UNC Asheville




Memorandum Sept 2, 2011


To:              UNC Asheville Faculty
From:        Rob Berls, APC Chair (2011-2012)


Copy:        Faculty Senators and Concerned Administrators


Subject:  APC Information & Procedures for Academic Year 2011-2012


A.           General Information about APC

 1.           According to the University of North Carolina at Asheville Faculty Senate Constitution, APC has “responsibility for developing institutional policy and procedures in academic matters."


2.            The members of APC for 2011-2012 are:


                Chair:    Rob Berls                            (Drama)
                Kitti Reynolds                                  (Environmental Studies)
                Nancy Rupert                                   (Education)
                Bryan Schaffer                                 (Management & Accountancy)

                Surain Subramaniam                    (Political Science)

                Sophie Mills                                     (Classics)


ex officio members:

Alicia Shope                                     (Registrar's Office)
Keith Krumpe                                  (Academic Affairs)


3.            APC is scheduled to meet on the following dates in Red Oak Room, at 3:15 pm:

FALL                              SPRING


Sept 1                                  Jan 12

Sept 15                                Jan 26

Sept 22                                Feb 2

Oct 13                                  Feb 16

Oct 20                                  Feb 23

Oct 27                                  Mar 1

Nov 10                                 Mar 22

Nov 17                                 Mar 29

                                                                              Apr 12

                                                                              Apr 19



 4.           Documents may be submitted to APC at any time, but Senate rules (the requirement for documents to have two readings), Catalog printing deadlines, and APC's extensive agenda that is not limited to catalog duties, impose limits. If new proposals or changes are to be incorporated into the 2012-2013 academic catalog, documents must be electronically submitted to the Associate Registrar, Alicia Shope, for editorial review by Monday, October 31, 2011. All concurrences and the mandatory editorial approval from the Associate Registrar must be in the hands of the APC chair by Monday December 5, 2011. If APC’s schedule permits, proposals submitted after October 31, 2011 may still be considered this academic year, but may not be completed in time for inclusion in the 2012-2013 Catalog.


B.            Procedures governing Catalog or policy changes.

.  A proposal must be accompanied by a cover letter as shown in Section C below. The proposal itself must follow the format shown in Section D. For general guidelines governing Catalog copy, see Section E.

                Departments submitting proposals are responsible for consulting all other affected departments or programs.  APC requires written concurrence from those programs (see Cover Letter Format, Section C below).  APC cannot act on proposals that provide no evidence of coordination with affected departments, or on documents submitted without an Impact Statement and Rationale. Numerous or complex changes should be submitted as separate documents rather than as one single document.


2.            MANDATORY EDITORIAL APPROVAL.  Before seeking concurrence, documents are to be electronically submitted to the Associate Registrar, Alicia Shope (ashope@unca.edu), via email attachment for editorial review. She will consult with the APC Chair to resolve editorial questions.  


3.            PROPOSAL SUBMISSION TO APC.  After editorial approval, the Registrar’s Office will forward the document to the APC Chair and to the Senate Secretary (sgravely@unca.edu).  A hard copy of the cover sheet is required, with signatures of concurrence/non-concurrence and acknowledgement of editorial approval from the Registrar’s Office before APC will consider a document.


4.            APPLICATION.  The Chair of APC determines whether proposed changes are minor or major.  A proposed change is minor if:

      There are no substantive resource implications, for either the department or the university.

      There is no change in the size of a degree program or minor.


Examples of minor changes include changes in course descriptions, modifications of degree requirements which don’t change the required hours of a degree program, non-substantive clarifications of academic policies, requirements for demonstrating major, oral, or computer competency, and changes in course prerequisites.


The Chair forwards all documents, designated as major or minor, to the other members of APC.  Major documents will be considered by APC as a whole. If approved by APC, the documents will be forwarded to the Faculty Senate for final action.


Minor documents will not be considered by APC as a whole, and will be reported directly to the Senate unless any member of APC asks that the committee consider the document.  If APC approves the document, and the change is still considered to be minor, it is reported directly to the Senate. Documents are Faculty Senate documents and are posted on the Faculty Senate web site after the date of Senate approval (for major documents) or APC report to the Senate (for minor documents).


Each department will be informed when its major proposal is placed on APC's agenda, and an informed department representative should attend the APC meeting on that date.  APC pays special attention to the proposal's Impact Statement and Rationale, and is interested in how a proposal will affect resources, students, and other departments or programs.


5.            FACULTY SENATE ACTION.  The Senate has a two-reading rule.  A proposal approved by APC will be submitted at one meeting (for "first reading") and will be discussed and voted upon at the next scheduled meeting ("second reading").  When documents are scheduled for "Second Reading," it is wise for a departmental representative to attend that meeting to answer Senator’s questions about the proposal.


6.            UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATION ACTION.  Upon approval by the Senate, documents must then be approved by the Provost or, in some instances, the Chancellor.



C.            Cover Letter Format.

After editorial approval, a hard copy of the cover sheet is required and must include the following information:


     the current date;

     the title of the proposal as listed on the format page;

     the desired date requested changes are to take effect (usually Fall 2012);

     the name, phone number, and e-mail address of the contact person within the department responsible for the proposal.


PART 1)                Overview:

Begin with the following: The attached Catalog changes are hereby submitted for consideration:

Provide a brief description of each proposed change and its appropriate title, listing each separately (a) through (z).



PART 2)                Mandatory Editorial Approval:


Registrar’s Office: ____________________________ (signature of Associate Registrar)


PART 3)                Concurrence(s) Required:


Department A: _________________________ (signature of chair, program dir.)

(Concur / non-concur _____________________ / see attachment ____)


Department B: _______________________

(Concur / non-concur _____________________ / see attachment ____)

Etc. as necessary


Note: a rationale for non-concurrence must be attached by the non-concurring department or program. Objections to a proposal should be clear and specific. If no concurrence is believed to be required, proposal writers should indicate "none" in the blank under this item. The concurrence portion is particularly important. Departments must be sensitive to how their proposals affect other departments and sections of the Catalog.



D.           Proposal Format


All APC submissions must be written in the following format, using bold headings as they appear below.  The guiding principle is clarity. The clearer the proposal, the easier it will be for the committee to examine it and the greater the likelihood the changes will be correctly inserted into the Catalog.  All materials will be returned to the writer if the format is not adhered to.  A sample proposal is available on the Faculty Senate website at http://www.unca.edu/facultysenate .


APC Document _____:    Title of Document.
The number will be supplied by the APC Chair when the document is discussed at APC; titles should be as specific as possible and should describe the changes carefully; avoid titles such as "Catalog Changes in Math," which are too general to serve as an index for future searches.


Effective Date: ______.
Give semester and year proposed changes would begin. (For Catalog changes, these are always the beginning of the next academic school year.)


1.    Delete _____ (where relevant).
This should include current course number, title and description, or statement heading, page number, and affected paragraph(s) as stated in the current Catalog.  It is usually better to delete an entire sentence or paragraph than to try to change only clauses.


2.    Add _____ (where relevant).
This should replace the above material or reference a specific section page and paragraph number in the 2011-2012 Catalog.  Additions of complete sentences or paragraphs are better than inserting only a couple of words.


Impact Statement:
This should be concise and specific, describing how the proposal will affect major, minor, and university requirements.  This statement must also include:


Reference to concurrences (see section C) that have been obtained from departments or programs which are affected by the proposed change(s), describing how the change(s) will affect them.  Proposed changes in courses included in the Education Department's Licensure Programs must obtain concurrence from the Education Department as well.

A resource statement explaining how the proposed change is likely to affect the submitting department or program's future staffing needs and course offerings.


This statement should briefly justify the change(s), explaining the reasoning behind the proposal.  If a rationale is intended to become a policy in its own right, it should be included in a separate submission.



E.    General Administration Guidelines and Suggestions for Catalog Copy



State degree and program name offered, and number of hours required for completion.  Make prerequisites explicit.  Avoid hidden prerequisites.  Truth in packaging is an essential component of University integrity.



A short description assists students in understanding the scope and emphasis of the program.  It may include the preparation necessary to complete all requirements.



The course requirements (course numbers and titles) should follow each program heading.



Following the core course requirements, list the “emphasis” or “concentration” areas (not to be confused with “tracks,” “programs,” or “other degrees offered.”  The concentration or emphasis area should clearly indicate the number of hours required as well as course requirements.


Format and Questions Meetings

There will be three meetings held on September 12, 19, and 26, 2011 at 10 am in New Hall Room 121 to discuss formatting and answer questions about submitting APC documents.  Please contact Rob Berls at rberls@unca.edu for additional times or to ask further questions.