership on the chancellor's cabinet.

IX. Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report
Dr. Tracey Rizzo gave the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee Report.
University Service Council membership
The membership of the University Service Council follows:
Wayne Kirby Arts
Sandra Byrd Professional Programs
Mark Stoffan Humanities
Bill Miller Math/Natural Sciences
Gary Nallan Social Sciences
Don Lisnerski Past recipient of the award for Distinguished Service
Dale Roberts Director of the Key Learning Center, permanent member
Kathy Whatley Associate Vice Chancellor, permanent member

Election of Alternates
The Senate elected two alternates to replace David Peifer and Tracey Rizzo on the Senate as they will be off campus next semester. Dr. Peifer will be on off-campus scholarly assignment and Dr. Rizzo will be on maternity leave.

Pamela Nickless was elected to fulfill David Peifer's 1999-2002 term of service. Debra Van Engelen was elected to fulfill Tracey Rizzo's 1998-2001 term of service. Gordon Wilson was elected to Chair the Faculty Welfare and Development Committee.

Spring semester election schedule
The proposed election schedule for Spring 2001 was distributed. This election period will be the first time faculty have used the new electronic voting system. Elections will be completed prior to pre-registration to eliminate scheduling conflicts.

First Reading:
FWDC 5: Procedures Regarding Electronic Elections

Second Reading:
FWDC 4: Revisions to Post-Tenure Review Policy, Senate Document 0198F.
Editorial corrections were made to the document. FWDC 4 passed unanimously as amended and became Senate Document 1000F.

Dr. Caulfield thanked the committee for their work on this important document, especially William Bruce for countless hours of work. Dr. Bruce thanked Lothar Dohse, Rick Chess and Gordon Wilson for their diligent work in preparing the revisions.

X. Old Business
There was no Old Business.

XI. New Business
There was no New Business.

XII. Adjournment
Dr. Caulfield adjourned the meeting at 4:25 pm.

Respectfully submitted by: Sandra Gravely
                                             Gordon Wilson